Extended list of publications

For all these publications at least one author is part of ESOP’s research team. This (these) author(s) are in bold face.

Publications 2015

Aaberge, R.,  K. Liu and Y. Zhu (2015): Political Uncertainty and Household Savings, Journal of Comparative Economics, 2015.

Almås, Ingvild; Cappelen, Alexander Wright; Haaland, Ingar Kyrkjebø; Tungodden, Bertil. Rettferdig ulikhet. Magma - Tidsskrift for økonomi og ledelse 2015 ;Volum 18.(6) s.38-43

Barros, Pedro P.  Steffen Hoernig.and Tore Nilssen. Transversal Agency and Crowding Out, in Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 2015; Volum 171 (4), pages 589-608,

Barth, Erling og Kalle Moene. Likhetsmultiplikatoren: Lønn og politikk i velferdsstaten Samfunnsøkonomen 5/2015 s 58-59

Bernheim, Douglas, Debraj Ray and Sevin Yeltekin. Poverty and Self-Control, Econometrica 83, 1877– 

Berge, Lars Ivar Oppedal; Bjorvatn, Kjetil; Pires, Armando; Tungodden, Bertil. 
Competitive in the lab, successful in the field?. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 2015 ;Volum 118. s. 303-317

Berge, Lars Ivar Oppedal; Bjorvatn, Kjetil; Tungodden, Bertil. Human and financial capital for microenterprise development: Evidence from a field and lab experiment. Management science 2015 ;Volum 61.(4) s. 707-722

Bijak, Jakub; Alberts, Isabel; Alho, Juha; Bryant, John; Buettner, Thomas; Falkingham, Jane; Forster, Jonathan; Gerland, Patrick; King, Thomas; Onorante, Luca; Keilman, Nico; O'Hagan, Anthony; Owens, Darragh; Raftery, Adrian E.; Ševcikova, Hana; Smith, Peter. Letter to the Editor: Probabilistic Population Forecasts for Informed Decision Making. Journal of Official Statistics 2015 ;Volume 31.(4) s. 537-544

Bjorvatn, Kjetil; Tungodden, Bertil. Disabled by stereotype? Experimental evidence from Uganda. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 2015 ;Volum 118. s. 268-280

Bratsberg, Bernt, and Knut Røed (2015), “The Nordic Welfare Model in an Open European Labor Market,” Nordic Economic Policy Review, 2/2015: 19-42.

Bratsberg, Bernt, and Mari Brekke Holden (2015), “Effekter av allmenngjøring i byggebransjen,” Samfunnsøkonomen, 129(2): 68-80.

Brehm, John and Scott Gates. 2015. “Bureaucratic Politics rising from, Not Defined by, a Principal-Agency Dyad”, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 25 (1): 27-42. (January 2015).

Brekke, Kjell Arne and Tore Nilssen Media Competition Enhances New-Product Entry: On the Market for Fake Observations,  Information Economics and Policy 2015; Volum 31, pages 59-66.

Bråten, Ragnhild Haugli; Brekke, Kjell Arne & Røgeberg, Ole (2015). Buying the right to do wrong – An experimental test of moral objections to trading emission permits.Resource and Energy Economics.  ISSN 0928-7655.  42, s 110- 124 . doi:10.1016/j.reseneeco.2015.07.002

Cappelen, Alexander Wright; Nygaard, Knut; Sørensen, Erik Øiolf; Tungodden, Bertil.

Social preferences in the lab: a comparison of students and a representative population. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2015 ; Volum 117.(4) s.1306-1326

Christiansen, S. G., & Skirbekk, V. . Is divorce green? Energy use and marital dissolution. Population and Environment, 37(2), 111-130.

Cools, Sara, Fiva, Jon H. and Kirkebøen, Lars J. Paternity LeaveScandinavian Journal of Economics, 2015

Cools, Sara, S. Markussen and M. Strøm Menns og kvinners sykefravær: Hvilken rolle spiller antall barn?» Søkelys på arbeidslivet, 2015.

Cowell, Frank A.; Fleurbaey, Marc; Tungodden, Bertil. The tyranny puzzle in social preferences: an empirical investigation. Social Choice and Welfare 2015 

Gates, Scott and Sukanya Podder. Social Media, Recruitment, Allegiance and the Islamic State, Perspectives on Terrorism 9(4): 107-116

Gates, Scott, Benjamin Graham, Yonatan Lupu, Håvard Strand, and Kaare Strøm. Forthcoming. Powersharing, Protection, and Peace. Journal of Politics. Ahead of Print DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1086/684366, published online: 15 December 2015

Godøy, Anna, and Knut Roed. Unemployment Insurance and Underemployment. , Labour (DOI: 10.1111/labr.12066), 2015

de Haan, Monique, Edwin Leuven and Hessel Oosterbeek. School consolidation and student achievement”. Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, forthcoming, 2015,

de Haan, Monique.The effect of additional funds for low ability pupils: A nonparametric bounds analysis, Economic Journal, forthcoming, 2015.

Harstad, Bård, Steve Callander. Experimentation in Federal Systems, Quarterly Journal of Economics 130 (2): 951-1002

Hauge, Karen Evelyn; Brekke, Kjell Arne; Johansson, Lars; Johansson-Stenman, Olof & Svedsäter, Henrik . Keeping others in our mind or in our heart? Distribution games under cognitive load. Experimental Economics.  ISSN 1386-4157. . doi:10.1007/s10683-015-9454-z, 2015.

Holden, Steinar.Diskriminering og selvoppfyllende forventninger. Samfunnsøkonomen 2014, nr 9, 60-61.

Holden, Steinar.Lønnsdannelsen og utfordringer for norsk økonomi,Samfunnsøkonomen 2014, nr 1, 4-8.

Høyland, Bjørn, Jean-Francois Godbout. Unity in Diversity? The Development of Political Parties in the Parliament of Canada (1867 – 2011), British Journal of Political Science, forthcoming

Ilboudo, Patrick Christian Gueswende; Greco, Giulia; Sundby, Johanne and Torsvik, Gaute. Costs and consequences of abortions to women and their households: A cross-sectional study in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Health Policy and Planning.  ISSN 0268-1080.  30(4), s 500- 507 . doi: 10.1093/heapol/czu025

Jakobsson, Niklas; Kotsadam, Andreas; Syse, Astri & Øien, Henning.Gender bias in public long-term care? A survey experiment among care managers. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.  ISSN 0167-2681.

Jayaraman, Rajshri, Debraj Ray and Francis de Vericourt, Anatomy of a Contract Change, American Economic Review 106(2), 316-58 (2016)

Kalil, Ariel; Rege, Mari. We Are Family: Fathers’ Time with Children and the Risk of Parental Relationship Dissolution. Social Forces 2015 ;Volum 94.(2)

Keilman, Nico. Household forecasting: Preservation of age patterns. International Journal of Forecasting 2015 (forthcoming)

Knutsen, Carl Henrik.. Reinvestigating the Reciprocal Relationship between Democracy and Income Inequality. Review of Economics and Institutions 6(2): Article 1.

Knutsen, Carl Henrik. Why democracies outgrow autocracies in the long run: Civil liberties, information flows and technological change. Kyklos 68(3): 357-384.

Knutsen, Carl Henrik and Håvard M. Nygård. Institutional characteristics and regime survival: Why are semi-democracies less durable than autocracies and democracies? American Journal of Political Science 59(3): 656-670.

Knutsen, Carl Henrik and Tore Wig . Government Turnover and the Effects of Regime Type: How Requiring Alternation in Power Biases against the Estimated Economic Benefits of Democracy. Comparative Political Studies 48(7): 882-914.

Kotsadam, Andreas, Lori Heise Exploring cross-national and multilevel correlates of partner violence: A test of the gender hypothesis. The Lancet Global Health 3(6):332-340.

Kotsadam, Andreas, Niklas Jakobsson, Astri Syse, and Henning Øien. Gender Bias in Public Long-term Care? A Survey Experiment among Care Managers.Forthcoming in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization

Kundu, Tapas, Sourav Bhattacharya and Joyee Deb.Mobility and Conflict American Economic Journal: Microeconomics. vol. 7(1).

Lind, Jo Thori Ekstremismens tidsalder?. Samfunnsøkonomen 2015 ;Volum 129.(1) s. 3-3

Lind, Jo Thori Hvor stort er store data?. Samfunnsøkonomen 2015 ;Volum 129.(4) s. 3-3

Markussen S, Røed K, Social Insurance Networks, Journal of Human Resources, Vol 50(4), 1081-1113, (R)

Markussen S, Røed K,, Daylight and Absenteeism – Evidence from Norway, Economics and Human Biology, Vol 16, 73-80, (R)
Mitra, Anirban. Electoral Uncertainty, Income Inequality and the Middle Class (with Shabana Mitra) accepted at the Economic Journal.

Modalsli, Jørgen H. Inequality in the very long run: inferring inequality from data on social groups. Journal of Economic Inequality 13(2), 2015. doi: 10.1007/s10888-014-9279-6

Modalsli, Jørgen H. Estimating occupational mobility with covariates. Economics letters 133, 2015.

Molander, Anders & Torsvik, Gaute. Getting People into Work: What (if Anything) Can Justify Mandatory Activation of Welfare Recipients?. Journal of Applied Philosophy.  ISSN 0264-3758.  32(4), s 373- 392 .        

Mollerstrom, Johanna, Bjørn-Atle Reme, and Erik Ø. Sørensen. Luck, Choice and Responsibility An experimental study of fairness views. Journal of Public Economics, 113, 33-40. 2015.

Mogstad, Magne, R. Aaberge. Inequality in Current and Lifetime Income, Social Choice and Welfare, 44(2), 217-230, 2015.

Mogstad, Magne, T. Havnes. Is Universal Child Care Leveling the Playing Field? Journal of Public Economics, 127, 100-114, 2015

Mogstad, Magne, A. Kostol Earnings, Income, and Consumption of Allowed and Rejected Disability Insurance Applicants, American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 105(5): 137-141, 2015. ,   

Mogstad, Magne, R. Blundell and M. Graber. Labor Income Dynamics and the Insurance from Taxes, Transfers and the Family, Journal of Public Economics, 127, 58-73, 2015

Nenov, Plamen and Felipe Iachan. Information Quality and Crises in Regime-Change Games Journal of Economic Theory, (2015) 158B, pp. 739-768.

Nenov, Plamen Regional Reallocation and Housing Markets in a Model of Frictional Migration, Review of Economic Dynamics, (2015) 18:4, pp. 863-880.

Nilssen, Tore “Skattefinansiering av kringkasting”, Samfunnsøkonomen 2015; Volum 129 (6), side 4-6.

Ray, Debraj, Nit-Piketty: A Comment on Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty First Century, CESifo Forum 16 (1), 19–25 (2015). 

Ray, Debraj and Rajiv Vohra, The Farsighted Stable Set, Econometrica 83, 977–1011 (2015). 

Riis, Christian; Osmundsen, P., Emhjellen, M., Johnsen, T., Kemp, A Petroleum Taxation Contingent on Counter-Factual Investment Behaviour. The Energy Journal, 36 2015.

Strøm, Kaare, Scott Gates, Benjamin Graham, and Håvard Strand.. Inclusion, Dispersion, and Constraint: Powersharing in the World’s States, 1975-2010”. British Journal of Political Science. FirstView Article / September 2015. DOI: 10.1017/S0007123415000174, Published online: 01 September 2015

Syse, Astri; Øien, Henning; Solheim, Mari Bugge & Jakobsson, Niklas(2015).Variasjoner i kommunale tildelingsvurderinger av helse- og omsorgstjenster til eldre:. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning.  ISSN 0809-2052.  18(3), s 211- 233

Torsvik, Gaute. Workplace Productivity and Bonus Preferences: Why Do Men With Low Productivity Prefer Individual Pay? Forthcoming Economica

Torsvik, Gaute. Exposure to female colleagues breaks the glass ceiling – Evidence from a combined vignette and field experiment, Forthcoming in European Economic Review. 

Torvik, Ragnar, Lars-Erik Borge, Pernille Parmer A local resource curse?, Journal of Public Economics, 2015, 101-114.

Tungodden, Bertil; Kariv, Shachar; Zhang, Jane.Introduction to special issue on “Economic experiments in the lab and in the field in developing countries”.Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 2015 ;Volum 118. s. 1-1

Ulltveit-Moe, Karen Helene, Bøler, Esther Ann Nisja; Moxnes, Andreas R&D, International Sourcing, and the Joint Impact on Firm Performance, The American Economic Review , 105(12): 3704-39, (2015)

Woosang Kim and Scott Gates. 2015.  Power Transition and the Rise of China. International Area Studies Review. 18(3): 219 – 226.

Zilibotti, Fabrizio, Daron Acemoglu and Gino Gancia Offshoring and Directed Technical Change. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2015, 7(3), pp.84-122.


Publications 2014

2014, Aaberge, R. and M. Mogstad; “Inequality in current and lifetime income”, Social Choice and Welfare, Vol. 8(2014), 1-14.

2014, Aaberge, R. and J. Modalsli; “Fordelingen av inntekter I Norge fra 1875 til I dag”, Plan, Nr 3 - 4/2014.

2014, Andersen, J. J. with J. H. Fiva and G. J. Natvik; “Voting When the Stakes are High”, Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 110, 157-166.

2014, Andresen, Martin Eckhoff; «Betydningsløs rett til barnehageplass», i Samfunnsøkonomen nr 9, vol 128, s 28-33

2014, Asheim, Geir with Stephane Zuber; "Escaping the repugnant conclusion: rank-discounted utilitarianism with variable population", Theoretical Economics, No. 9, 629–650.

2014, Barth, Erling with Henning Finseraas, Karl Ove Moene; “Political Reinforcement: How Rising Inequality Curbs Manifested Welfare Generosity”. American Journal of Political Science 2014

2014, Barth, Erling with Moene, Karl Ove; Willumsen, Fredrik; “The Scandinavian model-An interpretation”. Journal of Public Economics 2014 ;Volum 117. s.60-72

2014, Beyer, Audun with Carl Henrik Knutsen and Bjørn Erik Rasch; “Election Campaigns, Issue Focus and Voting Intentions: Survey Experiments of Norwegian Voters”. Scandinavian Political Studies 37(4): 406-427.

2014, Bhuller, Manudeep Singh with Brandsås, Eirik Eylands; «Fattig i fjor - fattig i år?: tilstandsavhengighet i innvandrerfattigdom». Søkelys på arbeidslivet 2014; Volum 31.(3) s.209-228

2014, Birkeland, Sigbjørn; Tungodden, Bertil; “Fairness motivation in bargaining: A matter of principle”, Theory and Decision, Volum 77.(1) s.125-151

2014, Bratsberg, Bernt with Oddbjørn Raaum, Marianne Røed and Pål Schøne; “Immigration, Wage Effects by Origin”, Scandinavian Journal of Economics 116(2), 356–393, 2014

2014, Bratsberg, Bernt with Oddbjørn Raaum, and Knut Røed, “Immigrants, Labour Market Performance and Social Insurance”, The Economic Journal, 124 (November), F644–F683

2014, Bratsberg, Bernt with Oddbjørn Raaum, and Knut Røed, “Arbeidsinnvandring – Varig gevinst? (Labor immigration – Lasting benefits?),” Søkelys på arbeidsmarkedet

2014, Bævre K with Ø. Kravdal, “Mortality effects of earlier income variation”, Population Studies, Vol. 68, 81-94.

2014, Cappelen, Alexander Wright with Hagen, Rune Jansen; Sørensen, Erik Øiolf; Tungodden, Bertil.  «Do non-enforceable contracts matter? Evidence from an international lab experiment”. The Review of Income and Wealth 2014 ;Volum 60.(1) s. 100-113

2014, Cappelen, Alexander Wright with Eichele, Tom; Hugdahl, Kenneth; Specht, Karsten; Sørensen, Erik Øiolf; Tungodden, Bertil. «Equity theory and fair inequality: A neuroeconomic study”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America 2014 ;Volum 111.(43) s. 15368-15372

2014, Cappelen, Alexander Wright; Sørensen, Erik Øiolf; Tungodden, Bertil; “Rettferdighet på hjernen”, Magma - Tidsskrift for økonomi og ledelse 2014 ;Volum 17.(2) s. 34-39

2014, Christiansen, Solveig Glestad; “Household and family development in the Nordic countries: An overview”. Nordic Journal of Political Economy.  ISSN 0805-7508, 39         

2014, Christiansen, Solveig Glestad; “The impact of children's sex composition on parents' mortality”. BMC Public Health.  ISSN 1471-2458.  14(1)

2014, Christiansen, Solveig Glestad; “The association between grandparenthood and mortality”. Social Science and Medicine.  ISSN 0277-9536.  118, s 89- 96      

2014, Christiansen, Vidar; “Emissions Taxes and Abatement Regulation Under Uncertainty”, Environmental and Resource Economics, Vol. 60(1), 17-35.

2014, Cools, Sara with Marte Strøm; “Parenthood wage penalties in a double income society”, Review of economics of the household (2014).

2014, De Haan, Monique with Erik J.S Plug and José Rosero; “Birth order and human capital development: Evidence from Ecuador”, Journal of Human Resources, 49(2), pp. 359 - 392.

2014, Fernandez, Raquel; “Divorce Risk, Wages and Working Wives: A Quantitative Life-Cycle Analysis of Female Labour Force Participation,” The Economic Journal, 124(576), p. 319-358, May 2014.

2014, Fernandez, Raquel; “Women’s Rights and Development,” Journal of Economic Growth, 19(1), 37-80, March 2014.

2014, Fiva, J. H. with T. Hægeland, M. Rønning and A. Syse; “Access to Treatment and Educational Inequalities in Cancer Survival”, Journal of Health Economics, Vol. 36, 98-111.

2014, Glomsrød, Solveig with Wei Taoyuan, Torben Mideksa, Bjørn H. Samset; “Energy market Impacts of Nuclear Power Phase-Out Policies”, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, Vol. March 2014

2014, Godøy, Anna; "Sykefravær og permitteringer i bygg og anlegg etter finanskrisen." Søkelys på arbeidslivet 04 (2014): 296-308.

2014, Greaker, Mads with Michael Hoel and Knut Einar Rosendahl, "Does a Renewable Fuel Standard for Biofuels Reduce Climate Costs?", Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Vol. 1, No. 3 (September 2014), pp. 337-363.

2014, Hoel, Michael with Bjart Holtsmark and Katinka Holtsmark; “Faustmann and the climate”, Journal of Forest Economics, Vol. 20, 192-210.

2014, Holden, Steinar with Åsa Rosén; "Discrimination and employment protection", Journal of European Economic Association 12(6), 1676-1699.

2014, Holden, Steinar with John C. Driscoll; "Behavioral economics and macroeconomic models". Journal of Macroeconomics 41, September 2014, 133-147.

2014, Holden, Steinar with Fredrik Wulfsberg; "Wage rigidity, institutions, and inflation". Scandinavian Journal of Economics 116 (2), 539-569, 2014.

2014, Holden, Steinar with Geir H. Bjønnes, Dagfinn Rime, Haakon O. Aa. Solheim; "‘Large’ vs. ‘small’ players: A closer look at the dynamics of speculative attacks" Scandinavian Journal of Economics 116(2), 506-538, 2014.

2014, Holden, Steinar; "Diskriminering og selvoppfyllende forventninger". Samfunnsøkonomen 2014, nr 9, 60-61.

2014, Holden, Steinar; "Lønnsdannelsen og utfordringer for norsk økonomi." Samfunnsøkonomen 2014, nr 1, 4-8.

2014, Høyland, Bjørn with JF Godbout, E Lapponi & E Velldal; «Predicting Party Affiliations from European Parliament Debates», In Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Miz; Jacob Eisenstein; Kathleen McKeown & Noah Smith (ed.) Proceedings of the ACL 2014 Workshop on Language Technologies and Computational Social Science.  Association for Computational Linguistics. 56 – 60.

2014, Jayaraman Rajshri, Debraj Ray and Shing-Yi Wang, “Gender Differentials in Eye Care: Access and Treatment”, Economic and Political Weekly 49 No. 25, June 21.

2014, Keilman, Nico with Tymicki, Krzysztof; Skirbekk, Vegard; “Measures for human reproduction should be linked to both men and women”. International Journal of Population Research, 2014

2014, Knutsen, Carl Henrik; ”Income Growth and Revolutions”. Social Science Quarterly 95(4): 920-937.

2014, Kotsadam, Andreas with Hernæs, Øystein M. and Jakobsson, Niklas. «Prostitution, Demand and Supply of”. Encyclopedia of Law and Economics. Springer 2014 ISBN 978-1-4614-7883-6. s. 1-6

2014, Kotsadam, Andreas with Isaksson, Ann-Sofie and Nerman, Måns “The Gender Gap in African Political Participation: Testing Theories of Individual and Contextual Determinants”. Journal of Development Studies 2014; Volum 50(2) s. 302-318

2014, Kravdal, Ø. “The estimation of fertility effects on happiness: Even more difficult than usually acknowledged”, European Journal of Population, Vol. 30: 263-290.

2014, Kravdal, Ø.; E. Grundy ; “Underuse of medication for circulatory disorders among unmarried women and men in Norway”, BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology, 15:65.

2014, Krüger, Ingrid; ”Bensinprisfastsettelsen i Kuwait”. Babylon – Nordisk tidsskrift for midtøstenstudier nr.1 2014.

2014, Kundu, Tapas with Sourav Battacharya; “Resistance, Redistribution and Investor Friendliness”, Journal of Development Economics, vol. 109 (July 2014) 

2014, La Ferrara, Eliana with A. Alesina; ”A test of racial bias in capital sentencing” (lead article), American Economic Review, Vol. 109(7), 3397-3433.

2014, Lind, Jo Thori with Moene, Karl Ove; Willumsen, Fredrik; “Opium for the Masses? Conflict-Induced Narcotics Production in Afghanistan”. Review of Economics and Statistics 2014 ;Volum 96.(5) s.949-966

2014, Lind, Jo Thori; «Empirisk økonomi før og nå» Samfunnsøkonomen, Vol. 128, s 3- 3

2014, Lind, Jo Thori; «Et fag i krise?». Samfunnsøkonomen Vol. 128(4), s 3- 3

2014, Lind, Jo Thori; «Ulikhet på moten». Samfunnsøkonomen. Vol. 128(7), s 3- 3

2014, Liu, Kai with Salvanes, Kjell Gunnar; Sørensen, Erik Øiolf; «Bad times at a tender age. How education dampens the impact of graduating in a recession”. Nordic Economic Policy Review 2014 (1) s. 51-73

2014, Mideksa, Torben; “The economic impact of natural resources”,  Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol. 65(2), s 277- 289.

