The Importance of Constitutions II: Parliamentarism, Representation and Voting Rights

We are pleased to announce an international workshop on The Importance of Constitutions in Uppsala 16-17 June 2014, a few days before the Swedish midsummer celebrations. A first meeting on the topic was arranged in Istanbul in October 2013. This time too, we invite papers discussing parliamentarism, representation and voting rights from a constitutional perspective. We expect some of the participants from the Istanbul event to join with revised or entirely new papers, but we like to invite other participants as well. We plan for a total number of around 20 participants each day.

Photo from Wikimedia Commons

The workshop is intended as an arena for presentation of ongoing research. Our aim is to bring together researchers from the humanities, (constitutional) law and social sciences, and the workshop provides an excellent opportunity to develop new research networks across disciplines and faculty borders.

Please contact Jörgen Hermansson (Uppsala University) and Bjørn Erik Rasch (University of Oslo) if you like to propose a paper. The deadline for paper proposals is 10 May 2014, but we may accept proposals also after this date. There will be no registration fees. Lunches (Monday and Tuesday), a workshop dinner (Monday) and accommodation will be covered. Unless otherwise agreed, participants are expected to take care of their own travel expenses.

We have reserved a number of rooms at Akademihotellet in Uppsala for workshop participants. Please contact Jörgen Hermansson about accomodation.


Jörgen Hermansson (Uppsala)

Bjørn Erik Rasch (Oslo)



Elin Bjarnegård, Uppsala

Cristina Bucur, Dublin

José Antonio Cheibub, Illinois

Tom Ginsburg, Chicago. "War and Constitutional Design."

Shane Martin, Leicester

Stephanie Rickard, LSE. "Special Interest Politics: Electoral Institutions and Economic Geography."

Marina Nistotskaya, Gothenburg. "Institutional Sequencing and Human Welfare: a Quantitative Analysis"

Bonnie Field, Bentley University, Boston. Majority Building Strategies under Minority Parliamentary Governments: The Case of Spain

Helena Wockelberg, Uppsala

Marcelo Jenny, Wien. "Party-Disciplining, Position-Taking, or Obstruction? Roll-Call Votes in Austria (1867-2013)" (With Wolfgang C. Müller).

Fabio Sozzi, Genova. "Beyond Parliamentarism. How political institutions affect regime stability in new democracies" (with Giampiero Cama).

Anna Fruhstorfer, Humboldt, Berlin. "Presidential Power in between Constitution and Reality."

Christer Karlsson, Uppsala. "Searching for Opposition in European Union Affairs - the Case of Sweden" (with Thomas Persson).

Anthoula Malkopoulou, Uppsala.

Thomas Persson, Uppsala.

Shirin Ahlbäck Öberg, Uppsala.




Published Mar. 10, 2014 11:26 AM - Last modified Oct. 26, 2015 8:47 AM