Norwegian version of this page

About the Department

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The department works closely together with all the large social science research institutes in the Oslo region.

Postal address

P.O.Box 1096
0317 OSLO

Visiting address

Moltke Moes vei 31 
Harriet Holter`s house, 2nd floor
N-0851 OSLO


Phone and e-mail:

Phone: +47 22 85 52 57



  • Exclusion and racism can contribute to radicalization June 20, 2024

    What makes some Muslim men living in Norway become radicalized and others not? There is no simple answer, according to Uzair Ahmed's Ph.D. dissertation, for which he is awarded the King's Gold Medal. Keywords like exclusion, poor economy, racism, crime, and religion are, however, part of the explanation.

  • Fourth prestigious ERC grant to SV faculty June 4, 2024

    Andrea Joslyn Nightingale from The department of sociology and human geography has received an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council. This is the fourth prestigious Advanced Grant to The faculty of social sciences and accounts for four of UiO's five grants this year.


2:15 PM, Domus Bibliotheca, Karl Johans gate 47

Hvordan kan en motkulturell modernisme utfordre tradisjonelle forestillinger om urbanitet og bidra til å skape et ekte byliv?

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