2014, Mehlum, Halvor; «Stabiliseringspolitikk i krisetider». Samfunnsøkonomen 2014 ;Volum 7. s.16-24

2014, Mitra, Anirban, with Debraj Ray, “Implications of an Economic Theory of Conflict: Hindu-Muslim Violence in India”, Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 122, No. 4 (August 2014), pp. 719-765

2014, Mogstad, Magne with A. Kostøl “How Financial Incentives Induce Disability Insurance Recipients to Return to Work”, American Economic Review, Vol. 104(2), 624-55.

2014, Mogstad, Magne with G. Dahl and K. Loken; “Peer Effects in Program Participation”, American Economic Review, Vol. 104(7), 2049-2074.

2014, Nyborg, Karine; “Do responsible employers attract responsible employees?” IZA World of Labor, http://wol.iza.org/articles/do-responsible-employers-attract-responsible-employees

2014, Nyborg, Karine with Barrett, S., T.M. Lenton, A. Millner, A. Tavoni, S. Carpenter, J.M. Anderies, F.S. Chapin III, A.-S. Crépin, G. Daily, P. Ehrlich, C. Folke, V. Galaz, T. Hughes, N. Kautsky, E.F. Lambin, R. Naylor, S. Polasky, M. Scheffer, J. Wilen, A. Xepapadeas, A. de Zeeuw; “Climate engineering reconsidered”, Nature Climate Change 4, 527–529

2014, Nyborg, Karine; “Project Evaluation with Democratic Decision-making: What Does Cost-Benefit Analysis Really Measure?” Ecological Economics, 106, 124-131. (2014)

2014, Nyborg, Karine with Troell, M., R.L. Naylor, M. Metian, M. Beveridge, P.H. Tyedmers, C. Folke, K.J. Arrow, S. Barrett, A.-S. Crépin, P.R. Ehrlich, Å. Gren, N. Kautsky, S.A. Levin, H. Österblom, S. Polasky, M. Scheffer, B.H. Walker, T. Xepapadeas, and A.J. de Zeeuw; “Aquaculture and the resilience of global food systems”, PNAS (Early Edition doi:10.1073/pnas.1404067111)

2014, Piacquadio, Paolo, “Intergenerational Egalitarianism”, Journal of Economic Theory,  Vol. 153, 117-127.

2014, Reiersen, Jon; “Makroøkonomi - Konjunktursvingninger, stabiliseringspolitikk og økonomisk vekst”, Samfunnsøkonomen, 2014  Vol 29(1) pp. 57-60.

2014, Rege, Mari with Eric Bettinger, Torbjørn Hægeland; “Home with Mom: The Effects of Stay-at-Home Parents on Children's Long-Run Educational Outcomes”, Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 32, No. 3 (July 2014), pp. 443-467

2014, Røed, Knut with Simen Markussen; “The Impacts of Vocational Rehabilitation”. Labour Economics, Vol. 31 (2014) 1–13.

2014, Røed, Knut with Jens Fredrik Skogstrøm; “Job Loss and Entrepreneurship”. Oxford Bulletin of Economics & Statistics, Vol. 76 (2014), No. 5, 727-744.

2014, Røed, Knut with Elisabeth Fevang and Simen Markussen; “The Sick Pay Trap”. Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 32 (2014), No. 2, 305-336.

2014, Røed, Knut med Elisabeth Fevang og Simen Markussen; «NAV-reformen: Støvet legger seg etter en turbulent omstilling». Søkelys på Arbeidslivet, Vol. 31 (2014), No. 1-2, 83-99.

2014, Røed, Knut with Markussen, Simen.  “Daylight and Absenteeism - Evidence from Norway”. Economics and Human Biology 2014; Volum 16. s. 73-80

2014, Røed, Knut with Markussen, Simen.  “Social insurance networks”. The Journal of human resources 2014

2014, Storesletten, Kjetil with Zheng Song and Fabrizio Zilibotti; “Growing (with Capital Controls) Like China”, IMF Economic Review, Vol. 62(3), 2014, pages 327-370.

2014, Storesletten, Kjetil with Heathcote and Violante; “Consumption and Labor Supply with Partial Insurance: An Analytical Framework.” American Economic Review, Vol. 104(7), 2014, pages 2075-2126

2014, Storesletten, Kjetil with Fabrizio Zilibotti; “China’s Great Convergence and Beyond,” Annual Review of Economics, Vol. 6, pages 333-362, 2014

2014, Strøm, Marte; “How husbands and wives vote”. Electoral Studies 2014; Volum 35. s. 215-229

2014, Torsvik, Gaute, with Michael Munga and Ottar Mæstad; “Using incentives to attract nurses to remote areas of Tanzania: a contingent valuation study”. Health Policy and Planning, 2014

2014, Torvik, Ragnar, with James Robinson and Thierry Verdier; “Political foundations of the resource curse: A simplification and a comment”, Journal of Development Economics, 194-198.

2014, Tørnblad, Silje Hexeberg with Steffen Kallbekken, Kristine Korneliussen, & Torben Mideksa; “Using mobility management to reduce private car use: Results from a natural field experiment in Norway”, Transport Policy, Vol. 32, 9- 15.

2014, von der Fehr, Nils-Henrik; «Overraskelsesauksjonen». Samfunnsøkonomen, 2014; Volum 128.(2) s. 15-26


Publications 2013


Aaberge, Rolf and Ugo Colombino (2013); “Using a Microeconometric Model of Household Labour Supply to Design Optimal Income Taxes”, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Scandinavian Journal of Economics 115, 449-475.

Aaberge, Rolf with A. Langørgen and S. Løkken (2013); “Kommunenes økonomiske atferd 1972-2009”, Rapporter 21/2013, Statistisk sentralbyrå.
Alfsen, K. H. with T. Ericson, M. Greaker and P. E. Stoknes(2013); "A Kantian approach to sustainable development indicators for climate change", Ecological Economics 90, p.10-18

Alfsen, K. with M. Greaker and T. Moe(2013); "Sustaining Welfare for Future Generations: A Review Note on the Capital Approach to the Measurement of Sustainable Development", Challenges in Sustainability, 1:1, p. 16–26

Andresen, Nils-August(2013); ”Comment on Røed and Schøne: Immigration and native investment in human capital” in Nordic Economic Policy Review, 1/2013.

Andersen, P.A. with Ø. Kravdal, T.H. Lyngstad and W. Sigle-Rushton(2013); "Proceed with Caution? Parents’ Union and Children’s Educational Achievement", Journal of Marriage and the Family 76: 161-174.

Asheim, Geir Bjarne with T. Mitra, W. Buchholz, and C. Withagen(2013); “Characterizing the sustainability problem in an exhaustible resource model”, Journal of Economic Theory 148: 2164–2182

Asheim, Geir Bjarne with Stéphane Zuber (2013); “A complete and strongly anonymous leximin relation on infinite streams”, Social Choice and Welfare 41: 819- 834

Asheim, Geir Bjarne (2013); “A Distributional Argument for Supply-Side Climate Policies”, Environmental and Resource Economics, 56, 239- 254

Barth, Erling with Alex Bryson and Harald Dale-Olsen (2013); “The Effects of Organizational Change on Worker Well-Being and the Moderating Role of Trade Unions” Industrial and Labor Relations Review, vol. 66 (4), 989-1011.  

Barth, Erling, Alexander Wright Cappelen and Tone Ognedal(2013); “Fair tax evasion” Nordic Journal of Political Economy, vol. 38, 1-16

 Barth, Erling and Karl O. Moene (2013); “Globalization, labor market institutions and wage structure” Nordic Economic Policy Review, vol. 1, 7-10

Barth, Erling and Karl O. Moene (2013); “Why do small open economies have such small wage differentials?” Nordic Economic Policy Review, vol. 1, 139-170.

Berglann, Helge with Rolf Golombek and Knut Røed (2013); “Kvinner og entreprenørskap” Søkelys på Arbeidslivet, Vol. 30 (2013), No. 4, 390-391.

Berglann, Helge with Rolf Golombek and Knut Røed  (2013); “Entreprenørskap i Norge – Mest for menn?” Søkelys på Arbeidslivet, Vol. 30 (2013), No. 1-2, 3-21.

Bijak, Jakub with Solveig Christiansen and Jonathan Forster, Tobie Glestad, Nico Keilman, James Raymer, Peter Smith and Arkadiusz Wisniowski; "Utilising Expert Opinion to Improve the Measurement of International Migration in Europe", Journal of Official Statistics 2013 ;Vol. 29.(4) p. 583-607

Birkeland, Sigbjørn with Alexander W  Cappelen, Erik Sørensen, and Bertil Tungodden  (2013); “An experimental study of prosocial motivation among criminals”, Experimental Economics 2013

Bjørn, Erik with Simen Gaure, Simen Markussen and Knut Røed  (2013); “The Rise in Absenteeism - Disentangling the Impacts of Cohort, Age and Time”, Journal of Population Economics, Vol. 26 (2013), No. 4, 1585-1608.

Boeri, T. with P. Garibaldi and E. R. Moen (2013); “Financial Shocks and Labor: Facts and Theories” Economic Review (2013) 61, 631–663

Bratsberg, Bernt with Elisabeth Fevang and Knut Røed (2013); “Job Loss and Disability Insurance”, Labour Economics, Vol. 24, 137–150.

Brekke, Kjell Arne with Rolf Golombek and Sverre A.C. Kittelsen (2013); “Is electricity more important than natural gas? Partial liberalizations of the Western European energy markets”, Economic Modelling, Vol. 35, 99-111.

Cappelen, Alexander Wright and Runa Urheim (2013); “Pension Funds, Sovereign-wealth Funds and Intergenerational Justice”, In Spheres of Global Justice.. Springer, s.747-755

Cappelen, Alexander W. with Ulrik H Nielsen, Erik Sørensen, Bertil Tungodden, and  Jean-Robert Tyran(2013); “Give and Take in Dictator Games”. Economics Letters 2013 ;Volum 118.(2) s. 280-283
Cappelen, Alexander W. with Kalle Moene, Erik Sørensen and Bertil Tungodden (2013); “Needs vs entitlements, an International Fairness experiment”, Journal of European Economic Association 2013; Vol.11.(3) s. 574-598.

Cappelen, Alexander W. with James Konow, Erik Sørensen and Bertil Tungodden (2013); "Just luck: an experimental study of risk taking and fairness", American Economic Review, 103(4), 1398-1413, 2013.

Cappelen, Alexander W. with Erik Sørensen and Bertil Tungodden (2013); “When do we lie?” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 93, 258-265, 2013.

Cappelen, Alexander W. with Erik Sørensen and Bertil Tungodden (2013); “Rettferdig Flaks”, Samfunnsøkonomen, 127(6), 43-44, 2013.

Cappelen, Alexander W. and Bertil Tungodden (2013); “Heterogeneity in fairness views: A challenge to the mutualistic approach?” Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2013 ;Volum 36.(01) s. 84-85

Clark, Derek and Tore Nilssen (2013); “Learning by doing in contests”, In Public Choice (2013); Vol. 156(1-2), pages 329-343
Christiansen, Solveig with Tobie Glestad and Nico Keilman (2013); "Probabilistic household forecasts based on register data - the case of Denmark and Finland". Demographic Research 2013 ;Vol. 28. p. 1263-1302.

Christiansen, Vidar (2013); "Agnar Sandmos bidrag til offentlig økonomi", Samfunnsøkonomen 2013 ;Volum 127 (1). s. 8-13

Christiansen, Vidar (2013); "Eksternalitetskorrigerende skatter og regulering", Samfunnsøkonomen 2013; Volum 127.(1) s. 47-48

Fernandez, Raquel (2013); "Culture as Learning: The Evolution of Female Labor Force Participation over a Century", AER, 103 (1), p.472-500.

Finseraas, Henning and Andreas Kotsadam (2013); “Causal effects of parental leave on adolescents´ household work” Social Forces 92 (1): 329-351

Fiva, Jon H. (2013); “Voting When the Stakes are High”, Journal of Public Economics, 110, 157–166

Fiva, Jon H. with G. J. Natvik (2013); “’Do Re-election Probabilities Influence Public Investment”, Public Choice, vol. 157, 305-331.

Gates, Scott and Håvard Mokleiv Nygård (2013); “Soft Power at Home and Abroad: Sport Diplomacy, Politics and Peace-building.", International Area Studies Review, 16(3): 235-243

Godbout, Jean-Francois and Bjørn Høyland(2013); "The Emergence of Parties in the Canadian House of Commons (1867 - 1908)" Canadian Journal of Political Science, vol. 46 (4): 773 – 797

 Greaker, M. and C. Hagem (2013); "Strategic Investment in climate friendly technologies: The impact of permit trade”, Environmental and Resource Economics, Springer, August 2013.

 Greaker M. with K. Grimsrud(2013); "Hvordan sikre bærekraftig forvaltning av økosystemer?" Samfunnsøkonomen 3/2013

 Greaker, M. with C. Hagem and J. Hovi (2013); "Hvordan kan en internasjonal klimaavtale håndheves?" Samfunnsøkonomen 2/2013

 Havnes, Tarjei with Edwin Leuven, Magne Mogstad and M. S. Bhuller (2013); “Broadband Internet: An Information Superhighway to Sex Crime?” In The Review of Economic Studies 2013, Vol. 80.(4) p. 1237-1266

Herbst, CH, C. Lemière, K.L. Leonard, O. Mæstad, A. Soucat and G. Torsvik (2013), "Evaluating the impact of results based financing on health worker performance", Draft report, Washington: World Bank. 2013.

 Hernæs, E., S. Markussen, J.  Piggott, and O. Vestad(2013); “Does retirement age impact mortality?”, Journal of Health Economics, vol. 32, 586-598

 Hix, Simon and Bjørn Høyland(2013); "The Empowerment of the European Parliament" Annual Review of Political Science, 2013, vol. 1

Hoel, Michael with Katinka Holtsmark and B. Holtsmark (2013); “Optimal harvest age considering multiple carbon pools – a comment”. In Journal of Forest Economics, Vol. 19 (1), 87-95

Holden, Steinar(2013); “Do Choices Affect Preferences? Some Doubts and New Evidence”, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Vol. 43 (1), 83-94

 Holden, Steinar (2013); “Avoiding the resource curse. The case Norway”, Energy Policy, Vol. 63, 870-876

 Holtsmark, Katinka and Kristoffer Midttømme (2013); “Fornybar energi, et middle, ikke et mål”. Samfunnsøkonomen, 2013, 7, p. 10-12.

Irarrazabal, Alfonso with Andreas Moxnes and Karen Helene Ulltveit-Moe (2013); “Heterogeneous Firms or Heterogeneous Workers? Implications for Exporter Premiums and the Gains from Trade”, Review of Economics and Statistics 2013 ; Volum 95.(3),  pages 839-849,
 Jakobsson, Niklas and Andreas Kotsadam (2013); “The Law and Economics of International Sex. Prostitution Laws and Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation” European Journal of Law and Economics 35(1).

Javorcik, Beata and Yue Li(2013); “Do the Biggest Aisles Serve a Brighter Future? Global Retail Chains and Their Implications for Romania”, Journal of International Economics, vol. 90 (2) .

 Keilman, Nico and Lisa Dahl Keller(2013); "Hvor robust er det nye pensjonssystemet med hensyn til levealdersutviklingen?", Samfunnsøkonomen 2013 (09)

Knutsen, Carl Henrik(2013); "Democracy, State Capacity and Economic Growth", World Development, 2013, 43: 1-18

Kodzi, I. and Ø. Kravdal(2013); "What has high fertility got to do with the low birth weight problem in Africa?" Demographic Research 28: 713-732.

Kodzi, I. with Ø. Kravdal and W. Sigle-Rushton(2013); "Effects of the Number and Age of Siblings on Educational Transitions in Sub-Saharan Africa". Studies in Family Planning 44: 275-297.

Kravdal, Øystein(2013); "The poorer cancer survival among the non-married in Norway: Is much explained by comorbidities?" Social Science and Medicine 81: 42-52.

Kundu, Tapas with M. Simon, B, Gunia, E. Martin, C.  Foucar, D.  Ragas, L. Emanuel(2013); “Path Toward Economic Resilience for Family Caregivers: Mitigating Household Deprivation and the Health Care Talent Shortage at the Same Time” The gerontologist vol. 53 (5), 861-873

Leuven, Edwin with Hessel Oosterbeek and Inge de Wolf(2013); “The effects of medical school on health outcomes: Evidence from admission lotteries” Journal of Health Economics vol. 32. 698-707

, Markussen, Simen with Elisabeth Fevang and Knut Røed(2013); “Sykepengefellen” Samfunnsøkonomen, No. 9, 19-20.

Markussen, Simen with Knut Røed and Ole Røgeberg(2013) ; “The Changing of the Guards - Can Family Doctors Contain Worker Absenteeism?” Journal of Health Economics, Vol. 32 (2013), No. 6, 1230–1239

Mideksa, Torben (2013); “The economic impact of natural resources” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol. 65 (2), 277- 289

 Munga, Michael with Ottar Mæstad and Gaute Torsvik (2013); "Using incentives to attract nurses to remote areas of Tanzania: a contingent valuation study", Health Policy and Planning, March 2013.

Moen, Espen R. (2013); "Utsatt lønn: Bra for motivasjonen, ikke for produktiviteten", Samfunnsøkonomen nr 8 2013 s 64-67

Moen, Espen R (2013).; "Hvorfor faller ikke lønningene mer i nedgangstider?" Samfunnsøkonomen nr 9 2011 30-31.

Moen, Espen R. and Åsa Rosen(2013); “On-the-job Search and Moral Hazard”, Journal of the European Economic Association (2013), vol 11, no 6

Moene, Kalle (2013); ”Ulikhetens og likhetens likevekt,” in Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, Vol 16, nr. 2, 2013.

Moene, Kalle (2013); “Økonomisk teori og metode etter murens fall”, Samfunnsøkonomen 2013 (1)

Nyborg, Karine with Tao Zhang(2013); “Is corporate social responsibility associated with lower wages?”, Environmental and Resource Economics vol. 55 (1), 107-117

Rege, Mari with Venke Furre Haaland and Kjetil Telle(2013); “Kvinner og arbeid”, Samfunnsøkonomen no. 9

Rege, Mari with Nina Eirin Drange (2013); “Trapped at home: The effect of mother’s temporary labor market exits on their subsequent work career”, Labour Economics, 125-136

Rege, Mari with Ingebord Foldøy Solli (2013); “The impact of paternity leave on long term father earnings”, Demography

Rohner, Dominic with Mathias Thoenig and Fabrizio Zilibotti (2013); “Seeds of Distrust: Conflict in Uganda.” Journal of Economic Growth, 18 (3), 217-252, 2013.

Rohner, Dominic with Mathias Thoenig and Fabrizio Zilibotti (2013); “War Signals: A Theory of Trade, Trust and Conflict", Review of Economic Studies, 80 (3), 1114-1147, 2013

Storesletten, Kjetil (2013); “Politisk-økonomisk teori om offentlig gjeld”, Samfunnsøkonomen 127(5), 2013, pages 51-52.

Tungodden, Bertil and Peter Vallentyne (2013); “Liberal Resourcism: Problems and Possibilities”, Journal of social philosophy 2013 ;Volum 44.(4) s. 348-369

Ulltveit-Moe, Karen Helene et. al.; “Global health 2035: a world converging within a generation”, The Lancet; Volum 382.(9908),  pages 1898-1955


Publications 2012

Go to top of page

Aaberge, Rolf and Colombino, U. (2012): "Accounting for Family Background when Designing Optimal Income Taxes: A Microeconometric Simulation Analysis". In Journal of Population Economics 25, pages 741 – 761.


Aaberge, R. and Bhuller, M. (2012): "Utviklingen av arbeidstilbudet i Norge". In Økonomiske analyser 5, Statistics Norway.


Aaberge, R. and Bhuller, M. (2012): "Arbedistilbud blant innvandrere – Effektivitets- og fordelingsvirkninger av skattereformer". In Rapporter 30, Statistics Norway.


Almås, Ingvild, Liane, Gro M. and Thøgersen, Ø: "Fra kinesernes sparing til global vekst". In Magma 6, pages 32-39.


Almås, Ingvild (2012): "International Income Inequality: Measuring PPP Bias by Estimating Engel Curves for Food". In American Economic Review 102 (2), pages 1093-1117.


Almås, Ingvild and Mogstad, Magne (2012): "Older or Wealthier? The Impact of Age Adjustments on Wealth Inequality". In Scandinavian Journal of Economics 114 (1), pages 24-54.


Almås, Ingvild and Robstad, Siri Sollid (2012): "Modernisert, men mindre rettferdig folketrygd?". In Samfunnsøkonomen 5.


Asheim, Geir with Zuber, S. (2012): "Justifying social discounting: the rank-discounted utilitarian approach". In Journal of Economic Theory 147, pages 1572–1601.


Asheim, Geir with Dietz, S. (2012): "Climate policy under sustainable discounted utilitarianism". In Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 63, pages 321–335.


Asheim, Geir, Tungodden, Bertil and Mitra, T. (2012): "Sustainable recursive social welfare functions". In Journal of Economic Theory 49, pages 267–292.


Barth, E. and Moene, K. O. (2012): "Employment as a Price or Prize of Equality. A descriptive analysis". In Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies 2 (2).


Barth, E., Bratsberg, B. and  Raaum, O. (2012): "Immigrant wage profiles within and between establishments". In Labour Economics 19 (4), pages 541-566.

Barth, E., Bratsberg, B., Hægeland, T. and Raaum, O. (2012): "Performance Pay Within-firm Wage Inequality". In Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 75 (3), pages 327-362.


Bratsberg, B., Raaum, O. and Røed, K. (2012): "Educating Children of Immigrants: Closing the Gap in Norwegian Schools". In Nordic Economic Policy Review 1, pages 211-252.

Bratsberg, B. and Raaum, O. (2012): "Immigration and Wages: Evidence from Construction". In The Economic Journal 122 (565), pages 1177-1205.


