7th ECPR General Conference 2013

The 7th General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) will take place in Bordeaux (4 - 7 September 2013). There will be a panel on "State-University Relationships at Times of Crisis", organised by Tatiana Fumasoli and Åse Gornitzka.

As part of this panel, Tatiana Fumasoli, Åse Gornitzka and Peter Maassen will present their paper "System integration and institutional autonomy. Resilience and change in reforming the governance of the university sector".

The blog "Europe of Knowledge" uploaded following entry written by Tatiana Fumasoli: System integration and institutional autonomy in research and higher education: dynamics of change at European, national and university levels. This entry reflects on topics and issues that have been discussed at the ECPR conference. The blog is part of the multi-blog plattform "Ideas on Europe" created by UACES, the academic association for contemporary European Studies.

Published Aug. 28, 2013 1:23 PM - Last modified Apr. 25, 2024 4:05 PM