Brinch, Christian N. Bernt, Bratsberg and Raaum, Oddbjørn (2012): "The Effects of an Upper Secondary Education Reform on the Attainment of Immigrant Youth." In Education Economics Journal 20 (5), pages 447-473.


Brinch, Christian N. (2012): "Efficient simulated maximum likelihood estimation through explicitly parameter dependent importance sampling". In Computational Statistics 27 (1), pages 13-28.


Brinch, Christian N. and Galloway, Taryn A. (2012): "Schooling in Adolescence Raises IQ". In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (2), pages 425-430.


Cappelen, Alexander and Tungodden, Bertil (2012): "Adferdsøkonomi og økonomiske eksperimenter". In Magma 5, pages 26-30.


Cappelen, Alexander and Tungodden, Bertil (2012): «Insentiver og innsats». In Magma 5, pages 38-44.


Christiansen, Vidar (2012): “Externality-Correcting Taxes and Regulation” in The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2012, volum 114 (2) pages 358-383.


Harstad, Bård (2012): "Buy Coal! A Case for Supply-Side Environmental Policy". In Journal of Political Economy 120 (1), pages 77-115.


Harstad, Bård (2012): "Climate Contracts: A Game of Emissions, Investments, Negotiations, and Renegotiations". In Review of Economic Studies 79 (4), pages 1527-57.


Havnes, Tarjei, Almås, I., and Mogstad, M. (2012): "Adjusting for age effects in cross-sectional distributions". In Stata Journal 2012, volume 12 (3), pages 393-405.


Hoel, Michael and Holtsmark, Bjart (2012): "Haavelmo on the climate issue". In Nordic Journal of Political Economy 37 (5).


Hoel, Michael with Jensen, Svenn (2012): "Cutting Costs of Catching Carbon – Intertemporal effects under imperfect climate policy". In Resource and Energy Economics 37, pages 680-695.


Holden, Steinar, Markussen, Simen and Røed, Knut (2012): "Arbeid til alle?". In Samfunnsøkonomen 9, pages 92-104.

Hægeland, T., Raaum, O. and Salvanes, K. G. (2012): "Pennies from heaven: Using exogenous tax variation to identify the effect of school resources on pupil achievement". In Economics of Education Review 31, pages 601-614.


Høyland, Bjørn, Moene, Karl Ove and Willumsen, Fredrik (2012): "The Tyranny of International Index Rankings". In Journal of Development Economics 97 (1), pages 1-14.


Knutsen, Carl Henrik (2012): "Democracy and Economic Growth: A Review of Arguments and Results". In International Area Studies Review 15 (4), pages 393-415.


Kotsadam, Andreas with Andersson, Lisa and Jakobsson, Niklas (2012): "A Field Experiment of Discrimination in the Norwegian Housing Market: Gender, Class, and Ethnicity". In Labor Economics 88 (2), pages 233-240.


Kotsadam, Andreas with Jakobsson, Niklas and Finseraas, Henning (2012): "The Gender Gap in Political Preferences: An Empirical Test of a Political Economy Explanation". In Social Politics 19 (2), pages 219-242.


Kotsadam, Andreas with Jakobsson, Niklas (2012): "Uformell eldreomsorg – et hinder for kvinner på arbeidsmarkedet?". In Søkelys på arbeidslivet 29 (1-2), pages 97 -100.


Kotsadam, Andreas with Jakobsson, Niklas and Hansen, Thomas (2012): "Er det sammenheng mellom formell og uformell omsorg i Norge?". In Tidsskrift for Velferdsforskning 17 (3), pages 22-29.


Kravdal, Øystein, Gurundy, E., Lyngstad,T. and Wiik, K. Aa. (2012): "Family life history and late mid- life mortality in Norway". In Population and Development Review 38, pages 237-257.


Berntsen, K. and Kravdal, Øystein (2012): "The relationship between mortality and time since divorce, widowhood or remarriage in Norway". In Social Science and Medicine 75, pages 2267-2274.


Kravdal, Øystein (2012): "Further evidence of community education on fertility in sub-Saharan Africa". In Demographic Research 27, pages 645-680.



Elstad, J. – I., Torstensrud, R., Lyngstad, T. H. and Kravdal, Øystein (2012): "Trends in educational inequalities in mortality, seven types of cancers, Norway 1971-2002". In European Journal of Public Health 22, pages 771-776.


Leuven, Edwin, Booij, Adam S. and Oosterbeek, Hessel (2012): "The role of information in the take-up of student loans". In Economics of Education Review 31 (1), pages 33-44.


Markussen, Simen and Røed, Knut (2012): "Sykefraværets anatomi". In Samfunnsøkonomen 3, pages 32-33.


Mehlum, Halvor (2012): "The Case for Open Access Publishing". In International Studies Perspectives 13 (3), pages 216-223.


Moen, Espen R. (2012): "Ownership and Cost-Sharing Contracts". In Australian Economic Papers 51 (3), pages 134-146.


Moene, Karl Ove (2012): "Dissimilarities in Economic Evolution". In Nordic Journal of Political Economy 37.


Mogstad, Magne and Wiswall, M. (2012):  “Instrumental Variables Estimation with Partially Missing Instruments”, Economics Letters 114, pages 186-189.


Mogstad, Magne, Wiswall, M. and Løken, K. (2013): "What Linear Estimators Miss: The Effects of Family Income on Child Outcomes". In American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 4(2): 1-35.


Ray, Debraj with Mookherjee, D. and Prina, S. (2012): "A Theory of Endogenous Fertility with Occupational Choice". In American Economic Journal 4 (4), pages 1-34.


Ray, Debraj with Anderson, S. (2012):  "The Age of Distribution of Missing Women in India". In Economic and Political Weekly XLVII (47-48).


Ray, Debraj with Esteban, J. and Mayoral, L. (2012): "Ethnicity and Conflict: Theory and Facts". In Science 336, pages 585-865.


Ray, Debraj with Esteban, J. and Mayoral, L. (2012): "Ethnicity and Conflict: An Empirical Investigation". In American Economic Review 102, pages 1310-1342.


Ray, Debraj with Robson, A. (2012): "Status, Intertemporal Choice and Risk-Taking". In Econometrica 80, pages 1505-1531.


Rege, Mari with with Telle, K. and Votruba, M. (2012): "Social Interaction Effects in Disability Pension Participation: Evidence from Plant Downsizing". In Ecandinavian Journal of Economics 114 (4), pages 1208-1239.


Røed, Knut (2012): "Active Social Insurance". In IZA Journal of Labor Policy 1 (8).


Røed, Knut, Markussen, Simen and Mykletun, Arnstein (2012): "The Case for Presenteeism – Evidence from Norway’s Sickness Insurance Program". In Journal of Public Economics 96, pages 959-972.


Røed, Knut with Westlie, Lars (2012): "Unemployment Insurance in Welfare States: The Impacts of Soft Duration Constraints". In Journal of the European Economic Association 10 (3), pages 518-554.


Røed, Knut with Gaure, Simen and Westlie, Lars (2012): "Job Search Incentives and Job Match Quality". In Labour Economics 19, pages 438-450.


Røed, Knut with Fevang, Elisabeth and Kverndokk, Snorre (2012): "Labor Supply in the Terminal Stages of Lone Parents’ Lives". In Journal of Population Economics 25 (4), pages 1399-1422.



Raaum, Oddbjørn, Røed, Knut and Bratsberg, Bernt (2012): "Gjør registerdata AKU overflødig?". In Økonomiske analyser 5, pages 46-52.


Røed, Knut with Falch, Nina Skrove and Hardoy, Inés (2012): "Analyse av en dagpengereform: Virkninger av forkortet dagpengeperiode". In Søkelys på Arbeidslivet 29 (3), pages 181-197.


Tungodden, Bertil, Lars Ivar Oppedal Berge, Kjetil Bjorvatn and Kartika Juniwaty (2012): “Business Training in Tanzania: From Research-driven Experiment to Local Implementation”, in Journal of African Economies 2012 volume 21 (5) pages 808-827


Schøne, Pål and Erling Barth (2012): "Best på skolen. Best på jobben?". In Samfunnsøkonomen 126, pages 14-25.


Storesletten, Kjetil, Zilibotti, F. and Z. M. Song (2012): “Rotten Parents and Disciplined Children: A Politico-Economic Theory of Public Expenditure and Debt”. In Econometrica  80 (6), pages 2785-2804.


Strøm, Marte (2012): "Foreldres arbeidstilbud", in Samfunnsøkonomen 8.


Ulltveit-Moe, Karen Helene, K. Ekholm and A. Moxnes (2012): “Manufacturing restructuring and the role of real exchange rate shocks”, in Journal of International Economics 86.


Sørensen, Erik, Salvenes, Kjell G. and Ingvild Almås (2012): "Et valg i blinde? Norske ungdommers kjennskap til ulikheter i arbeidsmarkedet før de gjør sine utdanningsvalg." In Magma 15 (5), pages 45-51.


Ulltveit-Moe, Karen Helene (2012): "Globale og Europeiske Ubalanser". In Samfunnsøkonomen 66 (2), pages 24-29.


Zilibotti, Fabrizio, Acemoglu, Daron and Gancia, Gino (2012): "Competing Engines of Growth: Innovation and Standardization." In Journal of Economic Theory 147 (2), pages 570-601


Publications 2011

Go to top of page


Aaberge, Rolf and Mogstad, Magne (2011): “Robust Inequality Comparisons.” In Journal of Economic Inequality 9 (3), pages 353-371.


Aaberge, Rolf and Mogstad, Magne with Peragine, Vitorocco (2011): “Measuring Long-Term Inequality of Opportunity.” In Journal of Public Economics 95 (3-4), pages 193-204.


Almås, Ingvild, Cappelen, Alexander W., Lind, Jo Thori, Sørensen, Erik Ø.,  and Tungodden, Bertil (2011): ”Measuring Unfair (In)equality.” In Journal of Public Economics 95 (7-8), 2011, pages 488-499.


Almås, Ingvild, Havnes, Tarjei, and Mogstad, Magne (2011): “Baby booming inequality? Demographic change and earnings inequality in Norway, 1967–2000.” In Journal of Economic Inequality  9 (4), 2011, pages 629-650.


Andersen, Jørgen Juel (2011): “The form of government and fiscal dynamics.” In European Journal of Political Economy 27 (2), pp. 297-310


Asheim, Geir (2011): “Comparing the welfare of growing economies.” In Revue d’economie politique 121 (1), pages 59-72.


Asheim, Geir and Hartwick, John M. (2011): “Anomalies in green national accounting.” In Ecological Economics 70 (12), 2011, pages 2303-2307.


Barth, Erling, with Dale-Olsen, Harald (2011): “Employer Size or Skill Group Size Effect on Wages?” In Industrial and Labor Relations Review 64 (2), pages 341–355.


Barth, Erling, Bratsberg, Bernt, and Raaum, Oddbjørn with Hægeland, Torbjørn (2011): “Performance Pay, Union Bargaining and within-firm Wage Inequality.” In Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, online first, 2011.


Beyene, Berhe Mekonnen (2011): “How sensitive are Poverty Measures to the Choice of Equivalence Scale and Unit of Analysis? Evidence from Urban Ethiopia.” Forthcoming in Proceedings of the Seventh International Annual Conference on the Ethiopian Economy, Ethiopian Economic Association.


Bratsberg, Bernt and Røed, Knut (2011): ”Kan demografi forklare veksten i uførhet?”, Søkelys på Arbeidslivet 28 (1-2), 2011, pages 3-21.


Bratsberg, Bernt, Røed, Marianne and Schøne, Pål (2011): ”Bidrar innvandring til å ”smøre hjulene” i arbeidsmarkedet?” In Søkelys på arbeidslivet 28 (3), 2011, pages 244-264.


Bratsberg, Bernt, Raaum, Oddbjørn and Hægeland, Torbjørn (2011): “Tøffere krav? Ferdigheter og deltakelse I arbeidslivet.” In Søkelys på Arbeidslivet 28 (4), 2011, pages 302-316.


Brekke, Kjell Arne, Hauge, Karen Evelyn, Lind, Jo Thori and Nyborg, Karine (2011): “Playing with the Good Guys. A Public Good Game with Endogenous Group Formation.” In Journal of Public Economics 95 (9-10), pages 1111-1118.


Brekke, Kjell Arne, with Kverndokk, Snorre(2011): "Skaper velferdsstaten større sosiale ulikheter?" Samfunnsøkonomen 8, pages 30- 36.


Brekke, Kjell Arne, with Solstad, Jan T. (2011):  “Do the existence of a public good enhance cooperation among users of common-pool resources?” In Land Economics.87 (2), pages 335-345.


Brinch, Christian N. (2011): “Non-parametric identification of the mixed proportional hazards model.” In The Econometrics Journal 14 (2), pages 343-350.


Brinch, Christian N. with Eikeset, Anne Maria, and Stenseth, Nils Chr. (2011): “Maximum likelihood estimation in nonlinear structured fisheries models using survey and catch-at-age data.” In Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 68 (10), pages 1717-1731.


Cappelen, Alexander W. and Tungodden, Bertil (2011): “Distributive interdependencies in liberal egalitarianism”. In Social Choice and Welfare 36 (1) pages 35-47


Cappelen, Alexander W., Sørensen, Erik and Tungodden, Bertil; with Hole, Astri Drange (2011): “The importance of moral reflection and self-reported data in a dictator game with production.” In Social Choice and Welfare 36 (1), pages 105-120.


Fiva, Jon with Kirkebøen, Lars J. (2011): “Information Shocks and the Dynamics of the Housing Market.” In Scandinavian Journal of Economics 113 (3), 2011, pages 525-552.


Harstad, Bård; with Svensson, Jakob (2011):Bribes, Lobbying and Development.” American Political Science Review 105(1), pages 46-83.


Havnes, Tarjei, and Mogstad, Magne (2011): “Money for Nothing? Universal Child Care and Maternal Employment.” In Journal of Public Economics 95 (11-12), pages 1455-1465.


Havnes, Tarjei and Mogstad, Magne (2011): “No Child Left Behind: Subsidized Child Care and Children’s Long-Run Outcomes.” In American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 3 (2), pages 97-129.


Hoel, Michael; with Golombek, Rolf (2011): “International Cooperation on Climate Friendly Technologies.” In Environmental and Resource Economics 49 (4), 2011, pages 473-490.



Hoel, Michael (2011): “The Green Paradox and Greenhouse Gas Reducing Investments.” In International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics 5 (4), 2011, pages 353-379.


Hoel, Michael (2011): “The Supply Side of CO2 with Country Heterogeneity.” In The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 113 (4), 2011, pages 846-865.


Holden, Steinar (2011): ”Fotball-VM på betal-TV?” In Samfunnsøkonomen 6.


Jacobsen, Karin, Lind, Jo Thori, and Nyborg, Karine with Eika, Kari H. and Helland, Leif (2011): “Are nurses more altruistic than real estate brokers?” In Journal of Economic Psychology 32 (5), pages 818-831.


Høyland, Bjørn with Godbout, Jean-Francois (2011): “Coalition voting and minority governments in Canada.” In Commonwealth and Comparative Politics 49 (4), pages 457-485


Høyland, Bjørn with Godbout, Jean-Francois (2011): “Legislative Voting in the Canadian Parliament.” In Canadian Journal of Political Science 44(2), pages 367 - 388.


Høyland, Bjørn with Hobolt, Sara (2011): “Selection and Sanctioning in European Parliamentary Elections.” In British Journal of Political Science 41 (3), pages 477-498.


Knutsen, Carl Henrik (2011):  “Democracy, Dictatorship and Protection of Property Rights.” In Journal of Development Studies, 47 (1), pages 164 – 182.


Knutsen, Carl Henrik (2011): “Security Threats, Enemy-Contingent Policies and Economic Development in Dictatorships.” In International Interactions 37 (4), pages 414-440.


Knutsen, Carl Henrik (2011): “Which Democracies Prosper? Electoral Rules, Form of Government and Economic Growth”. In Electoral Studies 30 (1), pages 83 – 90.

Knutsen, Carl Henrik with Rygh, Asmund and Hveem, Helge (2011): “Does State Ownership Matter? Institutions' Effect on Foreign Direct Investment Revisited.” In Business and Politics 13 (1), article 2.


Kravdal, Øystein (2011): “Fixed effects analysis no quick fix but still a step in the right direction and better than the suggested alternative.” In Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 65 (4), 2011, pages 291-292.


Kravdal, Øystein, and Keilman, Nico with Cohen, Joel E. (2011): “Childbearing impeded education more than education impeded childbearing among Norwegian women.” In Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 108 (29), 2011, pages 11830-5.


Kravdal, Øystein with Elstad, Jon Ivar, Torstensrud, Rita, and Lyngstad, Torkild Hovde (2011):  “Trends in educational inequalities in mortality, seven types of cancers, Norway 1971–2002.” In European Journal of Public Health online first, 2011.


Kravdal, Øystein with Kodzi, Ivy (2011): “Children’s stunting in sub-Saharan Africa: Is there an externality effect of high fertility?” In Demographic Research 25 (18), 2011, pages 565 - 594.


Kravdal, Øystein with Shkolnikov, Vladimir M, Andreev, Evgueni M, Jdanov, Dmitri A, Jasilionis, Domantas, Vågerö, Denny, and Valkonen, Tapani (2011): “Increasing absolute mortality disparities by education in Finland, Norway and Sweden, 1971–2000.” In Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health online first, 2011.


Kravdal, Øystein with Syse, Astri and Lyngstad, Torkild Hovde (2011): ” Is mortality after childhood cancer dependent on social or economic resources of parents? A population-based study.” International Journal of Cancer online first, 2011.


Lind, Jo Thori and Moene, Kalle (2011): “Miserly Developments.” In Journal of Development Studies 47 (9), pages 1332-1352.


Markussen, Simen (2011): “The individual cost of sick leave.” Journal of Population Economics, online first.


Markussen, Simen and Røed, Knut with Røgeberg, Ole J., and Gaure, Simen (2011): “The Anatomy of Absenteeism.” In Journal of Health Economics 30 (2), 2011, pages 277-292.


Moen, Espen and Rosén, Åsa (2011): “Incentives in Competitive Search Equilibrium.” In Review of Economic Studies 78 (2), pages 733-761.


Moen, Espen and Røed, Knut with Berglann, Helge, and Skogstrøm, Jens Fredrik (2011): “Entrepreneurship: Origins and Returns.” In Labour Economics  18 (2), 2011, pages 180-193.



Moene, Karl Ove (2011): ”Are Good Policies Good Politics?” In Dag Harald Claees and Carl Henrik Knutsen (eds.) Governing the Global Economy: Politics, Institutions and Development. Routledge, 2011, pages 160-170.


Mogstad, Magne, and Rege, Mari with Kalil, Ariel and Votruba, Mark (2011): ”Divorced Fathers’ Proximity and Children’s Long Run Outcomes: Evidence from Norwegian Registry Data”. In Demography 48 (3), pages 1005-1027.


Nilssen, Tore (2011): “Risk Externalities in a Payments Oligopoly.” In Portuguese Economic Journal 10 (3), pages 211-234.


Nilssen, Tore with Clark, Derek (2011): “Learning by doing in contests.” In Public Choice, online first, 2011.

Nyborg, Karine (2011): “I don't want to hear about it: Rational ignorance among duty-oriented consumers.” In Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 79 (3), pages 263-274.


Ray, Debraj, with Esteban, Joan (2011): “A Model of Ethnic Conflict.” In Journal of the European Economic Association 9 (3), pages 496-521


Ray, Debraj with Esteban, Joan (2011): “Linking conflict to Inequality and Polarization.” In American Economic Review 101 (4), pages 1345-1374.


Rege, Mari with Cooper, David (2011): “Misery loves company: Social regret and social interaction effects in choices under risk and uncertainty: An Experimental Study.” In Games and Economic Behavior 73 (1), pages 91-110


Rege, Mari, Telle, Kjetil and Votruba, Mark (2011): “Parental Job Loss and Children’s School Performance.” In The Review of Economic Studies, 78(4), p. 1462-1489


Røed, Knut (2011): ”Fra Inntektssikring til deltakelsessikring?” Samfunnsøkonomen 6, 2011, pages 4-10.


Røed, Knut with Falch, Nina Skrove and Hardoy, Inés (2011): ”Mindre arbeidsledighet uten dagpengerettigheter?” In Søkelys på Arbeidslivet 28 (1-2), 2011, pages 135-155.


Storesletten, Kjetil and Zilibotti, Fabrizio; with Song, Zheng (2011): “Growing Like China.” American Economic Review, 101 (1), 2011, pages 202-242.


Torsvik, Gaute, with Molander, Anders, Tjøtta, Sigve and Kobbeltvedt, Therese (2011): “Anticipated Discussions in a Social Dilemma.” In Rationality and Society 23 (2), pages 1999-216.


Torvik, Ragnar; with Chacon, Mario and Robinson, James A. (2011): “When is Democracy an Equilibrium? Theory and Evidence from Colombia's La Violencia.” In Journal of Conflict Resolution 55 (3), 2011, pages 366-396.

Publications 2010

Go to top of page


Almås, Ingvild and Mogstad, Magne (2010): “Older or Wealthier? The Impact of Age Adjustment on Cross-Sectional Inequality Measures.” Forthcoming in the Scandinavian Journal of Economics.


Almås, Ingvild, Cappelen, Alexander, Lind, Jo Thori, Sørensen, Erik and Tungodden, Bertil

(2010): “Measuring unfair (in)equality.” Forthcoming in the Journal of Public Economics.

Almås, Ingvild, Cappelen, Alexander W., Sørensen, Erik and Tungodden, Bertil (2010): ”Fairness and the Development of Inequality Acceptance.” In Science 328(5982), 2010, pages 1176- 1178.


Asheim, Geir B. (2010): “Global welfare comparisons.” In Canadian Journal of Economics 43, 2010, pages 1412–1432.


Asheim, Geir B; with d’Aspremont, Claude and Banerjee, Kuntal (2010): “Generalized time-invariant overtaking.” In Journal of Mathematical Economics 46, 2010, pages 519-533.


Asheim, Geir B. (2010): “Intergenerational equity.” In Annual Review of Economics 2, 2010, pages 197-222.


Asheim, Geir B. and Nilssen, Tore; with Emblem, Anne W. (2010): “Health Insurance: Medical Treatment vs. Disability Payment.” In Research in Economics 64, 2010, pages 137–145.


Asheim, Geir B. (2010): “Strategic use of environmental information.” In Environmental and Resource Economics 46, 2010, pages 207–216.


Asheim, Geir B.; with Mitra, Tapan (2010): “Sustainability and discounted utilitarianism in models of economic growth.” In Mathematical Social Sciences 59, 2010, pages 148–169.


Asheim, Geir B.; with Bossert, Walter, Sprumont, Yves and Suzumura, Kotaro (2010): “Infinite- horizon choice functions.” In Economic Theory 43, 2010, pages 1-21.


Asheim, Geir B.; with Banerjee, Kuntal (2010): “Fixed-step anonymous overtaking and catching-up.” In International Journal of Economic Theory 6, 2010, pages 149–165.


Asheim, Geir B. and Tungodden, Bertil; with Mitra, Tapan (2010): “Sustainable recursive social welfare functions.” Forthcoming in Economic Theory.


Aslaksen, Silje (2010): “Oil and Democracy: More than a Cross-Country Correlation?” In Journal of Peace Research 47(4), 2010, pages 421-431.


Barth, Erling; with Dale-Olsen, Harald (2010): “Employer Size or Skill Group Size Effect on Wages?” Industrial and Labor Relations Review.


Barth, Erling (2010): “Lønnsdannelsen i offentlig sektor og den norske likelønnskommisjonen.” In

Samfundsøkonomen 4, København, pages 38-43.


Barth, Erling and Moene, Karl Ove (2010): ”Små Lønnsforskjeller og Store Velferdsstater.” In

Søkelys på Arbeidslivet 1, 2010.


Beyene, Berhe Mekonnen (2010): “How sensitive are Poverty Measures to the Choice of Equivalence Scale and Unit of Analysis? Evidence from Urban Ethiopia.” Forthcoming in Proceedings of the Seventh International Annual Conference on the Ethiopian Economy, Ethiopian Economic Association.


Bratsberg, Bernt, Raaum, Oddbjørn and Røed, Knut (2010): “When Minority Labor Migrants Meet the Welfare State.” In Journal of Labor Economics 28(3), 2010, pages 633-676.


Bratsberg, Bernt; with Ragan, James F., Jr. and Warren, John T. (2010): “Does Raiding Explain the Negative Returns to Faculty Seniority?” In Economic Inquiry 48(3), 2010, pages 704-721.


Brekke, Kjell Arne; with Kverndokk, Snorre (2010): “Inadequate Bivariate Measures of Health Inequality: The Impact of Income Distribution.” Forthcoming in Scandinavian Journal of Economics.


Brekke, Kjell Arne and Nyborg, Karine; with Kipperberg, G. (2010): ”Social Interaction in Responsibility Ascription: The Case of Household Recycling.” In Land Economics 86(4), pages 766- 784.

Brekke, Kjell Arne and Nyborg, Karine (2010): “Selfish Bakers, Caring Nurses? A Model of Work Motivation.” In Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 75, 2010, pages 377-394.


Brekke, Kjell Arne; with Solstad, Jan T. (2010): “Do the existence of a public good enhance cooperation among users of common-pool resources?” Forthcoming in Land Economics.



Cappelen, Alexander W., Sørensen, Erik and Tungodden, Bertil; with Hole, Astri Drange (2010): “The importance of moral reflection and self-reported data in a dictator game with production.” Forthcoming in Social Choice and Welfare.


Cappelen, Alexander W, Sørensen, Erik and Tungodden, Bertil (2010): “Responsibility for what? An experimental approach to responsibility and fairness.” In European Economic Review 54(3), 2010, pages 429-441.


Cappelen, Alexander W. and Tungodden, Bertil (2010): “Distributive interdependencies in liberal egalitarianism.” Forthcoming in Social Choice and Welfare.

  Cappelen, Alexander W. and Tungodden, Bertil; with Mæstad, Ottar (2010): “Demand for childhood vaccination: Insights from behavioural economics.” In Forum for Development Studies 37(3), 2010, pages 349-364.


Cappelen, Alexander W. and Tungodden, Bertil; with Nordheim, Ole F. (2010): “Disability, freedom and responsibility.” In Politics, Philosophy and Economics 9(4), 2010, pages 411-423.


Cappelen, Alexander W.; with Bjorvatn, Kjetil (2010): “The challenge of a rising skill premium for redistributive taxation.” In International Tax and Public Finance 17(1), 2010, pages 15-24.


Christiansen, Vidar; with Smith, Stephen (2010): “Externality-Correcting Taxes and Regulation.” Forthcoming in Scandinavian Journal of Economics.


Christiansen, Vidar, Blomquist, Sören and Luca Micheletto (2010): “Public Provision of Private Goods and Nondistortionary Marginal Tax Rates.” In American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 2, 2010, pages 1-27.


Fiva, J. H.; with Hægeland, Torbjørn and Rønning, Marte (2010): “Health Status After Cancer: Does It Matter Which Hospital You Belong To?” In BMC Health Services Research 10(204), 2010.


Fiva, Jon H.; with Kirkebøen, Lars J. (2010): “Information Shocks and the Dynamics of the Housing Market.” Forthcoming in Scandinavian Journal of Economics.


Greaker, Mads and Hoel, Michael O.; with Golombek, Rolf (2010): “Carbon Taxes and Innovation without Commitment.” The B.E. Journals in Economic Analysis & Policy 10(1), 2010.


Harstad, Bård; with Svensson, Jakob (2010): Bribes, Lobbying and Development.” Forthcoming in

American Political Science Review.


Harstad, Bård; with Eskeland, Gunnar (2010): “Trading for the Future: Signaling in Permit Markets.” In Journal of Public Economics 94(9-10), 2010, pages 749-60.


Harstad, Bård (2010): Strategic Delegation and Voting Rules.” In Journal of Public Economics

94(1-2), 2010, pages 102-113.


Havnes, Tarjei and Mogstad, Magne (2010): “No Child Left Behind: Subsidized Child Care and Children’s Long-Run Outcomes.” Forthcoming in American Economic Journal: Economic Policy.


Havnes, Tarjei (2010): “Sosial mobilitet og offentlige investeringer i barn og ungdom.” In Søkelys på arbeidslivet 27(1-2), 2010, pages 135-146.


Holden, Steinar; with Holden, Helge and Holden, Lars (2010): ”Contract adjustment under uncertainty.” In Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 34(4), pages 657-680.


Holden, Steinar (2010): ”Handlingsregel og romslige budsjetter. Kommentar til Nasjonalbudsjettet 2011.” In Samfunnsøkonomen 8, 2010, pages 18-22.

  Holden, Steinar (2010): ”Krise i økonomifaget?” In Praktisk Økonomi & Finans 26(3), 2010, pages 17-24.


Holden, Steinar (2010): ”Pengepolitikken etter finanskrisen.” In Samfunnsøkonomen 4, 2010, pages 15-23.


Høyland, Bjørn; with Hagemann, Sara (2010): ”Bicameral Politics in the European Union.” In

Journal of Common Market Studies 48(4), 2010.


Høyland, Bjørn and Sircar, Indraneel (2010): “Get the party started: The Development of Political Party Legislative Dynamics in the Irish Free State Seanad (1922 - 1936).” In Party Politics 16(1), pages 89 -110.


Høyland, Bjørn, Hix, Simon and Vivyan, Nick (2010): From Doves to Hawks: A Spatial Analysis of Voting in the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England.” In European Journal of Political Research 49(6), pages 731 – 758.


Kravdal, Øystein (2010): “The Importance of Community Education for Individual Mortality: A Fixed-Effects Analysis of Longitudinal Multilevel Data on 1.7 Million Norwegian Women and Men.” Forthcoming in Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.


Knutsen, Carl Henrik; with Asmund Rygh and Helge Hveem (2010): “Does State Ownership Matter? Institutions' Effect on Foreign Direct Investment Revisited.” Forthcoming in Business and Politics.


Knutsen, Carl Henrik (2010): “Democracy, Dictatorship and Protection of Property Rights. “Forthcoming in Journal of Development Studies.


Knutsen, Carl Henrik (2010): “Which Democracies Prosper? Electoral Rules, Form of Government and Economic Growth”. Forthcoming in Electoral Studies.


Knutsen, Carl Henrik (2010):”Investigating the Lee thesis: How bad is democracy for Asian economies?” European Political Science Review 2(3), pages 451-473.


Knutsen, Carl Henrik (2010): “Den rasjonelle diktator” [The rational dictator]. Internasjonal Politikk

68(3), pages 404-414.


Knutsen, Carl Henrik (2010): “Measuring Effective Democracy”. International Political Science Review 31(2), pages 109-128.


Kravdal, Øystein (2010): “Demographers’ interest in fertility trends and determinants in developed countries: Is it warranted?” In Demographic Research 22, 2010, pages 663-690.


Kravdal, Øystein; with Grundy, E. (2010): “Fertility history and cause-specific mortality: a register- based analysis of complete cohorts of Norwegian women and men.” In Social Science & Medicine 70, 2010, pages 1847-1857.


Kravdal, Øystein; with Guilkey, D. Morgan S.P and Rindfuss R., (2010): “Child care availability and fertility: Norway.” Forthcoming in Population and Development Review.


Kundu, Tapas; with Klibanoff, Peter (2010): ”Monopoly pricing under a Medicaid-style most favored customer clause and its welfare implication.” In BE journal of Economic Analysis and Policy 10(1), 2010.


Kundu, Tapas; with Biswas, B., Burt, M., Emanuel, N., Emanuel, L., Khemka, V., Rajagopal, M. Joseph, A., Simon, M. and Sreekumar, N. (2010): “Economic Impact of Terminal Illness and the Willingness to Change It.”Journal of Palliative Medicine 13(8), 2010, pages 941-944.


Lind, Jo Thori (2010): ”Do the Rich Vote Conservative Because They Are Rich?” In Review of Economics and Institutions 1, 2010.


Lind, Jo Thori and Mehlum, Halvor (2010): “With or Without U? The Appropriate Test for a U- Shaped Relationship.” In Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 72(1), 2010, pages 109-18.


Lind, Jo Thori and Moene, Kalle (2010): “Miserly Developments.” Forthcoming in Journal of Development Studies.


Mehlum, Halvor (2010): “The Academic Publication Industry, Open Access and Efficiency.” Forthcoming in International Studies Perspectives.


Moen, Espen and Riis, Christian (2010): “Policy Reversal.” In American Economic Review 100(3), 2010, pages 1261–68.


Moen, Espen; with Garibaldi, Pietro (2010): “Job-to-Job Movements in a Simple Search Model.” In

American Economic Review Papers & Proceedings, 2010, 100(2), pages 343–347.


Moen, Espen and Rosen, Åsa (2010): “Incentives in Competititve Search Equilibrium.” Forthcoming in Review of Economic Studies.


Moen, Espen; with Menzio, Guido (2010): “Worker Replacement.” Forthcoming in Journal of Monetary Economics.


Moen, Espen and Røed, Knut; with Bergland, Helge and Skogstrøm, Jens F. (2010): “Entrepreneurship: Origins and Returns.” Forthcoming in Labor Economics.


Moene, Kalle; with Baland, Jean-Marie and Robinson, James A. (2010): “Governance and Development.” In Handbook of Development Economics. Rodrik, Dani and Rosenzweig, Mark (eds.). Amsterdam: North Holland, 2010.


Moene, Kalle (2010): “The Moral Sentiments of Wealth of Nations.” In Adam Smith Review 6, 2010.


Mogstad, Magne; with Aaberge, Rolf and Peragine, Vitorocco (2010): “Measuring Long-Term Inequality of Opportunity.” Forthcoming in Journal of Public Economics.


Mogstad, Magne; with Aaberge R., Bhuller, M. and Langørgen, A. (2010): “The Distributional Impact of Public Services When Needs Differ.” In Journal of Public Economics 94, 2010, pages 549- 562.


Mogstad, Magne; with Aaberge, Rolf (2010): “Robust Inequality Comparisons.” Forthcoming in

Journal of Economic Inequality.


Mogstad, Magne and Rege, Mari; with Kalil, Ariel and Votruba, Mark (2010): “Divorced Fathers’ Proximity and Children’s Long Run Outcomes: Evidence from Norwegian Registry Data.” Forthcoming in Demography.


Nilssen, Tore (2010): “The Television Industry As a Market of Attention.” In Nordicom Review

31(1), 2010, pages 115-123.



Nilssen, Tore (2010): “Risk Externalities in a Payments Oligopoly.” In Portuguese Economic Journal, forthcoming.


Nyborg, Karine (2010): “Will Green Taxes Undermine Moral Motivation?” In Public Finance and Management 10(2) (special issue on Public Finance and the Environment), pages 331- 351.


Nyborg, Karine (2010): “Rådgiver – ikke portvakt.” In Samfunnsøkonomen 3, 2010, pages 35-41.


Rege, Mari, Telle, Kjetil and Votruba, Mark (2010): “Parental Job Loss and Children’s School Performance.” Forthcoming in The Review of Economic Studies.


Rege, Mari and Cooper, David. (2010):”Social Interaction Effects and Choice Under Uncertainty: An Experimental Study.” Forthcoming in Games and Economic Behavior.


Riis, Christian (2010): “ Efficient Contests.” In Journal of Economics and Management Strategy,19(3), 2010, pages 645-665.


Røed, Knut; with Westlie, Lars (2010): “Unemployment Insurance in Welfare States: The Impacts of Soft Duration Constraints.” Forthcoming in Journal of the European Economic Association.


Røed, Knut (2010): “Ja til sykenærvær!” In Samfunnsøkonomen 3, 2010, pages 13-17.


Storesletten, Kjetil; with Heathcote, Jonathan and Violante, Giovanni L. (2010): “The Macroeconomic Implication of Rising Wage Inequality in the United States.” In Journal of Political Economy 118(4), 2010, pages 681-722.


Storesletten, Kjetil and Zilibotti, Fabrizio; with Song, Zheng (2011): “Growing Like China.”

American Economic Review, 101 (1), 2011, pages 202-242.


Torvik, Ragnar; with Chacon, Mario and Robinson, James A. (2010): When is Democracy an Equilibrium? Theory and Evidence from Colombia's La Violencia. Forthcoming in Journal

of Conflict Resolution.

Torsvik, Gaute; with Ellingsen, Tore, Johannesson, Magnus and Tjøtte, Sigve (2010): “Testing Guilt Aversion.” In Games and Economic Behavior 68(1), 2010, pages 95-107.


Torsvik, Gaute; with Kobbeltvedt, Therese, Molander, Anders and Tjøtte, Sigve (2010): “Anticipated discussions in a social dilemma.” Forthcoming in Rationality and Society.


Torsvik, Gaute; with Mæstad, Ottar and Aakvik, Arild (2010): “Overworked? On the Relationship Between Workload and Health Worker Performance. In Journal of Health Economics 29, 2010, pages 686-698.


Torsvik, Gaute; with Iversen, Vegard (2010): “Networks, Middlemen and Other (Urban) Labor Market Mysteries.” In Indian Growth and Development Review 3(1), 2010, pages 62-80.


Zilibotti, Fabrizio; with Doepke, Matthias (2010): “Do International Labor Standards Contribute to the Persistence of the Child Labor Problem?” In Journal of Economic Growth 15(1), 2010, pages 1-37.


Zilibotti, Fabrizio; with Acemoglu, Daron, Aghion, Philippe and Griffith, Rachel (2010): “Vertical Integration and Technology: Theory and Evidence.” In Journal of the European Economic Association 8(5), 2010.


Zilibotti, Fabrizio; with Acemoglu, Daron and Gancia, Gino (2010): “Competing Engines of Growth: Innovation and Standardization.” Forthcoming in Journal of Economic Theory.

Publications 2009

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Asheim, Geir B.; with Holtsmark, Bjart (2009): ”Pareto-efficient climate agreements can always be renegotiation-proof.” In Environmental and Resource Economics 43, 2009, vol. 43, pages 519–533.


Asheim, Geir B. with Wei, Taoyuan (2009): ”Sectoral income.” In Environmental and Resource Economics 42, 2009, pages 65-87.


Barth, Erling, with Dale-Olsen, Harald (2009): “Monopsonistic Discrimination, Worker Turnover and the Gender Wage Gap.” In Labour Economics 16, 2009, pages 589-597.


Cappelen, Alexander W. and Tungodden, Bertil (2009): ”Rewarding Effort.” In Economic Theory

39(3), 2009, pages 425-441.


Fernández, Raquel; with Fogli, Alessandra (2009): “Culture: An Empirical Investigation of Beliefs, Work, and Fertility.” In American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 1(1), 2009, pages 146-177.


Fiva, J. H. (2009): “Does welfare policy affect residential choices? An empirical investigation accounting for policy endogeneity.” In Journal of Public Economics 93(3-4), 2009, pages 529-540.


Hoel, Michael Olaf; with Bye, Torstein (2009): ”Grønne sertifikater dyr og formålsløs fornybar moro.” I Samfunnsøkonomen 63(7), 2009, pages 34-37.


Hoel, Michael Olaf; with Holtsmark, Bjart (2009): ”Utviklingslandene bestemmer klimautviklingen.” I Samfunnsøkonomen 63(7), 2009, pages 38-48.


Hoel, Michael Olaf; with Strøm, Steinar (2009):”Klimapolitikk for en liten, åpen og rik økonomi.” I

Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift 03-04, 2009, pages 496-502.


Holden, Steinar with Wulfsberg, Fredrik (2009): ”How strong is the macroeconomic case for downward real wage rigidity?” In Journal of Monetary Economics, 2009, vol. 56(4), pages 605-615.


Holden, Steinar (2009): ”Finanskrisen - årsaker og mekanismer.” I Samfunnsøkonomen 4, 2009, pages 4-10.


Holden, Steinar (2009): ”Finanskrisen - hvordan kunne det skje?” I Søkelys på arbeidslivet 1(26), 2009, pages 125-133.


Høyland, Bjørn; with Franchino, Fabio (2009): “Legislative Involvement in Parliamentary Systems.” In American Political Science Review 103(4), 2009, pages 607-621.


Høyland, Bjørn with Sircar, Indraneel and Hix, Simon (2009): “An Automated Database of the European Parliament.” In European Union Politics, 2009, vol. 10(1), pages 143- 153.


Kravdal, Øystein (2009): “Mortality effects of average education: a multilevel study of small neighbourhoods in rural and urban areas in Norway”. In International Journal for Equity in Health 8 2009.

Kravdal, Øystein (2009): “Mortality effects of average education in current and earlier municipality of residence among internal migrants, net of their own education.” In Social Science and Medicine 69(10), 2009, pages 1484-1492.


Kravdal, Øystein; with Steele, Fiona and Sigle-Rushton, Wendy (2009): “Consequences of Family Disruption on children’s educational outcomes in Norway”. In Demography 46(3), 2009, pages 553- 574.


Kravdal, Øystein; with Syse, Astri and Tretli, Steinar; (2009): “The Impact of Cancer on Spouses' Labor Earnings A Population-Based Study”. Cancer 115(S18), 2009, pages 4350-4361.


Lind, Jo Thori and Mehlum, Halvor (2009): “UTEST: Stata module to test for a U-shaped relationship.” Programme expansion for Stata, available at http://ideas.repec.org/c/boc/bocode/s456874.html


Mehlum, Halvor (2009): ”The Island Problem Revisited.”  In American Statistician 63(3), 2009, pages 269-273.


Mehlum, Halvor (2009): “On the Geometry of the Instrumental Variable Estimator.” In Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 71(3), 2009, pages 427-435.


Moene, Karl Ove; with Baland, Jean Marie and Andersson, Siwan (2009): ”Enforcement in Informal Saving Groups.” In Journal of Development Economics 90(1), 2009, pages 14-23.


Mogstad, Magne and Rege, Mari (2009): ”Tidlig læring og sosial mobilitet.” In Samfunnsøkonomen

5, 2009.


Mogstad, Magne and Rege, Mari (2009): ”Jo rikere jo bedre? Betydningen av familieinntekt for barns utvikling.” In Søkelys på arbeidslivet 3, 2009.


Nilssen, Tore; with Kind, Hans Jarle and Sørgard, Lars (2009): “Business Models for Media Firms: Does Competition Matter for How They Raise Revenue?” In Marketing Science 28(6), pages 1112- 1128.


Raaum, Oddbjørn and Røed, Knut; with Nordberg, Morten, Rogstad, Jon and Westlie, Lars (2009): “Young and Out: An Application of a Prospects-Based Concept of Social Exclusion.” Journal of Socio-Economics 38, 2009, pages 173–187.


Rege, Mari; with Telle, Kjetil and Votruba, Mark (2009): “The Effect of Plant Downsizing on Disability Pension Utilization.” In Journal of the European Economic Association 7(4), 2009, pages 754-785.


Røed, Knut; with Nordberg, Morten (2009): “Economic Incentives, Business Cycles, and Long-Term Sickness Absence.” Industrial Relations 48(2), 2009, pages 203-230.


Røed, Knut; with Fevang, Elisabeth and Kverndokk, Snorre (2009): “Omsorg for foreldre – hvordan påvirkes yrkesaktiviteten?” In Søkelys på Arbeidslivet 26(1), 2009, pages 113-123.


Storesletten, Kjetil; with Heathcote, Jonathan and Violante, Giovanni (2009): “Quantitative Macroeconomics with Heterogeneous Households.” In Annual Review of Economics 1, 2009, pages 319-354.


Torvik, Ragnar (2009): ”Why do some resource-abundant countries succeed while others do not?” In

Oxford Review of Economic Policy 25, 2009, pages 241-256.


Torvik, Ragnar; with Robinson, James A. (2009): “A political economy theory of the soft budget constraint.” In European Economic Review 53(7), 2009, pages 786-798.


Torvik, Ragnar; with Robinson, James A. (2009): “The real swing voter's curse.” In American Economic Review P&P 99(2), 2009, pages 310-315.


Ulltveit-Moe, Karen Helene (2009): ”Statsbudsjettet 2010.” In Samfunnsøkonomen 63(8), 2009,

pages 26-30.


Zilibotti, Fabrizio; with Gancia, Gino (2009): “Technological Change and the Wealth of Nations.”In

Annual Review of Economics 1, 2009, pages 93-120.


Zilibotti, Fabrizio; with Doepke, Matthias (2009): “International Labor Standards and the Political Economy of Child Labor Regulation.” In Journal of the European Economic Association 7(2-3), pages 508-518.


Publications 2008

                                                                                                                                                                             Go to top of page

Asheim, Geir B.; with Han Yoo, Seung (2008): “Coordinating under incomplete information.”

Review of Economic Design 12, 2008, pages 293-313.


Asheim, Geir B. (2008): “Paradoxical Consumption Behavior When Economic Activity Has Environmental Effects.” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 65, 2008, pages 529-546.


Aslaksen, Silje; with Andersen, J.J. (2010): “Constitutions and the Resource Curse.” In Journal of Development Economics 87(2), 2008, pages 227-246.


Barth, Erling and Moene, Kalle (2008): ”Likhet og åpenhet.” I Tidsskrift for Velferdsforskning

11(1), 2008, pages 5-16.


Barth, Erling, Bratsberg, Bernt; and Raaum, Oddbjørn with Hægeland, Torbjørn (2008): ”Who Pays for Performance?” In International Journal of Manpower 29(1), 2008, pages 8-29.


Bratsberg, Bernt, Raaum, Oddbjørn and Røed, Knut (2008): “Må arbeid lønne seg i et inkluderende arbeidsliv?” Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning 11(1), 2008, pages 49-61.


Brekke, Kjell Arne (2008): ”En adferdsøkonoms hyllest til Homo oeconomicus.” I

Samfunnsøkonomen 5, 2008, pages 36-42.


Brekke, Kjell A. and Nyborg, Karine (2008): “Attracting responsible employees: Green production as labor market screening.” Resource and Energy Economics 30, pages 509-526.


Brekke, Kjell A.; with Johansson-Stenman, O. (2008): ”The Behavioral Economics of Climate Change.” In Oxford Review of Economic Policy 24(2), 2008, pages 280-297.


Cappelen, Alexander and Tungodden, Bertil; with Norheim, Ole F. (2008): “Genomics and Equal Opportunity Ethics.” In Journal of Medical Ethics 34, 2008, pages 361-364.


Christiansen, Vidar with Sandmo, Agnar (2008): ”Skatter og skattepolitikk gjennom 100 år.” I

Samfunnsøkonomen 6-7, 2008.


Christiansen, Vidar with Smith, Stephen (2008): ”Optimal Commodity Taxation with Duty-Free Shopping.” In International Tax and Public Finance 15(3), 2008, pages 274-296.


Christiansen, Vidar with Tuomala, Matti (2008): “On taxing capital income with income shifting.” In

International Tax and Public Finance 15(4), 2008, pages 527-545.


Christiansen, Vidar; with Blomquist, Sören (2008): “Taxation and Heterogeneous Preferences.” In

FinanzArchiv 64(2), 2008.


Christiansen, Vidar (2008): “Comments on Sijbren Cnossen: Do Drinkers Pay Their Way in the European Union?” In FinanzArchiv 64(4), 2008.

 Fiva, Jon H.; with Rønning, Marte (2008): “The Incentive Effects of Property Taxation: Evidence  from Norwegian School Districts.” In Regional Science and Urban Economics 38(1), 2008, pages 49- 62.


Hoel, Michael O.; with Dalen, Dag M. and Strøm, Steinar (2008): ”Kalkulasjonsrenten på lang sikt i en usikker verden.” In Samfunnsøkonomen 62(8), 2008, pages 52-60.


Hoel, Michael O.; with Golombek, Rolf (2008): ”Endogenous technology and tradable emission quotas.” In Resources and Energy Economics 30, 2008, pages 197-208.


Hoel, Michael O (2008): ”Økonomiske analyser av klimaproblemet.” In Samfunnsøkonomen 62(6-7) 2008, pages 50-61.


Holden, Steinar with Wulfsberg, Fredrik (2008): “Downward nominal wage rigidity in the OECD.” In The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics 8(1) (Advances), Article 15.


Kravdal, Øystein (2008): “Does income inequality really influence individual mortality? Results from a ‘fixed effects analysis’ where constant unobserved municipality characteristics are controlled.” In Demographic Research 18, 2008.


Kravdal, Øystein; with Rindfuss, Ron (2008): “Changing Relationships between Education and Fertility: A Study of Women and Men Born 1940 to 1964.” In American Sociological Review 73(5), 2008, pages 854-873.


Kravdal, Øystein, and  Grundy, E (2008):  ”Reproductive history and mortality in late middle age among Norwegian men and women”. American Journal of Epidemiology 2008 ;Volum 167.


Kravdal, Øystein (2008): “A broader perspective on education and mortality: Are we influenced by other people's education?” In Social Science and Medicine 66, 2008.


Kravdal, Øystein; with Syse, Astri and Tretli, Steinar (2008): ”Cancer’s impact on employment and earnings – a population-based study from Norway.” Journal of cancer survivorship 2, 2008, pages 149-158.


Markussen, Simen (2008): “How the left prospers from prosperity.” In European Journal of Political Economy 24(2), 2008, pages 329-342.


Moene, Kalle (2008): ”Tilbake til Democracy in America?” In Samfunnsøkonomen 6-7, 2008.


Røed, Knut; with Jensen, Peter and Thoursie, Anna (2008): “Unemployment Duration and Unemployment Insurance - A Comparative Analysis Based on Scandinavian Micro Data.” In Oxford Economic Papers 60(2), 2008, pages 254-274.


Storesletten, Kjetil and Zilibotti, Fabrizio; with Hassler, John and Krussel, Per (2008): “On the Optimal Timing of Capital Taxation.” In Journal of Monetary Economics 55(4), 2008, pages 692-709.

Storesletten, Kjetil; with Heathcote, Jonathan and Violante, Giovanni L. (2008): “Insurance and Opportunities: A Welfare Analysis of Labor Market Risk.” In Journal of Monetary Economics 55(3), 2008, pages 501-525.


Storesletten, Kjetil; with Henriksen, Espen and Backus, David (2008): “Taxes and the Global Allocation of Capital.” In Journal of Monetary Economics 55(1), 2008, pages 48-61.


Ulltveit-Moe, Karen Helene; with Norman, Victor D. (2008): “Globalisering og omstilling. Holder den norske modellen mål?” I Samfunnsøkonomen 62(6-7), 2008, pages 62-74.


Zilibotti, Fabrizio; with Doepke, Matthias (2008): “Occupational Choice and the Spirit of Capitalism.” In Quarterly Journal of Economics 123(2), 2008, pages 747-793.


Zilibotti, Fabrizio; with Aghion, Philippe, Burgess, Robin and Redding, Stephen (2008): “Unequal Effects of Liberalization: Evidence from Dismantling the License Raj in India.” In American Economic Review 98(4), 2008, pages 1397-1412.


Zilibotti, Fabrizio (2008): “Economic Growth through the Development Process.” In CESifo Economic Studies 54(3), 2008, pages 325-357.


Zilibotti, Fabrizio; with Saez-Marti, Maria (2008): “Preferences as Human Capital: Rational Choice Theories of Endogenous Preferences and Socioeconomic Changes.” In Finnish Economic Papers 21(2), 2008, pages 81-94


Publication 2007

                                                                                                                                                               Go to top of page

Asheim, Geir B.; with Buchholz, W., Harwick, J.M., Mitra, T., and Withagen, C. (2007): “Constant savings rates and quasiarithmetic population growth under exhaustible resource constraints.” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 53, 2007, pages 213–229.

Asheim, Geir B. (2007): “Can NNP be Used for Welfare Comparisons.” Environment and Development Economics 12, 2007, pages 11–31.

Barth, Erling and Schøne, Pål (2007): ”Monopsoni i arbeidsmarkdet” Søkelys på Arbeidsmarkedet

24(1), pages 113-118.


Bratsberg, Bernt, Raaum, Oddbjørn and Røed, Knut; with Eriksson, Tor, Naylor, Robin A., Jäntti, Markus and Österbacka, Eva (2007): ”Nonlinearities in Intergenerational Earnings Mobility: Consequences for Cross-Country Comparisons.” In The Economic Journal 117(519), 2007.


Bratsberg, Bernt, Raaum, Oddbjørn and Røed, Knut; with Österbacka, Eva, Eriksson, Tor, Jäntti, Markus and Naylor, Robin A. (2007): ”Marital Sorting, Household Labor Supply, and Intergenerational Earnings Mobility across Countries.” In The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy (Advances) 7(2), 2007.


Bratsberg, Bernt and Raaum, Oddbjørn; with Björklund, Anders, Eriksson, Tor, and Jäntti, Markus (2007): ”Interindustry Wage Differentials and Unobserved Ability: Siblings Evidence from Five Countries.” In Industrial Relations 46(1), 2007, pages 171-202.


Brekke, Kjell Arne, Nyborg, Karine and Rege, Mari (2007): ”The Fear of Exclusion: Individual Effort when Group Formation is Endogenous.” In Scandinavian Journal of Economics 109 (3), 2007, pages 531-550.


Brekke, Kjell Arne; with Stenseth, Nils C. and Øksendal, Bernt (2007): ”The effect of climate variations on the dynamics of pasture-livestock interactions under cooperative and noncooperative management.” In Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America 104, 2007, pages 14730-14734.


Cappelen, Alexander W. and Tungodden, Bertil with Hagen, Rune J. (2007): ”National responsibility and the just distribution of debt relief.” In Ethics and International Affairs 21, 2007.


Cappelen, Alexander W., Sørensen, Erik Ø. and Tungodden, Bertil with Hole, Astri D. (2007): “The Pluralism of Fairness Ideals: An Experimental Approach.” In American Economic Review 97(3), 2007, pages 818-827.


Cappelen, Alexander W. and Tungodden, Bertil (2007): “Redistribution and marginal productivity reward.” In Research on Economic Inequality 15, 2007, pages 1-6.


Cappelen, Alexander W. and Tungodden, Bertil (2007): “Local autonomy and interregional equality.” In Social Choice and Welfare 28(3), 2007, pages 443-460.

Christiansen, Vidar (2007): ”Two approaches to determine public good provision under distortionary Taxation.” National Tax Journal 60(1), 2007.


Christiansen, Vidar (2007): ” Public finance: fifty years of the second best - and beyond - A selection of papers presented at the 62nd Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance, held in Paphos, Cyprus.” International Tax and Public Finance 14, 2007.


Fiva, Jon (2007): ”Sentral finansiering av lokal offentlig tjenesteproduksjon: Bailout-problemet.” In

Økonomisk forum 2/2007.


Fiva, Jon; with Rattsø, Jørn (2007): ”Local Choice of Property Taxation: Evidence from Norway.” In

Public Choice 132(3-4), 2007, pages 457-470.


Havnes, Tarjei and Willumsen, Fredrik (2007): ”På kino uten kontroll. Kommentar til Christer Trane.” In Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 48, 2007, pages 409-420.


Hoel, Michael (2007): ”What should (public) health insurance cover?” In Journal of Health Economics 26, 2007, pages 251–262.


Hoel, Michael; with Barrett, S. (2007): ”Optimal Disease Eradication.” In Environment and Development Economics 12(5), 2007, pages 627–652.


Hoel, Michael; with Bye, Torstein (2007): ”Klimabidrag fra Norge.” In Økonomisk forum 5, 2007, pages 31–34.


Hoel, Michael; with Sterner, T. (2007): ”Discounting and Relative Prices.” In Climatic Change 84, 2007.


Holden, Steinar; with Dickens, William T., Götte, Lorenz, Groshen, Erica L., Messina, Julián, Schweitzer, Mark E., Turunen, Jarkko and Ward-Warmedinger, Melanie (2007): ”How wages change: Micro Evidence from the International Wage Flexibility Project.” In Journal of Economic  Perspectives 21(2), 2007, pages 195-214.


Holden, Steinar (2007): ”Nobels minnepris i økonomi - Edmund S. Phelps. Økonomisk Forum 4, 2007, pages 23-30.


Høyland, Bjørn; with Benedetto, Giacomo (2007): “The EU Annual Budgetary Procedure the Existing Rules and Proposed Reforms of the Convention and Intergovernmental Conference, 2002- 2004.” In Journal of Common Market Studies 45(3), pages 565-87.


Kravdal, Øystein; with Derose, LF. (2007): “Educational reversals and first-birth timing in sub- Saharan Africa: A dynamic multilevel approach.” In Demography 44, 2007.


Kravdal, Øystein (2007): “A fixed-effects multilevel analysis of how community family structure affects individual mortality in Norway”. In Demography 44, 2007.

Kravdal, Øystein (2007): “Effects of current education on second- and third-birth rates among Norwegian women and men born in 1964: Substantive interpretations and methodological issues.” In Demographic Research 17, 2007, pages 211-246.


Kravdal, Øystein; with Rindfuss, Ron, Guilkey, David, Morgan, Phil and Guzzo, Karen (2007): “Child care availability and first-birth timing in Norway”. In Demography 44(2), 2007, pages 345- 372.


Kravdal, Øystein; with Syse, Astri (2007): ”Does cancer affect the divorce rate?” Demographic Research 16, 2007, pages 469-492.


Kravdal, Øystein; with Syse, Astri and Tretli, Steinar (2007): ”Parenthood after cancer - A popultion- based study.” In Psycho-Oncology 16, 2007, pages 920-927.


Lind, Jo Thori (2007): “Does permanent income determine the vote?” In B.E. Journals of Macroeconomics 7(1), 2007, Article 19.


Lind, Jo Thori (2007): “Fractionalization and inter-group differences.” In Kyklos 60, 2007, pages 123-139.


Lind, Jo Thori (2007): ”Fractionalization and the size of government.” In Journal of Public Economics 91, 2007, pages 15-76.


Lind, Jo Thori (2007): ”Religion, welfare politics, and church-state separation.” In Journal of Ecumenical Studies 42 (1), 2007, pages 42-52.


Markussen, Simen (2007): ”Økonomisk sykefraværsforskning: Hva vet vi, og hvor bør vi gå?” In

Søkelys på arbeidslivet 24(1), 2007, pages 63-81.


Mogstad, Magne; with Aaberge, R. and Langørgen, A. (2007): “Region-specific versus Country- specific Poverty Lines in Analysis of Poverty”. In Journal of Economic Inequality 5, 2007, pages 115- 122.


Nilssen, Tore (2007): ”Opsjoner til bedriftsledere - har vi noe valg?” I Søkelys på arbeidslivet 24(3), 2007, pages 303-314.


Nilssen, Tore; with Kind, Hans J. and Sørgard, Lars (2007): “Competition for Viewers and Advertisers in a TV Oligopoly.” Journal of Media Economics 20, 2007.


Røed, Knut; with Fevang, Elisabeth (2007): “Organizational Change, Absenteeism and Welfare Dependency.” Journal of Human Resources 42(1), 2007, pages 156–193.


Røed, Knut; with Gaure, Simen and Zhang, Tao (2007): “Time and Causality: A Monte Carlo Assessment of the Timing-of-Events Approach.” Journal of Econometrics 141, 2007, pages 1159– 1195.

Røed, Knut; with Gaure, Simen (2007):  “How Tight is the Labour Market? Sources of Changes in the Aggregate Exit Rate from Unemployment across the Business Cycle.” Journal of Business Cycle Measurement and Analysis 3(2), 2007.


Røed, Knut (2007): “Welfare Reform: The US Experience. Comment on Robert Moffitt.” In Swedish Economic Policy Review 14(2), pages 49-54.


Røed, Knut (2007): “Hele folket i arbeid?” In Økonomisk Forum 3, 2007.


Storesletten, Kjetil, Hassler and Zilibotti (2007): ”Democratic Public Good Provision ,” Journal of Economic Theory 133(1), pages 127-151.


Storesletten, Kjetil, Telmer and Yaron (2007): “Asset pricing with idiosyncratic risk and overlapping generations,” Review of Economic Dynamics (4), pages 519-548.


Storesletten, Kjetil (2007): “Comments on: “Hong and Ríos-Rull's ‘Social security, life insurance and annuities for families.”In Journal of Monetary Economics 54 (1), pages 141-143.


Torvik, Ragnar; with Matsen, Egil and Sveen, Tommy (2007): “Savers, spenders and fiscal policy in a small open economy.” In B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics 7(1), article 22 (topics), 2007.


Zilibotti, Fabrizio; with Acemoglu, Daron; Aghion, Philippe; Lelarge, Claire and Van Reenen, John (2007): “Technology, Information and the Decentralization of the firm.” In Quarterly Journal of Economics 122(4), 2007, pages 1759-1799.


Ulltveit-Moe, Karen Helene (2007): “Regional policy design: An analysis of relocation, efficiency and equity.” In European Economic Review 51, 2007


Books or chapters in books


Books or chapters in books 2013

                                                                                                                                                                              Go to top of page

2013, Awa, Angelique and Carl Henrik Knutsen; "Landprofil: Kongo–Kinshasa" [Country profile: Congo-Kinshasa] in Sigrun Johnstad [Ed.] Afrikas 99% – økonomisk vekst, ulikhet og protest. Oslo: Fellesrådet for Afrika.

2013, Bjørnenak, Trond with  Nils-Henrik M. von der Fehr, Espen R. Moen and Christian Riis; "Plan eller marked? Om reguleringsregimet for markedet for videreforedling av melk", Oslo: Hovedorganisasjonen Virke 2013 (ISBN 978-82-7770-060-1)

2013, Cools, Sara; “Having it all. How children affect work and wages of men and women”, Dissertation for the PhD degree, Department of Economics, University of Oslo

2013, Fevang, Elisabeth with Simen Markussen and Knut Røed; “Til, fra og mellom inntektssikringsordninger - før og etter NAV” Rapport 1/2013. Stiftelsen Frischsenteret for samfunnsøkonomisk forskning.

2013, von der Fehr, Nils-Henrik M.; "Vertikale relasjoner", In Dagligvarehandel og mat 2013. Norsk institutt for landbruksøkonomisk forskning 2013, s. 116-134

2013 Gancia, Gino with Andreas Mueller and Fabrizio Zilibotti; “Structural Development Accounting.” In Advances in Economics and Econometrics: Theory and Applications (Tenth World Congress of the Econometric Society), D. Acemoglu, M. Arellano and E. Dekel (eds.), Cambridge University Press, August 2013.

2013, Greaker, Mads; “Strategic Environmental Policy”, in Shogren J. F., (ed), Encyclopedia of Energy, Natural Resource and Environmental Economics, Amsterdam Elsevier , Vol 3, p. 313-320,


2013, Harstad, Bård with Matti Liski; “Games and Resources”, in Shogren J. F., (ed),  Encyclopedia of Energy, Natural Resource, and Environmental Economics, Amsterdam, Elsevier, p. 1056

2013, Krüger, Ingrid; "What’s Oil Got to Do With It? Essays on the Political Economy of Resource Rich Countries" PhD degree, The Department of Economics, University of Oslo

2013, Markussen, Simen and Knut Røed; “Mot en mer evidensbasert arbeids- og velferdspolitikk?” In Arbeidsdepartementet 100 år. Hege Forbord (Red.): pages. 225-250.

2013, Mehlum, Halvor ”Samfunnsøkonomiens plass i jussen”, In Det juridiske fakultet gjennom 200 år. Kontinuitet og fornyelse. Akademisk Publisering 2013. s. 87-104


2013, Moene, Kalle; «Velferdsstatens bærende krefter» In Arbeidsdepartementet 100 år. Hege Forbord (Red.): pages. 195-224

2013, Moene, Kalle; "Scandinavian Equality: A Prime Example of Protection Without Protectionism" In The Quest for Security: Protection Without Protectionism and the Challenge of Global Governance, Joseph E. Stiglitz and Mary Kaldor , Columbia University Press, New York, 2013.

2013, Moene, Kalle; ”Mekaniseringens tyranni,” In Civilsamhället klämt mellan stat och kapital, L. Trädgårdh, P. Selle, L. S. Henriksen and H. Hallin (red.) , SNS Förlag, Stockholm, 2013.

2013, Nyborg, Karine; “To stemmer. Når hodet og hjertet er uenige, kan det være noe en av dem ikke har skjønt”, Stemmer 09, Aschehoug, Oslo

2013, Ulltveit-Moe, Karen Helene; “Comment on The Geography of the Great Recession”, In NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics 2012”, University of Chicago Press, Ch. 7, pages. 332-335 (2013)


2013, Salvanes, Kari; “Economic Conditions and Family Policy: Child and Family Outcomes” Phd-thesis, University of Oslo


Books or chapters in books 2012                                                               

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Asheim, Geir (2012): "Discounting while treating generations equally". In Hahn, R. and Ulph, U. (eds.) Climate Change and Common Sense: Essays in Honour of Tom Schelling, Oxford University Press.      


Hoel, Michael (2012): "Carbon taxes and the green paradox". In Hahn, R. and Ulph, U. (eds.) Climate Change and Common Sense: Essays in Honour of Tom Schelling, Oxford University Press.


Holden, Steinar (2012): "Comment on the cyclical behavior of equilibrium unemployment and vacancies". In Frankel, Jeffrey A. and Pissarides, Christopher A. (eds.) International seminar on Macroeconomics 2011, The University of Chicago Press, pages 241-247.


Knutsen, Carl Henrik with Hveem, Helge (2012): Governance and Knowledge: The Politics of Foreign Investment, Technology and Ideas. Routledge, London.


Knutsen, Carl Henrik with Hveem, Helge (2012): "Introduction: Politics and the Creation and Diffusion of Knowledge". In Hveem, Helge and Knutsen, Carl Henrik (eds.) Governance and Knowledge: The Politics of Foreign Investment, Technology and Ideas, London, Routledge.


Knutsen, Carl Henrik (2012): "Democracy, Dictatorship and Technological Change". In Hveem, Helge and Knutsen, Carl Henrik (eds.) Governance and Knowledge: The Politics of Foreign Investment, Technology and Ideas, London, Routledge.


Knutsen, Carl Henrik with Hveem, Helge and Rygh, Asmund (2012): "State ownership, political risk and foreign direct investment". In Eliassen, Kjell Arnold (ed) Business and politics in a new global order, Gyldedal Akademisk, Oslo.


Mehlum, Halvor, Moene, Karl Ove and Torvik, Ragnar (2012): "Mineral rents and social development in Norway". In Katja Hujo (ed.) Mineral rents and the financing of social policy, Palgrave Macmillian.


Mehlum, Halvor and Moene, Karl Ove (2012): "Aggressive elites and vulnerable entrepreneurs: Trust and cooperation in the shadow of conflict". In Garfinkel, Michelle R. and Skaperdas, Stergios (eds.) Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Peace and Conflict, Oxford University Press.


Nyborg, Karine (2012): "The Ethics and Politics of Environmental Cost-Benefit Analysis". Routledge, London.


Strøm, Marte (2012): "Double income households - 4 essays on children, votes and parents' labor supply", avhandling for PhD-graden.

Books or chapters in books 2011

                                                                                                                                                                       Go to top of page

Moene, Karl Ove (2011): ”Are Good Policies Good Politics?” In Dag Harald Claees and Carl Henrik Knutsen (eds.) Governing the Global Economy: Politics, Institutions and Development. Routledge, 2011, pages 160-170.

Esteban, Joan and Debraj Ray (2011):” Comparing Polarization Measures”, in M. Garfinkel and S. Skaperdas (eds.) Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Peace and Conflict, Oxford University Press (2011).

Torvik , Ragnar (2011): “The Political Economy of Reform in Resource-Rich Countries,”in Rabah Arezki, Thorvaldur Gylfason and Amadou Sy (eds.): Beyond the Curse. Policies to Harness the Power of Natural Resource. Washington: The International Monetary Fund, 2011.

Ulltveit-Moe,  Karen Helene  (2011): “Allting glemt, ingenting lært? Forhåpentligvis ikke», Finansråd i utfordrende tider: Om forvaltning og økonomisk politikk. Bjerkedal, Nina (red.). Oslo: Finansdepartementet. 2011.

Zilibotti,  Fabrizio (2011): “Distance to Technology Frontier and European Economic Growth”, in Paul Messerli, Rainer Schwinges, Thomas Schmid (eds.), Entwicklungsmodell Europa. Entstehung, Ausbreitung und Herausforderung durch die Globalisierung, Zürich: VDF Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, 2011.

Riis,  Christian and Espen R. Moen (2011): “ Moderne mikroøkonomi,“ Oslo: Gyldendal, 2011.


Hix, Simon and Bjørn Høyland (2011): The Political System of the European Union, 3rd Edition , Palgrave Macmillian.


Havnes, Tarjei and Magne Mogstad (2011): “Child Care and Child Development: An Economist's View,” Nordic Early Childhood Education and Care – Effects and Challenges, Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, Oslo, 2011.


Claes, Dag Harald and Carl Henrik Knutsen (2011): “Governing the Global Economy: Politics, Institutions and Economic Development,”London: Routledge, 2011.


Kundu, Tapas (2011): “Addressing the social suffering associated with illness: A focus on household economic resilience”, Palliative Care (2nd edition). Emanuel, Linda and Librach, Lawrence (eds.). Elsevier, 2011.


Bratsberg, Bernt and Oddbjørn Raaum (2011): “ The Labour Market Outcomes of Naturalised Citizens in Norway”, Naturalisation: A Passport for the Better Integration of Immigrants? OECD Publishing, 2011: 183-205.

Røed, Knut (2011): “Economic and social incentives for viable age policies,” Ennals, R. and Salomon, R. H. (eds.), 2011, Older Workers in a Sustainable Society. Peter Lang Verlag. Frankfurt am Main.

Books or chapters in books 2010

                                                                                                                                                                         Go to top of page

Asheim, Geir B. (2010): ”The relationship between welfare measures and indicators of sustainable development.” Forthcoming in Handbook of Environmental Accounting. T. Aronsson, K.-G. Löfgren (eds.). Edvard Elgar, 2010.


Barth, Erling (2010): “Ligeløn: Analyser og tiltag.” In Hvorfor har vi lønsforskelle mellem kvinder og mænd? Deding, Mette and Holt, Helle (eds.) København: SFI – Det nationale forskningscenter for velfærd, 2010.


Cappelen, Alexander W. (2010): ”Pension Funds and Intergenerational Justice.” Forthcoming in

Environmental Justice, Sustainable Development and Future Generations, Springer.


Havnes, Tarjei and Mogstad, Magne (2010): ”Eldre eller rikere? En aldersjustering av tidstrenden i inntektsulikhet.” In Økonomiske analyser 2, 2010.


Høyland, Bjørn with Hix, Simon (2010): The Political System of the European Union. Forthcoming 3rd edition, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.


Knutsen, Carl Henrik (2011): “Education” in Hveem, Helge and Iapadre Lelio (eds.) The Global Governance of Knowledge: Education, research, innovation and international cooperation. London: Routledge.


Knutsen, Carl Henrik (2011): “Research” in Helge Hveem and Lelio Iapadre [Eds.] The Global Governance of Knowledge: Education, Research, Innovation and International Cooperation. London: Routledge.


Knutsen, Carl Henrik (2011): "Open flow of ideas" in Helge Hveem and Lelio Iapadre [Eds.] The Global Governance of Knowledge: Education, research, innovation and international cooperation. London: Routledge.


Knutsen, Carl Henrik and Hveem, Helge (2011): "Co-operation on knowledge activities" in Helge Hveem and Lelio Iapadre [Eds.] The Global Governance of Knowledge: Education, research, innovation and international cooperation. London: Routledge.


Kundu, Tapas; with Emanuel et al. (2010): “Addressing the social suffering associated with illness: A focus on household economic resilience.” Prepared for Emanuel, L. and Librach, L., eds. Palliative Care (2nd edition): Elsevier, In press.


Lind, Jo Thori and Moene, Kalle (2010): “Gnierindeksen – et mål på verdens gjerrighet.” In Rettferdighet. Halsaa, Beatrice and Hellum, Anne (eds.). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 2010, pages 226- 239.


Moene, Karl Ove (2010): ”Tocqueville og den nordiske modellen.” In Elster og Sirenes Sang. Slagstad, Rune (ed.) and Elster, Jon. Oslo: Pax, 2010.


Moene, Karl Ove (2010): “Konflikt og hovedavtale.” I Avtalt spill. Bergh, Trond (ed.) Oslo: LO Media, 2010.

Mogstad, Magne; with Brenna, Loveleen R., Bjerkestrand, Mimi, Broström, Stig, Fagerli, Bente, Hernes, Ingrid, Horslien, Øivind, Moser, Thomas, Ogden, Terje, Raundalen, Magne, Rygg, Eli and Tørresdal, Bjørg (2010): ”Med forskertrang og lekelyst. Systematisk pedagogisk tilbud til alle førskolebarn.” NOU 2010:8, Brenna-utvalget.


Books or chapters in books 2009

                                                                                                                                                                       Go to top of page

Barth, Erling (2009) (co-edited with Peter Dolton and Rita Asplund): Education and Inequality across Europe. Cheltenham/Northampton: Edvard Elgar Publishing, 2009.


Barth, Erling, Moene, Karl Ove, Krüger, Ingrid, Lind, Jo Thori and Mehlum, Halvor (2009): ”Den skandinaviske modellen og økonomisk ulikhet.” In NOU 2009:10 Fordelingsutvalget, pages 328-351.


Brekke, Kjell Arne; with Johansson-Stenman, O. (2009): “The Behavioural Economics of Climate Change.” In The Economics and Politics of Climate Change. Helm, Dieter and Hepburd, Cameron (eds.), Oxford University Press, 2009.


Christiansen, Vidar (2009): ”Discussion” on “Do drinkers pay their way in the European Union?” by Sijbren Cnossen. In Taxation and Regulation of Smoking, Drinking and Gambling in the European Union, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis Special Publication 76.


Christiansen, Vidar (2009): ”The Choice Between Uniform and Differentiated Commodity Taxation.” In Yearbook for Nordic Tax Research, 2009.


Hauge, Karen (2009): “Morality and economic decisions: An experimental approach.” PHD-thesis, Department of Economics, University of Oslo, 2009.


Havnes, Tarjei (2009) “Keep it in the family? Universal child care, child development and intra- household conflict.” Universitetet i Oslo, Series of Dissertations submitted to the Faculty of Social Sciences, vol. 193.


Havnes, Tarjei and Mogstad, Magne (2009): ”Er barnehage bra for barna?” In Økonomiske analyser

28(4), 2009, pages 42-48.


Hoel, Michael Olaf with Greaker, Mads: Chapter 2 in ”Entreprenörskap och innovationer för hållbar utveckling.” Entreprenörskapsforum, 2009, pages 27-44.


Hoel, Michael Olaf; with Greaker, Mads and Rasmussen, Ingeborg (2009): “Climate policy – costs and design.” In TemaNord, 2009, issue 550, 110 pages.

Holden, Steinar (2009): ”The three outsiders and the monetary union.” Chapter in EMU at ten. Should Denmark, Sweden and the UK join? SNS Förlag. Chapter 6 in the report by SNS Economic Policy Group, consisting of Flam, Harry (chairman), Fatas, Antonio, Holden, Steinar, Jappeli, Tullio, Mihov, Ilian, Pagano, Marco and Wyplosz, Charles.


Høyland, Bjørn; with Hagemann, Sara (2009): “Parties in the Council?” In The Role of Political Parties in the European Union. Bjorn Lindberg, Anne Rasmussen and Andreas Warntjen (eds). London: Routledge, 2009. Also in Journal of European Public Policy 15 (8), 2008, pages 1205-1221.


Mehlum, Halvor (2009): ”Fordeling, etterspørsel og gevinster ved handel.” In Rettferd og politikk. Festskrift til Hilde Bojer. Ofstad, Bjørg, Bjerkholt, Olav, Skrede, Kari and Hylland, Aanund (eds.), Emilia forlag, pages 138-145.


Mehlum, Halvor (2009): ”Samfunnsøkonomen Schweigaard.” In Anton Martin Schweigaard. Professorpolitikeren. Akademisk Publisering, pages 125-146.


Moene, Karl Ove (2009): ”Gir konkurranse monopol - og monopol konkurranse?” In Rettferd og politikk. Festskrift til Hilde Bojer. Ofstad, Bjørg, Bjerkholt, Olav, Skrede, Kari and Hylland, Aanund (eds.). Emilia forlag, pages 146-154.


Mogstad, Magne, and Rege, Mari (2009): ”Betydningen av tidlig læring for å motvirke at fattigdom går i arv.” I Barnefattigdom. Fløtten, Rone (ed), Oslo: Gyldendal forlag, 2009.


Mogstad, Magne and Rege, Mari (2009): ”Tidlig læring og sosial mobilitet: Norske barns muligheter til å lykkes som voksne.” Appendix 2, NOU 2009:10, Fordelingsutvalget.


Ulltveit-Moe, Karen Helene; with Forslid, Rikard (2009): ”Industripolitik för den svenska fordonsindustrin.” In Studier i Finanspolitik 3, 2009.


Books or chapters in books 2008

                                                                                                                                                                               Go to top of page

Almås, Ingvild (2008): “Equalizing Income versus Equalizing Opportunity - A comparison of the United States and Germany.” Emerald, Bishop J. and Zheng B. (eds.), Research in Economic Inequality 16, pages 129-156.


Asheim, Geir B. (2008): ”Representation of conditional preferences under uncertainty.” In Advances in Decision Making under Risk and Uncertainty. Abdellaoui, Mohammed and Hey, John D. (eds.).

Berlin: Springer, 2008.


Kløve, Eva (2008): “Social Protection and the Right to Food.” In Marking World Food Day 2007. Promoting and Protecting the Human Right to Adequate Food in Africa. A compilation of contributions from a symposium and seminar. 10th-12th December 2007, Fanehallen, Akershus Festning, Oslo. Eide, Wenche B. and Eng, Ida-Eline (eds.). 2008.


Mehlum, Halvor, Moene, Karl-Ove and Torvik, Ragnar (2008): “Institutions and the resource curse.” In 40 Years of Research on Rent Seeking 2. Berlin: Springer, 2008, pages 245-264.


Moene, Kalle (2008): ”Darwin og økonomene.” I Darwin - Verden ble aldri den samme. Hessen, Dag O., Lie, Thore og Stenseth, Nils Chr. (eds). Oslo: Gyldendal, 2008.


Moene, Kalle (2008): Selected Works of Michael Wallerstein. (co-edited with Austen-Smith, David, Frieden, Jeffry A., Golden, Miriam A. and Przeworski, Adam. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008.


Moene, Kalle (2008): ”Labor and the Nordic Model of Social Democracy.” In Selected Works of Michael Wallerstein. Austen-Smith, David, Frieden, Jeffry A., Golden, Miriam A., Moene, Kalle and Przeworski, Adam (eds.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008.


Røed, Knut; with Juel, Steinar and Molnar, Krisztina (2008): “An Independent Review of Monetary Policymaking in Norway.” Norges Bank Watch Report Series 9, 2008.


Storesletten, Kjetil, Telmer and Yaron (2008): “Asset Prices and Intergenerational Risk Sharing: the Role of Idiosyncratic Earnings Shocks.” In Handbooks in Finance; Handbook of the Equity Risk Premium, edited by Rajnish Mehra, Elsevier, Amsterdam: pages 565-590.


Storesletten, Kjetil (2008): “Discussion of Heaton and Lucas’ “Can heterogeneity, undiversified risk, and trading frictions solve the equity premium puzzle?”” In Handbooks in Finance; Handbook of the Equity Risk Premium, edited by Rajnish Mehra, Elsevier, Amsterdam: pages 555-564.


Zilibotti, Fabrizio (2008): “Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren, 75 Years after: A Global Perspective.” In Revisiting Keynes – Economics Possibilities for Our Grandchildren. Pecchi, Lorenzo and Gustavo, Piga (eds.). MIT Press, 2008.


Books or chapters in books 2007

                                                                                                                                                                         Go to top of page

  Asheim, Geir B. (2007): Justifying, Characterizing and Indicating Sustainability. Berlin: Springer, 2007.


Asheim, Geir and Tungodden, Bertil; with Mitra, Tapan (2007): “A new equity condition for infinite utility streams and the possibility of being Paretian.” In Intergenerational Equity and Sustainability. Roemer, John E. and Suzumura, Kotaro (eds.). Palgrave, 2007.


Bratsberg, Bernt and Raaum, Oddbjørn; with Sørlie, Kjetil (2007): “Foreign-born Migration to and from Norway.” In International Migration, Economic Development, & Policy. Odzen, Calgar and Schiff, Maurice (eds.). New York: World Bank and Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.


Bratsberg, Bernt, Raaum, Oddbjørn and Røed, Knut (2007): “Opp og ned: Yrkesaktivitet og trygd over livsløpet for tidlige arbeidsinnvandrere i Norge.” Integreringskart 2007, Integrerings- og mangfoldsdirektoratet, 2007.


Cappelen, Alexander W. (2007): ”Statens pensjonsfond – utland; utenrikspolitikk og langsiktig avkastning.” Notat utarbeidet for Utenriksdepartementet, 2007.

Nyborg, Karine (2007): Information and the Burden of Moral Responsibility, in W. Østreng (ed.):

Consilience. Interdisciplinary Communications 2005/2006. Oslo: Centre for Advanced Study, 27-30.


Ulltveit-Moe, Karen Helene (2007): “Norge i en globalisert verden.” Part of report to Refleksprosjektet, Utenriksdepartementet, 2007


Working Papers

Working Paper 2013

                                                                                                                                                                                Go to top of page

Aaberge, Rolf and Tarjei Havnes and Magne Mogstad (2013):”A Theory for Ranking Distribution Functions”, Discussion Paper No. 763, Statistics Norway


Aaberge, R., T. Atkinson and J. Modalsli (2013): “The ins and outs of top income mobility”, Discussion Paper No. 762, Statistics Norway


Aaberge, R. and L. Flood (2013): “US versus Sweden: The Effect of Alternative In-Work Tax Credit Policies on Labour Supply of Single Mothers”, IZA Discussion Paper No. 7706.


Aaberge, R. with A. Langørgen and P. Lindgren (2013): “The Distributional Impact of Public Services in European Countries”, Eurostat Methodologies and Working Paper Series. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

Aaberge, R. and T. Atkinson (2013): “The median as watershed”, Discussion Paper No. 749, Research Department, Statistics Norway, 2013.


Aaberge, R. and U. Colombino (2013): “Empirical Optimal Income Taxation:A Microeconometric Application to Norway”, CHILD Working Paper No. ?, CHILD - Centre for Household, Income, Labour and Demographic economics – Torino, Italy.


Almås, Ingvild with Anders Grøn Kjelsrud and Rohini Somanathan (2013) "A Behaviour-based Approach to the Estimation of Poverty in India", Discussion papers 2013, Volum 2, NHH Dept. of Economics


Asheim, Geir B. (2013): "Competitive intergenerational altruism", mimeo 2013, University of Oslo. August 2013.


Asheim, Geir B. and S. Zuber (2013): "Probability adjusted rank-discounted utilitarianism", mimeo 2013, University of Oslo. June 2013.

Barth, Erling with Cappelen, Alexander Wright and Tone Ognedal (2013): "Fair tax evasion", Discussion papers(11), NHH Dept. of Economics


Barth, Erling and Karl O Moene (2013): “When Institutions Reciprocate – turning European Welfare States Around” ESOP working paper.


Barth, Erling, Karl O Moene and Fredrik Willumsen (2013): “The Scandinavian Model – an Interpretation” mimeo. 2013, ESOP, UiO.


Barth, Erling, Henning Finseraas, and Karl O Moene (2013) “How Rising Inequality Curbs Manifested Welfare Generosity” ISF-working paper


Barth, Erling, Henning Finseraas, and Karl O Moene (2013) “Political Reinforcement: How Rising Inequality Curbs Manifested Welfare Generosity” mimeo. 2013, ESOP, UiO.


Bratsberg, Bernt, Torbjørn Hægeland, and Oddbjørn Raaum (2013); “Immigrant Skills and Employment: Cross-country Evidence from the Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey”, Discussion paper no. 730, Statistics Norway, January 2013.


Brinch, C. N. and Galloway, T.A. (2013): “Is the relationship between schooling and disability pension receipt causal?” Statistics Norway Discussion Paper 748, 2013.


Cappelen, Alexander Wright with Trond U. Halvorsen, Erik Øiolf Sørensen and Bertil Tungodden (2013): "Face-saving or fair-minded: What motivates moral behavior?", Discussion papers(5), NHH Dept. of Economics

Cappelen, Alexander Wright with Bjørn-Atle Reme, Erik Øiolf Sørensen and Bertil Tungodden (2013) "Leadership and incentives", Discussion Papers 2/2014, NHH Dept. of Economics

Christiansen, Vidar and Stephen Smith (2013): “Emissions Taxes and Abatement Regulation under Uncertainty”, CESifo Working Papers 2013 (4121)

Dahl, Gordon B. with Magne Mogstad, Katrine Løken and Kari Salvanes (2013); “What Is the Case for Paid Maternity Leave?” NBER working paper No. 19595


Greaker, Mads and Kristoffer Midttømme (2013): “Optimal environmental policy with network effects: Is lock-in in dirty technologies possible?” Memo 15/2013, Department of Economics

Harstad, Bård (2013): “The Dynamics of Climate Agreements,” R&R JEEA


Harstad, Bård (2013): “The Market for Conservation and Other Hostages,” CESifo Working Paper 4296

Hoel, Michael (2013); "Supply Side Climate Policy and the Green Paradox", CESifo Working Paper No. 4094, January 2013


Holden, Steinar and Nina Larsson Midthjell (2013); “Successful Fiscal Adjustments. Does Choice of Fiscal Instrument Matter?” Memorandum 2013, Universitetet i Oslo


Kjelsrud, Anders Grøn with Rohini Somanathan (2013): "Incorporating public good availability into the measurement of poverty", International Growth Centre Working Paper, May 2013


La Ferrara, Eliana with M. Harari (2013): “Conflict, Climate and Cells: A Disaggregated Analysis”, CEPR Discussion Paper 9277, 2013.


La Ferrara, Eliana with S. DellaVigna, R. Durante and . Knight (2013): “Market-based Lobbying: Evidence from Advertising Spending in Italy”, NBER WP 19766, 2013.


La Ferrara, Eliana with A. Alesina (2013): “A Test of Racial Bias in Capital Sentencing”, mimeo, Bocconi University and Harvard University, 2013.


La Ferrara, Eliana with with A. Milazzo (2013): “Customary Norms, Inheritance and Human Capital. Evidence from a Reform of the Matrilineal System in Ghana”, mimeo, Bocconi University, 2013.


Leuven, Edwin with Gaute Eielsen, Lars Johannessen Kirkebøen, Marte Rønning and Oddbjørn Raaum (2013); "Effektevaluering av intensivopplæringen i overgangsprosjektet", Ny GIV. Første delrapport. Statistisk sentralbyrå rapport (54/2013)


Lind, Jo Thori (2013); The number of organizations in heterogeneous societies. Mimeo, University of Oslo, 2013


Mehlum, Halvor and Gry Østenstad (2013) ”The Political Economy of Migration Policies in Oil-rich Gulf Countries” Memo 18/2013, Economics Department University of Oslo


Mehlum, Halvor, Ragnar Torvik and Simone Valente (2013); ”China's Savings Multiplier” Working Paper Series, Department of Economics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology


Mitra, Anirban and Debraj Ray (2013): "Implications of an Economic Theory of Conflict: Hindu-Muslim Violence in India", NBER Working Paper No. 19090, May 2013

Mogstad, Magne with A. Akerman and I. Gaarder (2013); “The Skill Complementarity of Broadband Internet”, Working Paper, 2013, Revision requested by Quarterly Journal of Economics


Mogstad, Magne with A. Kostol and G. Dahl (2013): “Family Welfare Cultures”, Working Paper, 2013, Revision requested by Quarterly Journal of Economics


Modalsli, ­­­­­­­­­­Jørgen H. with Rolf Aaberge and Tony Atkinson (2013) “The ins and outs of top income mobility” Statistics Norway Discussion Paper 762, 2013


Moen, Espen R. with Tito Boeri and Pietro Garibaldi (2013): “The Economics of Severance Pay”, IZA Discussion Papers 7455 (2013).


Ray, Debraj and G. Genicot (2013): "Aspirations and Inequality", mimeo. 2013, Department of Economics, NYU.


Ray, Debraj with R. Jayaraman and F. De Vericourt (2013): "Productivity Response to a Contract Change”, NBER Working Paper.


Ray, Debraj with D. Bernheim and S. Yeltekin (2013): "Poverty and Self-Control”, NBER Working Paper.


Ray, Debraj and R. Vohra (2013): "The Farsighted Stable Set”, mimeo. 2013, Department of Economics, NYU.


Ray, Debraj with R. Jayaraman and S-Y. Wang (2013): "Gender Differentials in Eye Care: Access and Treatment”, mimeo. 2013, Department of Economics, NYU.


Torsvik, Gaute with A Molander (2013): "Getting People into Work: What (if Anything) Can Justify Mandatory Activation of Welfare Recipients?" CESifo Working Paper No. 4317, June 2013


Torsvik, Gaute with A Dhillon and V Iversen (2013); "Employee Referral, Social Proximity and Worker Discipline: Theory and Evidence from India", CESifo Working Paper No. 4309 (June 2013)


Torsvik, Gaute with S Tjøtta and J Ramm (2013): "Incentives and Creativity in Groups", CESifo Working Paper No. 4374 (August 2013)


Torsvik, Gaute with H Auerswald, C Schmidt, M Thum (2013): "Teams Punish Less", CESifo Working Paper No. 4406 (September 2013)


Ragnar Torvik with Lars-Erik Borge and Pernille Parmer (2013): "Local natural resource curse?" Working Paper 11/2013, Department of Economics, NTNU.


Ragnar Torvik with Halvor Mehlum and Simone Valente (2013): "Chinas savings multiplier", Working Paper 9/2013, Department of Economics, NTNU.


Røed, Knut with Elisabeth Fevang and Inés Hardoy (2013); “Getting Disabled Workers Back to Work: How Important Are Economic Incentives?” IZA Discussion Paper No. 7137 (2013).


Røed, Knut with Simen Markussen and Ole Røgeberg (2013): “The Changing of the Guards: Can Physicians Contain Social Insurance Costs?” IZA Discussion Paper No. 7122 (2013).


Røed, Knut and Jens Fredrik Skogstrøm  (2013): “Unemployment Insurance and Entrepreneurship”, IZA Discussion Paper No. 7121 (2013).


Ulltveit-Moe, Karen Helene with Bent Vale, Morten Haabeth Grindaker and Erling Skancke (2013); “Competitiveness and regulation of Norwegian banks”, Staff Memo, 18/2013, “Financial Stability”, Norges Bank


Ulltveit-Moe, Karen Helene with Andreas Moxnes and Andrew Bernard (2013); “Two-sided heterogeneity and Trade”, CEPR  Discussion paper no 9681,


Zilibotti , Fabrizio with Simon Alder and Lin Shao (2013); “Economic Reforms and Industrial Policy in a Panel of Chinese Cities”, CEPR Discussion Paper No. 9748, 2013.


Østenstad, Gry (2013); “The Political Economy of Migration Policies in Oil-Rich Gulf Countries” Memo 18/2013, University of Oslo


Working papers 2012

Go to top of page


Almås, Ingvild, Cappelen, Alexander W., Salvanes, Kjell G., Sørensen, Erik Ø., and Tungodden Bertil (2012): “Willingness to compete in a gender equal society”, Discussion Paper 24/2012, Department of Economics, NHH Norwegian School of Econmics.


Aaberge, R. and M. Mogstad (2012): “Inequality in Current and Lifetime Income”. Discussion Paper No.726 Statistics Norway.


Aaberge, Rolf and E. Peluso (2012): “A Counting Approach for Measuring Multidimensional Deprivation”, ESOP Working Paper.


Asheim, Geir with Zuber, S. (2012): "Escaping the repugnant conclusion: rank-discounted utilitarianism with variable population", Memorandum 23/2012, Department of Economics, University of Oslo.


Asheim, Geir with Mitra, T., Buchholz, W., Withagen, C. (2012): "Characterizing the sustainability problem in an exhaustible resource model", CESifo Working Paper No. 3758.


Almås, Ingvild and Johnsen, Åshild Auglænd (2012): " The cost of living in China: Implications for inequality and poverty". SAM 21 2012 Discussion Paper Series, NHH – Institutt for samfunnsøkonomi. ISSN: 0804-6824.


Barth, Erling, Finseraas, Henning and Moene, Karl Ove (2012): "Political Reinforcement: How Rising Inequality Curbs Manifested Welfare Generosity." ESOP Working Paper.


Bratsberg, B., Hægeland, T. and Raaum, O. (2012): "Immigrant skills and employment. Cross Country Evidence from the Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey". Discussion paper 731 Statistics Norway.


Brinch, Christian N., Hernæs, E. and Jia, Z. (2012): "Labor supply on the eve of retirement. Disparate effects of immediate and postponed rewards to working." Discussion Paper No. 698 Statistics Norway.


Brinch, Christian N., Wiswall, M. and Mogstad, M. (2012): "Beyond LATE with a Discrete Instrument: Heterogeneity in the Quantity-Quality Interaction of Children". Discussion paper no. 703 Statistics Norway.


Drange, Nina, Havnes, Tarjei and Sandsør, Astrid M. J. (2012): "Kindergarten for all: Long run effects of a universal intervention". Discussion paper no 695 Statistics Norway.


Drange, Nina (2012): "Crowding out Dad? The Effect of a Cash-for-Care Subsidy on Family Time Allocation". UiS Working Papers in Economics and Finance, No 2012/3.


Drange, Nina and Rege, Mari (2012): "Trapped at Home: The Effect of Mothers’ Temporary Labor Market Exits on their Subsequent Work Career". CESIFO Working Paper No. 3833.


Greaker, Mads, Hoel, Michael and Rosendahl, Knut Einar (2012): "Does a Renewable Fuel Standard for Biofuels Reduce Climate Costs?". CESifo Working Paper No. 4030.

Havnes, Tarjei, and Mogstad, Magne (2012): "Is universal child care leveling the playing field?".  CESifo Working Paper Series 4014, CESifo Group Munich.

Hoel, Michael, Holtsmark Bjart and Holtsmark, Katinka (2012): "Faustmann and the Climate". CESifo Working Paper No 3951.


Hoel, Michael (2012): "Second-best climate policy". Memorandum 04/2012, Department of Economics, University of Oslo.


Kotsadam, Andreas with Nerman, Måns (2012): "The effects of quotas for women in Latin American parliaments". Working Paper Gothenburg University, February 2012.


Kotsadam, Andreas with Isaksson, Ann-Sofie and Nerman, Måns (2012): "Explaining the gender gap in political participation in Africa". Working Paper Gothenburg University, March 2012.


Mogstad, Magne and A. Kostøl (2012): “How Financial Incentives Induce Disability Insurance Recipients to Return to Work”, IZA Discussion Paper 2012.


Mogstad, Magne, G. Dahl and K Løken (2012): “Peer Effects in Program Participation”,  NBER Working Paper 2012.


Nilssen, Tore with Clark, Derek J. and Sand, Jan Yngve (2012): "Motivating over Time: Dynamic Win Effects in Sequential Contests". Memorandum 28/2012, Departments of Economics, University of Oslo.


Nyborg, Karine, Konow, James and Brekke, Kjell Arne (2012): "Cooperation is Relative: Income and Framing Effects with Public Goods". Memorandum  16/2012, Departments of Economics, University of Oslo.


Røed, Knut (2012): "Active Unemployment Insurance". IZA Policy Paper No 41.


Røed, Knut and Markussen, Simen (2012): "Social Insurance Networks". IZA Discussion Paper No 6446.


Sørensen, Erik, G. Salvanes and K. Liu (2012): “Good Skills in Bad Times: Cyclical Skill Mismatch and the Long-term Effects of Graduating in a Recession”. IZA Discussion Paper No. 6820.


Sørensen, Erik and I. Almås (2012): “Global Income Inequality and Cost-of-Living Adjustment. The Geary-Allen World Accounts”. Discussion Paper 20/2012, Department of Economics, NHH Norwegian School of Econmics.


Torsvik, Gaute, A. Dhillon and V. Iversen (2012): “Referrals, social proximity and worker discipline”. Cage Working paper 2012.


Ulltveit-Moe, Karen Helene, Bøler, Esther Ann Nisja and Moxnes, Andreas (2012): “Technological Change, Trade in Intermediates and the Joint Impact on Productivity”. CEPR Discussion paper no. 8884.


Working papers 2011

Go to top of page

Asheim, Geir with Zuber, Stephane (2011): “A complete and strongly anonymous leximin relation on infinite streams.” CESifo Working Paper Series No. 3578.


Beyene, Berhe Mekonnen (2011): “Determinants of Internal and International Migration in Ethiopia.” Memorandum 24/2011, Department of Economics, University of Oslo.


Bratsberg, Bernt, Raaum, Oddbjørn, and Røed, Knut (2011): “Educating Children of Immigrants: Closing the Gap in Norwegian Schools.” IZA Discussion Paper No. 6138.


Cappelen, Alexander, Sørensen, Erik and Tungodden, Bertil with Birkeland, Sigbjørn (2011): ”Immoral criminals? An experimental study of social preferences among prisoners.” NHH Discussion Paper No. 15.


Cools, Sara, Fiva, Jon H. with Kirkebøen, Lars Johannessen (2011): “Causal effects of paternity leave on children and parents.” Discussion Papers No. 657, Statistics Norway.


Havnes, Tarjei, Leuven, Edwin and Mogstad, Magne with Bhuller, Manudeep (2011): “Broadband Internet: An Information Superhighway to Sex Crime?” SSRN Working Paper Series No. 1881507.


Holden, Steinar; with Sparrman, Victoria (2011): “Does government purchases affect unemployment?” Memorandum 17, Department of Economics, University of Oslo.


Holden, Steinar; with Sparrman, Victoria (2011): “Does government purchases affect unemployment?” CESifo Working Paper 3482.


Hoel, Michael (2011): “Second-best climate policy.” In CREE Working Paper 2/2012.


Hoel, Michael with Greaker, Mads (2011): “Incentives for Environmental R&D.” In CESifo Working Paper No. 3468.


Lind, Jo Thori with Rohner, Dominic (2011): “Knowledge is power. A theory of  information, income, and welfare spending.” CESifo Working Paper 3613.


Knutsen, Carl Henrik (2011): “I’ll mind my own business if you mind yours: The OAU and the African Peace”. Dynamiques Internationales Working Paper 3.


Kundu, Tapas with Bhattacharya, Sourav (2011): “Resistance, Redistribution and Investor Friendliness.” University of Pittsburgh Working Paper.


Markussen, Simen, and Røed, Knut with Fevang, Elisabeth (2011): “The Sick Pay Trap.” IZA Discussion Paper No. 5655.


Modalsli, Jørgen (2011): “Inequality and growth in the very long run: inferring inequality from data on social groups.” In Memorandum No. 11/2011, Department of Economics, University of Oslo.


Modalsli, Jørgen (2011): “Polarization, risk and welfare in general equilibrium.” In Memorandum No. 27/2011, Department of Economics, University of Oslo.


Modalsli, Jørgen (2011): “Solow meets Marx: Economic growth and structural change.” In Memorandum No. 21/2011, Department of Economics, University of Oslo.

Mogstad, Magne with Bhuller, Manudeep, and Salvanes, Kjell (2011): “Life-Cycle Bias and the Returns to Schooling in Current and Lifetime Earnings.” IZA Discussion Paper No. 5788.


Nyborg, Karine with Zhang, Tao (2011): “Is corporate social responsibility associated with lower wages?” Memorandum No. 1.


Røed, Knut (2011): ”Velferd og migrasjon – den norske modellens framtid.” In Plan, No. 5, 2011, pages 18-21.


Storesletten, Kjetil and Zilibotti, Fabrizio; with Song, Z. (2011):Rotten Parents and Disciplined Children: A Politico-Economic Theory of Public Expenditure and Debt.” CEPR Discussion Paper No. 8738,


Torsvik, Gaute (2011): “Team or Individual: What Determines Workers' Preferred Bonus Schemes?” Working Paper UIB 13/11.


Torsvik, Gaute with Iversen, Vegard (2011): “Network mechanisms and social ties in markets for low-and unskilled jobs: (theory and) evidence from North-India.” Working Paper in Economics No. 14/11, UIB.


Torvik, Ragnar with Acemoglu, Daron, and Robinson, James A. (2011): “Why do voters dismantle checks and balances?” NBER Working Paper No. 17293.


Torvik, Ragnar with Robinson, James A. (2011): “Institutional comparative statics.” NBER Working Paper No. 17106.


Tungodden, Bertil, with Berge, Lars Ivar Oppedal and Bjorvatn, Kjetil (2011): “The role of human and financial capital in microenterprise development: Evidence from a field experiment in Tanzania.” In NHH Discussion Paper No. 1/2011.


Ulltveit-Moe, Karen Helene (2011): ”Vekst i kompetansearbeidsplasser i hele landet.” In Plan 2, 2011.


Ulltveit-Moe, Karen Helene with Forslid, Rikard, and Okubo, Toshihiro (2011): “International trade, CO2 emissions and heterogeneous firms.” CEPR Discussion Paper No. 8583.


Zilibotti, Fabrizio with Rohner, Dominic and Thoenig, Mathias (2011):  “Seeds of Distrust: Conflict in Uganda.” CEPR Discussion Paper No. 8741.


Zilibotti, Fabrizio with Rohner, Dominic and Thoenig, Mathias (2011):  “War Signals: A Theory of Trade, Trust and Conflict." CEPR Discussion Paper No. 8352.


Zilibotti, Fabrizio with Gancia, Gino and Mueller, Andreas (2011): “Structural Development Accounting.” CEPR Discussion Paper No. 8254.


Working papers 2010

Go to top of page

Almås, Ingvild, Havnes, Tarjei and Mogstad, Magne (2010):  Baby Booming Inequality? Demographic Change and Inequality in Norway, 1967—2004. NHH Discussion Paper series 6, 2010. Revise and resubmit Journal of Economic Inequality.


Almås, Ingvild, Havnes, Tarjei and Mogstad, Magne (2010):  Baby Booming Inequality? Demographic Change and Inequality in Norway, 1967—2000. CESifo Working Paper 3200, 2010.


Asheim, Geir B. and Zuber, S.(2010): A complete and strongly anonymous leximin relation on infinite streams. mimeo CORE, Université catholique de Louvain, and Department of Economics, University of Oslo, October 2010.


Asheim, Geir B. and Zuber, S.(2010): Justifying social discounting: the rank-discounted utilitarian approach. CESifo Working Paper 3192.


Asheim, Geir B. (2010): Comparing the welfare of growing economies. Memorandum 3/2010, Department of Economics, University of Oslo.


Asheim, Geir B., Voorneveld, M., and Weibull, J. (2010):  Epistemically stable strategy sets. Memorandum 1/2010, Department of Economics, University of Oslo.


Asheim, Geir B. and Høyland, Bjørn; with Helland, Leif and Hovi, Jon (2010): Self-serving dictators.


Aslaksen, Silje; with Andersen, J.J. (2010): Oil and Political Survival.


Barth, Erling and Moene, Karl Ove (2010): The Equality Multiplier.


Barth, Erling; with Bryson, A., and Dale-Olsen, H. (2010): Do Higher Wages Come At a Price? CEP Discussion Paper 1011, London School of Economics.


Barth, Erling; with Bryson, A., and Dale-Olsen, H. (2010):  Keeping it in the Family? The Effects of Family Ownership on Workplace Closure and Ownership Change, Manuscript, ISF, Oslo.


Barth, Erling and Ognedal, Tone (2010): Limits to tax evasion.


Barth, Erling; with Bryson, A., Davis, Jim and Freeman, Richard (2010): The Dynamics of Workplace Wage Inequality in the United States, 1977-2002. Manuscript, NBER, Cambridge, MA.


Barth, Erling; with Bryson, A., Davis, Jim and Freeman, Richard (2010): The Contribution of Plant Wage Differentials to the Increase in the US Earnings Dispersion.


Barth, Erling and Moene, Kalle; with Nilsen, Kjersti Misje (2010): Insurance or Redistribution Motives? Behaviors and Ideals in the Welfare State.


Barth, Erling, Cappelen, Alexander W. and Ognedal, Tone (2010): Fair Tax Evasion.


Bratsberg, Bernt, Fevang, Elisabeth and Røed, Knut (2010): Disability in the Welfare State—An Unemployment Problem in Disguise? Frisch Centre, April 2010; IZA Discussion Paper No. 4897.


Bratsberg, Bernt and Raaum, Oddbjørn (2010): On the Labor Market Outcomes of Naturalized Citizens. Frisch Centre, October 2010; OECD DELSA/ELSA/MI(2010)22.


Bratsberg, Bernt and Oddbjørn Raaum (2010): Immigration and Wages: Evidence from Construction. Frisch Centre, April 2010; UCL, CReAM (UCL) Discussion Paper No. 06/10.



Brekke, Kjell Arne, Hauge, Karen Evelyn, Lind, Jo Thori and Nyborg, Karine (2010): Playing with the Good Guys. A Public Good Game with Endogenous Group Formation. Revise and resubmit, Journal of Public Economics.


Brekke, Kjell Arne, Konow, J., Nyborg, K (2010): Fairness or focal points? Framing effects in a cost sharing experiment.


Brinch, Christian N. (2010): Efficient simulated maximum likelihood estimation through explicitly parameter dependent importance sampling, resubmitted after Conditional Acceptance to Computational Statistics.


Brinch, Christian N. (2010): Nonparametric identification of the mixed proportional hazards model under interval-censoring, resubmitted after Revise and resubmit  to Econometrics Journal.



Børsum, Øystein (2010): Contagious Mortgage Default. Memorandum (Økonomisk institutt) 10/2010.


Børsum, Øystein (2010): Employee Stock Options. Memorandum (Økonomisk institutt) 11/2010.



Cappelen, Alexander W., Sørensen, Erik and Tungodden, Bertil; with Konow, James (2010):

Just Luck: An Experimental Study of Risk Taking and Fairness. Discussion paper 2010/04, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration. Revise and resubmit, American Economic Review.


Cappelen, Alexander W., Sørensen, Erik Ø. and Tungodden, Bertil; with Nygård, Knut (2010): Efficiency, equality and reciprocity in social preferences: A comparison of students and a representative population. Discussion paper 2010/28, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration.


Cappelen, Alexander W., Moene, Karl Ove, Sørensen, Erik Ø. and Tungodden, Bertil (2010): Needs vs. entitlements – an international fairness experiment. Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper, TI 2008-098/3. Revise and resubmit, Journal of the European Economic Association.


Cappelen, Alexander W. and Ognedal, Tone (2010): Certification and ethical production.


Cappelen, Alexander W. and Tungodden, Bertil (2010): Caring for distant future generations.


Cappelen, Alexander W., Sørensen, Erik Ø. and Tungodden, Bertil; with Nygaard, Knut (2010):

Fairness and reciprocal behaviour.


Cappelen, Alexander W., Sørensen, Erik Ø. and Tungodden, Bertil; with Reme, Bjørn Atle (2010): Lying, stealing and hurting innocent – an economic experiment.


Cappelen, Alexander W. and Tungodden, Bertil (2010): Fairness. Desert versus Neutrality.


Cappelen, Alexander W., Sørensen, Erik Ø. and Tungodden, Bertil; with Hagen, Rune J. (2010):

Contracting for debt: Results from an international experiment.



Cappelen, Alexander W., Sørensen, Erik Ø. and Tungodden, Bertil; with Birkeland, Sigbjørn (2010): Immoral criminals? An experimental study of other-regarding behavior among prisoners.


Cappelen, Alexander W. and Tungodden, Bertil (2010): Health Care and Neutrality.


Cappelen, Alexander W., Sørensen, Erik Ø. and Tungodden, Bertil; with Gregersen, Eva and Tyran, Jeab R. (2010): How do social preferences relate to socio-economic history: An experiment on the ILEE-platform.


Cappelen, Alexander W., Sørensen, Erik Ø. and Tungodden, Bertil; with Luttens, Roland (2010): An experimental analysis of solutions for competing claims problems.


Cappelen, Alexander W., Sørensen, Erik Ø. and Tungodden, Bertil; with Halvorsen, Trond  (2010): Sharing willingly: A study of the role of fairness and information in the dictator game.


Cools, Sara and Fiva, Jon H.; with Kirkebøen, Lars J.  (2010): The Effects of Paternity Leave on Parents and Children.


Fiva, Jon H. and Natvik, Gisle J.; with Andersen, Jørgen J. (2010): Voting When the Stakes are High.


Fiva, Jon H. and Natvik, Gisle J. (2010): Do Re-election Probabilities Influence Public Investment?


Fiva, Jon H.; with Folke, Olle (2010): Disentangling Duverger's Mechanical and Psychological Effects.


Fiva, Jon H.; with Folke, Olle (2010): Political Partisanship in Norway: Evidence from Discontinuities in the Seat Allocation Formula.


Harstad, Bård (2010): Incomplete contracts in Dynamic Games.


Harstad, Bård (2010): Buy Coal! Deposit Markets Prevent Carbon Leakage.


Holden, Steinar; with Sparrman, Victoria (2010): Does government purchases affect unemployment?

  Holden, Steinar and Rosén, Åsa (2010): Discrimination and Employment Protection.

Høyland, Bjørn, Moene, Kalle and Willumsen, Fredrik (2010): The Tyranny of  International Index Rankings. Revise and resubmit, Journal of  Development Economics.


Høyland, Bjørn and Hobolt, Sara (2010): Selection in European Parliament Elections. Revised version submitted to British Journal of Political Science


Høyland, Bjørn (2010): Procedural effects in European Parliament Roll Call Votes. Invited to revise and resubmit to European Union Politics.


Høyland, Bjørn; with Godbout, Jean-Francois (2010): Legislative Voting in the Canadian Parliament. Invited to revise and resubmit to Canadian Journal of Political Science.


Høyland, Bjørn; with Nilsen, Jon K., Cai, Xing and Langtangen, Hans Petter (2010): Simplifying Parallelization of Scientiffc Codes by a Function-Centric Approach in Python.


Knutsen, Carl Henrik (2010):  Democracy, State Capacity and Economic Growth: How Weak States Combined with Strong Rulers Generate Stagnation in Africa and Elsewhere.


Knutsen, Carl Henrik and Hveem, Helge (2010): Technology, Innovation and Governance. London: Routledge.


Knutsen, Carl Henrik (2010): Africa's Growth Tragedy Revisited: Weak States, Strong Rulers.


Knutsen, Carl Henrik (2010): Democracy, Technological Change and Economic Growth


Knutsen, Carl Henrik (2010):Security Threats, Enemy-Contingent Policies and Economic Development in Dictatorships


Knutsen, Carl Henrik (2010): Democracy and Economic Growth: A Changing Relationship?


Knutsen, Carl Henrik (2010): Democracy and Technological Change.


Knutsen, Carl Henrik (2010): I’ll mind my own business if you mind yours: The OAU and the African Peace.


Knutsen, Carl Henrik (2010): GDP, Inequality, Democracy and the Happiness of Nations.


Knutsen, Carl Henrik; with Audun Beyer and Bjørn Erik Rasch (2010): Issue Attention and Individual Voting Intentions: Survey Experiments of Selective Exposure in Simulated Election Campaigns.


Knutsen, Carl Henrik; with Håvard Hegre and Bjørn Høyland (2010): Development and the Utility of Interstate War.

Kravdal, Øystein and Kodzy, I. (2010): Children’s stunting in sub-Saharan Africa: Is there an externality effect of high fertility?


Kundu, Tapas (2010): The Dynamics of Incumbent Behavior and Policy Uncertainty.


Lind, Jo Thori, Nyborg, K., Eika, K., Jacobsen, K. (2010): Are nurses more caring than real estate agents?


Lind, Jo Thori, Moene, Kalle and Willumsen, Fredrik (2010): Opium en masse: Conflict-induced narcotics production in Afghanistan. Revise and  resubmit, Economic Journal.


Mehlum, Halvor and Moene, Karl Ove (2010): Aggressive elites and vulnerable entrepreneurs - trust and cooperation in the shadow of conflict. Memorandum 16/2010, Department of Economics, University of Oslo.


Modalsli, Jørgen H. (2010): Incomplete markets, indivisible labor, and social class.


Modalsli, Jørgen H. and Anchorena, J. (2010): Factor-augmenting technical change and the British Industrial Revolution.


Modalsli, Jørgen H. (2010): Inferring inequality: Calculating Gini coefficients from aggregate group data.


Moen, Espen and Riis, Christian (2010): Efficient Exclusion. BI, CREAM Publication No. 9, 2010.


Moen, Espen R. and Riis, Christian; with Fjeldstrand, Øystein (2010): Competition with Local Network Externalities.


Moene, Karl Ove; with Loewenstein, George and Zarri, Luca (2010): Value Homophily.


Mogstad, Magne; with Aaberge, R. (2010): On the Measurement of Long-Term Income Inequality and Income Mobility. IZA Discussion Paper 4699, 2010.


Mogstad, Magne; with Wiswall, M. (2010): Linearity in Instrumental Variables Estimation: Problems and Solutions. IZA Discussion Paper 5216, 2010.


Mogstad, Magne; with Wiswall, M. (2010): Testing the Quantity-Quality Model of Fertility: Linearity, Marginal Effects, and Total Effects. NYU Working Paper 5216, 2010.


Mogstad, Magne; with Løken, K. and Wiswall, M. (2010): What Linear Estimators Miss: Re- Examining the Effects of Family Income on Child Outcome. IZA Discussion Paper 4971, 2010.


Mogstad, Magne; with Wiswall, M. (2010): Instrumental Variables Estimation with Partially Missing Instruments. IZA Discussion Paper 4689, 2010.


Nilssen, Tore and Clark, Derek J. (2010): Learning by Doing in Contests?, Memorandum 09/2010.

Nilssen, Tore; with Kind, Hans J. and Sørgard, Lars (2010): Price Coordination in Two-Sided Markets: Competition in the TV Industry, Arbeidsnotat 20/10, SNF, Bergen.


Nyborg, Karine and Zhang, T.  (2010): Is Corporate Social Responsibility Associated with Lower Wages?


Rege, Mari; with Skardhamar, T., Telle, Kjetil and Votruba, Mark (2010): The Effect of Plant Closure on Crime. Revise and Resubmit to Journal of Labour Economics.


Rege, Mari and Solli, Ingeborg (2010): The Impact of Paternity Leave on Long-Term Father Involvement.


Rege, Mari, Bettinger, Eric and Hægeland, Torbjørn (2010): Home with Mom:  The Effects of Stay-at- Home Moms on Children's Long-Run Educational Outcomes.


Røed, Knut; with Gaure, Simen, van den Berg, Gerard and Zhang, Tao (2010): Estimation of Heterogeneous Treatment Effects on Hazard Rates. IZA Discussion Paper 4794.


Ulltveit-Moe, Karen Helene and Moxnes, Andreas (2010): Product adjustments: A firm-level analysis of the impact of a real exchange rate shock, CEPR Discussion paper no. 7923.


Willumsen, Fredrik (2010): The value of a political career: Evidence from a regression discontinuity design.


Willumsen, Fredrik (2010): Trade and wage equality.


Working papers 2009

Go to top of page

Almås, Ingvild, Cappelen, Alexander, Sørensen, Erik and Tungodden, Bertil (2009): The Development of Inequality Acceptance. NHH Discussion Paper Series.

Asheim, Geir B with Voorneveld, Mark and Weibull, Jürgen (2009): Epistemically stable strategy sets.


Asheim, Geir B with Perea, Andrés (2009): Algorithms for cautious reasoning in games.


Aslaksen, Silje (2009): Corruption and Oil - Evidence from panel data. Revise and resubmit Land Economics.


Barth, Erling (2009): How Does Innovation Affect worker Well-being? CEP Discussion paper # 953, London School of Economics and Political Science, London.


Barth, Erling and Ognedal, Tone (2009): Resolving the tax evasion puzzle.

Barth, Erling, Bratsberg, Bernt and Raaum, Oddbjørn; with Hægeland, Torbjørn (2009): Performance pay and within-firm wage inequality. IZA Discussion Paper 4137, CEPR MHR Discussion Paper 007, 2009.


Bratsberg, Bernt, Brinch, Christian N. and Raaum, Oddbjørn (2009): The Effects of an Upper Secondary Education Reform on the Attainment of Immigrant Youth. Revised 2009.


Brekke, Kjell Arne; with Kverndokk, Snorre (2009): Health Inequality in Nordic Welfare States: More Inequality or the Wrong Measures? Revise and resubmit Scandinavian Journal of Economics.


Brekke, Kjell Arne and Hauge, Karen E.; with Johansson, Lars O., Johansson-Stenman, Olaf, Svedsäter, Henrik (2009): Are social preferences skin deep? Dictators under cognitive load. Working Papers in Economics 371, University of Gothenburg.


Brekke, Kjell Arne, Hauge, Karen E., Nyborg, Karine and Lind, Jo Thori (2009): Playing with the Good Guys: A Public Good Game with Endogenous Group Formation. Memorandum 8/2009.


Cappelen, Alexander W., Sørensen, Erik and Tungodden, Bertil; with Hole, Astri Drange (2009):

Modeling Individual Choices in Experiments: Reply to Conte and Moffatt.


Christiansen, Vidar; with Blomquist, Sören and Micheletto, Luca (2009): Public Provision of Private Goods and Nondistortionary Marginal Tax Rates: Some further results. Uppsala University Working Paper.


Havnes, Tarjei and Mogstad, Magne (2009): Money for Nothing? Universal Child Care and Maternal Employment. Memorandum 24/2009. Revise and resubmit Journal of Public Economics.


Hoel, Michael O. and Golombek, Rolf (2009): International Cooperation on Climate Friendly Technologies. CESifo Workning Papers 2677.


Hoel, Michael O.; with de Zeeuw, Aart (2009): Can a Focus on Breakthrough Technologies Improve the Performance of International Environmental Agreements.


Holden, Steinar; with Wulfsberg, Fredrik (2009): Wage rigidity, institutions, and inflation.


Holden, Steinar (2009): Do choices affect preferences? Some doubts and new evidence. Revised.


Holden, Steinar; with Bjønnes, Geir H., Rime, Dagfinn and Solheim, Haakon O.Aa. (2009):

‘Large’ vs. ‘small‘ players: A closer look at the dynamics of speculative attacks.

Høyland, Bjørn; with Hobolt, Sara (2009): Selection in European Parliament Election.

Høyland, Bjørn (2009): Procedural elects in European Parliament Roll Call Votes.

Høyland, Bjørn; with Godbout, Jean-Francois (2009): Legislative Voting in the Canadian Parliament.


Kundu, Tapas (2009): Political Institution and Economic Transition.

Kundu, Tapas with Bhattacharya, Sourav (2009): Resistance to outside investment: A rational model of surplus destruction.


Kundu, Tapas; with Reitschuler, Eva and Emanuel, Linda (2009): Alleviating poverty: Policies to mitigate the economic cost of disease.


Lind, Jo Thori with Rohner, Dominic (2009): Income, Information and the Extent of Redistribution.


Mehlum, Halvor, Moene, Karl Ove and Torvik, Ragnar (2009): Mineral Rents and Social Development in Norway.


Mehlum, Halvor and Moene, Karl Ove (2009): King of the Hill. Positional Dynamics in Contests.


Modalsli, Jørgen (2009): Growth, Inequality and Schooling.


Moen, Espen R. and Rosén, Åsa (2009): On-the-job search and Moral Hazard.


Moen, Espen R. and Rosén, Åsa (2009): Hyperbolic Discounting in Search Equilibrium.



Moen, Espen R. and Rosén, Åsa (2009): Invisible Markets.


Moen, Espen; with Garibaldi, Pietro (2009): Competetive on-the-job Search.



Mogstad, Magne; with Aaberge, Rolf, Langørgen, Audun and Østensen, Marit (2009): The Impact of Local Government Spending and Geographic Cost of Living Differences on Poverty Estimates.


Mogstad, Magne; with Pronzato, Chiara (2009): Are Lone Mothers Responsive to Policy Changes: The Effects a Norwegian Workfare Reform on Earnings, Education, and Poverty. Conditional accpetance Scandinavian Journal of Economics.


Mogstad, Magne; with Wiswall, Matthew (2009): Instrumental Variables Estimation with Partially Missing Instruments.


Mogstad, Magne; with Wiswall, Matthew (2009): How Linear Models Can Mask Non-Linear Causal Relationships: An Application to Family Size and Children‘s Outcomes.


Mogstad, Magne; with Aaberge, Rolf (2009): On the Definition and Measurement of Chronic Poverty.


Mogstad, Magne (2009): Measuring Inequality under Restricted Interpersonal Comparability.


Nyborg, Karine; with Carlsen, B. (2009): The Gate is Open: Primary Care Physicians as Social Security Gatekeepers. Memorandum 7/2009, Department of Economics, University of Oslo.


Ognedal, Tone (2009): High taxes, shadow work and minimum wages.

Raaum Oddbjørn; with Hægeland, Torbjørn, and Salvanes, Kjell G. (2009): Pennies from heaven? Using exogenous tax variation to identify effects of school resources on pupil achievement.


Røed, Knut; with Gaure, Simen, Markussen, Simen, and Røgeberg, Ole J. (2009): The Anatomy of Absenteeism. IZA Discussion Paper No. 4240, 2009.


Rege, Mari with Telle, Kjetil and Votruba, Mark (2009): Plant Closure and Marital Dissolution.


Storesletten, Kjetil and Zilibotti, Fabrizio; with Song, Z. (2009): Rotten Parents and Disciplined Children: A Politico-Economic Theory of Public Expenditure and Debt. Revise and resubmit, Econometrica.


Storesletten, Kjetil, Heathcote, Jonathan and Violante (2009): Consumption and Labor Supply with Partial Insurance: An Analytical Framework, revise and resubmit, American Economic Review.


Sørensen, Erik; with Ferrall, Christopher and Salvanes, Kjell G. (2009): Wages And Seniority When Coworkers Matter: Estimating A Joint Production Economy Using Norwegian Administrative Data. Working Paper No. 1200. With Christopher Ferrall  and Kjell G. Salvanes.


Torvik, Ragnar; with Claussen, Carl Andreas, Matsen, Egil and Røisland, Øistein (2009):

Overconfidence, Monetary Policy Committees and Chairman Dominance.


Torvik, Ragnar; with Robinson, James A. (2009): Endogenous Presidentialism.

Ulltveit-Moe, Karen Helene; with Irarrazabal, Alfonso and Moxnes, Andreas (2009): Heterogeneous firms or heterogeneous workers? Implications for the exporter premium and the impact of labor reallocation on productivity. CEPR Discussion Papers 7577, 2009.


Working papers 2008

Go to top of page

Almås, Ingvild (2008):  International Income Inequality: Measuring PPP Bias by Estimating Engel Curves for Food. LIS Working Paper Series. Revise and resubmit American Economic Review.


Asheim, Geir B. (2008): Procrastination, partial naivete, and behavioral welfare analysis.

Asheim, Geir B. (2008): The relationship between welfare measures and indicators of sustainable development.


Barth, Erling, Cappelen, Alexander and Ognedal, Tone (2008): Norms and Tax Evasion. Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research Working paper No 4/2008. Oslo.


Fiva, Jon and Kirkebøen, Lars (2008): Does the housing market react to New information on school quality? Statistics Norway working paper.


Hoel, Michael O. (2008): Environmental taxes in an economy with distorting taxes and a heterogeneous population. Memorandum 04/2008.

   Holden, Steinar (2008): Testing for Cognitive Dissonance Evidence from Children.


Lind, Jo Thori (2008): The number of organizations in heterogeneous societies.


Mehlum, Halvor (2008): Exact Small Sample Properties of the Instrumental Variable Estimator: A view from a Different Angle.


Nilssen, Tore with Fumagali, Eileen (2008): Waiting to Merge. Memorandum 13/2008.


Nilssen, Tore; with Hoernig, Steffen and Barros, Pedro L. P. (2008): Keeping Both Eyes Wide Open: The Life of a Competition Authority Among Sectoral Regulators. Memorandum 12/2008.


Nilssen, Tore; with Hoernig, Steffen and Barros, Pedro L. P. (2008): Keeping Both Eyes Wide Open: The Life of a Competition Authority Among Sectoral Regulators. Centre for Economic Policy Research Discussion Papers 6861, 2008.


Nyborg, Karine (2008): I Don’t Want to Hear About it: Rational Ignorance among Duty-Oriented Consumers. Memorandum 15/2008, Department of Economics, University of Oslo.


Ognedal, Tone (2008): The effects of a shadow labour market.


Røed, Knut; with Gaure, Simen and Westlie, Lars (2008): The Impact of Labor Market Policies on Job Search Behavior and Post-Unemployment Job Quality. IZA Discussion Paper 3802 and Memorandum 22/2008, Department of Economics, University of Oslo.


Røed, Knut; with Fevang, Elisabeth and Kverndokk, Snorre (2008): Informal Care and Labor Supply. IZA Discussion Paper 3717 and HERO Working Paper 8/2008.


Røed, Knut; with Fevang, Elisabeth and Kverndokk, Snorre (2008): A Model for Supply of Informal Care to Elderly Parents. HERO Working Paper 12/2008.


Storesletten, Kjetil, Heathcote, Jonathan and Violante (2008): The Macroeconomic Implications of Rising Wage Inequality in the United States, revise and resubmit, Journal of Political Economy.


Torsvik, Gaute; with Mæstad, Ottar (2008): Improving the Quality of Health Care When Health Workers are in Short Supply. CMI Working Paper 12/2008.


Ulltveit-Moe, Karen H. with Moxnes, Andreas and Ekholm, Karolina (2008): Manufacturing Restructuring and the Role of Real Exchange Rate Shocks: A Firm Level Analysis. CEPR Discussion Papers 6904, 2008.


Working Papers 2007

Go to top of page


Cappelen, Alexander W. and Tungodden, Bertil (2007): Fairness and the proportional principle. NHH Discussion paper 31/07.

Kravdal, Øystein, Rindfuss, Ron (2007):  Changig relationships between education and fertility - a study of women and men born 1940-64 : Økonomisk institutt 2007 ;Volum 2007.40 s. Working Paper in Economics(11).


Kundu, Tapas (2007): Can Democracy always lead to Efficient Economic Transitions?


Kundu, Tapas; with Reitschuler, Eva and Emanuel, Linda (2007): Alleviating poverty: A proposal to mitigate the economic cost of disease.


Lind, Jo Thori; with Rohner, Dominic (2007): Income, Information and the Extent of Redistribution.


Lind, Jo Thori; with Chen, Daniel L. (2007): The Political Economy of Beliefs: Why Fiscal and Social Conservatives and Liberals Come Hand-in-Hand.


Markussen, Simen (2007): Why more generosity may reduce absenteeism.


Moen, Espen R.; with Dalen, Dag M. (2007): The proper scope of government with cost-sharing contracts.


Moene, Kalle (2007): Den nordiske modellen.


Moene, Kalle (2007): Labor and the Nordic Model of Social Democracy.


Rendall, Michelle (2007): Brain versus Brawn:  The Realization of Women's Comparative Advantage.


Rendall, Michelle (2007): Accounting for Divorce, Marriage and Savings Trends.

Torsvik, Gaute; with Hagen, Rune J. (2007): Irreversible Investments, Dynamic Inconsistency, and Policy Convergence. University of Bergen Working Papers in Economics 2, 2007.


Ulltveit-Moe, Karen Helene; with Ekholm, Karolina (2007): A New Look at Offshoring and Inequality: Specialization versus Competition. CEPR Discussion Papers 6402, 2007.


Zilibotti, Fabrizio; with Aghion, Philippe; Burgess, Robin and Redding, Stephen (2007): The Unequal Effects of Liberalization: Evidence from Dismantling the License Raj in India.


Master theses

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Master theses 2013

Thom Åbyholm (2013): "Bringing the Fun(d) to reform : A model of economic reform and the workings of IMF conditionality".


Martin Eckhoff Andresen (2013): "Women and Children First? Labor market effects of universal child care for toddlers".


Shingie Chisoro (2013): "Political Institutions and the Discovery of Diamonds in Zimbabwe".


Eivind Hammersmark Olsen (2013): "Expropriation Risk and Natural Resource Extraction: A Matter of Capital Intensity".


Kristin Rasdal (2013): "Norwegian Couples and the Take-Up of Pension Benefits".


Mirjam Ruth Unger (2013): "Effects of Informal Parental Care on Labor Force Participation in the Nordic Countries".


Master theses 2012


Flatø, Martin (2012): "Conflict, Child Health, and Household Adjustments in Eritrea".


Juelsrud, Ragnar (2012): "Fiscal incidence in Norway – who pays taxes and who receives government spending?".


Keller, Lisa Dahl (2012): "The effect of demographic uncertainty on future public pension expenditures".


Wold, Ella Getz (2012): "Single parents – single outcomes?".


Ødegård, Christiane Marie (2012): "How can future incomes from oil benefit the local population at Madagascar?".


Master theses 2011


Eidsvoll, Sunniva Pettersen (2011): How to obtain efficient food production under sub-optimal conditions, Department of Economics, University of Oslo.


Engelsrud, Tina Victoria (2011): En samfunnsøkonomisk analyse av deltagelsen i en åpen arkitektkonkurranse, Department of Economics, University of Oslo.


Holtsmark, Katinka Kristine (2011): Development aid and access to financial capital markets for developing countries, Department of Economics, University of Oslo.


Iversen, Endre Kildal (2011): Sykefravær og sosiale normer, Department of Economics, University of Oslo.


Kjennerud, Ole André (2011): The empirical relationship between democracy and economic growth in Hong Kong, Department of Economics, University of Oslo.


Nore, Camilla (2011): Evaluation of the Norwegian NOx-Fund, Department of Economics, University of Oslo.


Kaur, Ranjit (2011): Microfinance as a pathway for poverty reduction and gender development, Department of Economics, University of Oslo.


Klingenberg, Synne (2011): Immigrant Integration and the Welfare State, Department of Economics, University of Oslo.


Kristoffersen, Sophie (2011): Taxation, redistribution, and informal sector growth in developing countries, Department of Economics, University of Oslo.


Perez Romay, Carol Lorena (2011): Women’s empowerment as a mean to achieve economic growth, Department of Economics, University of Oslo.


Master theses 2010


Hernæs, Øystein Marianssønn (2010): Models of Conflict, Department of Economics, University of Oslo.


Sandsør, Astrid Marie Jorde: The Rotating Savings and Credit Association - An Economic, Social and Cultural Institution, Department of Economics, University of Oslo.


Østenstad, Gry Tengmark (2010): Capital accumulation and coordinated wage bargaining,

Department of Economics, University of Oslo.


Master Theses 2009


Andreassen, Einar (2009): Why do Employees Voluntarily Participate in Centralised Wage Bargaining? An Investigation of the Scandivanian Model using an Evolutionary Game Theoretic Approach, Department of Economics, University of Oslo.


Halse, Askill Harkjerr (2009): A woman‘s touch. The impact of gender on political priorities, Department of Economics, University of Oslo.


Korneliussen, Kristine (2009): Corruption and government spending - the role of decentralization, Department of Economics, University of Oslo.


Walberg, Maria S. (2009): Allmenn minstelønn - Effekter av allmenngjøring av tariffavtalt minstelønn, Department of Economics, University of Oslo.


Master Theses 2008


Bø, Erlend Eide (2008): Transition in the Baltic countries: the economic effects of institutions and uncertainty. Master thesis, Dept. of Economics, Aug 18, 2008.


Haatvedt, Jens Christian (2008): The Norwegian pension system: the economic effects of funded pension benefits. Master thesis, Dept. of Economics, Aug 18, 2008.


Krüger, Ingrid (2008): Crime and Poverty in the Kingdom of Bavaria during the Period 1835/36 - 60/61. Master thesis, Dept. of Economics, May 2, 2008.


Lillelien, Nina (2008): The effect of openness on welfare state generosity. Master thesis, Dept. of Economics, Nov. 2008.


Østli, Marius B. (2008): Risky business. Theoretical approaches to housing in the household portfolio. Master thesis, Dept. of Economics, May 2, 2008.

Hole, Vegard (2007): Re-examined: “Wage Dispersion and Productive Efficiency: Evidence for Sweden.” Master thesis, Dept. of Economics, Nov. 2007.

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Published July 9, 2014 9:55 AM - Last modified Nov. 2, 2023 4:38 PM