Publications: Political Parties and Democracy: Decline or Change?


Allern Elin H. (2013): "The Contemporary Relationship of ‘New Left’ and ‘New Right’ Parties with Interest Groups: Exceptional or Mainstream? The Case(s) of Norway’s Socialist Left and Progress Party", Scandinavian Political Studies.

Allern, Elin H. og Rune Karlsen (2013): "Unanimous, by Acclamation? Selecting Party Leadership in Norway", kap. i Cross, William og Jean-Benoit Pilet (eds.): The Selection of Political Party Leaders in Contemporary Parliamentary Democracies: A Comparative Study. London: Routledge.

Bengtsson, Åsa, Kasper Møller Hansen, Olafur Hardarson, Hanne Marthe Narud, and Henrik Oscarsson (2013) The Nordic Voter. Myths of Exceptionalism, Colchester: ECPR Press.

Esaiasson, Peter and Hanne Marthe Narud (2013) "Between-Election Democracy: An Introductory Note", i Peter Esaiasson and Hanne Marthe Narud (eds.), Between-Election Democracy, Colchester: ECPR Press.

Heidar, Knut (2013): Parliamentary Party Groups: To Whom is the Midfield Accountable? In Wolfgang Müller  and Hanne Marthe  Narud (eds.), Party Governance and Party Democracy. New York: Springer.

Jupskås, Anders Ravik (2013, guest ed.) "Miljøpartiet de grønne og 'det politiske rommet'", Special Issue of Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift 29 (2): 131-141

Jupskås, Anders Ravik (2013) "The Progress Party in Norway: A fairly integrated part of the Norwegian party system?" in Grabow, Karsten and Florian Hartleb (eds.). Exposing the Demagogues: Right-wing and National Populism in Europe. Brussel: The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS)/the Centre for European Studies(CES)

Jupskås, Anders Ravik (2013) "Mangfoldig mobilisering og velsmurt valgkampmaskineri: Fremskrittspartiet runder 40 år", Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift 30 (1): 5-17

Karlsen, Rune (2013) Obama’s Online Success and European Party Organizations. Adoption and Adaptation of US Online Practices in the Norwegian Labor Party. Journal of Information Technology and Politics 10:158-170.

Karlsen, Rune & Eli Skogerbø (forthcoming) Candidate Campaigning in Parliamentary Systems. Individualized vs. Localized Campaigning. Party Politics.

Karlsen, Rune & Hanne Marthe Narud (2013) Nominations, Campaigning and Representation. How the secret garden of politics determines the style of campaigning and roles of representation. In Peter Esaiasson & Hanne Marthe Narud (eds.) Between- Election Democracy. Colchester: ECPR-Press.

Müller, Wolfgang and Hanne Marthe (2013):Party Governance and Party Democracy. In Müller, Wolfgang and Hanne Marthe  Narud (eds.), Party Governance and Party Democracy. New York: Springer.

Narud, Hanne Marthe  og Anne Krogstad. ”100 år med kvinnelig stemmerett. Kvinners deltakelse, stemmegivning og ideologi”. I Formødrenes stemmer. Kvinneliv rundt stemmeretten. Red. Audgunn Oltedal og Arnhild Skre. Oslo: Pax Forlag, 2013.

Hanne Marthe Narud (kommer) “Hva er sentrum i politikken?” I Leif- Kristian Monsen og Jill Beth Otterlei red. Lokaldemokrati, valg og velferd (foreløpig tittel), Tapir forlag.



Allern, Elin H. and Tim Bale (2012, guest eds): “Political Parties and Interest Groups: Qualifying the Common Wisdom”. Special Issue of Party Politics 18 (1): 7-25.

Allern, Elin H. and Tim Bale (2012): "Political Parties and Interest Groups: Disentangling Complex Relationships", Party Politics 18 (1): 7-25.

Allern, Elin H. and Tim Bale (2012): "Conclusion: Qualifying the Common Wisdom", Party Politics 18 (1): 99-106.

Allern, Elin H. (2012): "Appointments to Public Administration in Norway: No Room for Political Paties?", ch. 14 in Kopecký, Petr, The late Peter Mair and Maria Spirova (eds): Party Patronage and Party Government in European Democracies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Allern, Elin H. og Jo Saglie (2012): "Inside the Black Box: Parties as Multi-level Organizations in a Unitary State", West European Politics, 35 (5): 947–70.

Allern, Elin H. and Jo Saglie (2012): ‘Partiene mellom kommune og stat – organisatorisk bindeledd eller «missing link»?’, chapter in Saglie, Jo, Marit Reitan og Eivind Smith (eds): Det norske flernivådemokratiet. Oslo: Abstrakt forlag.

Heidar, Knut “Hva betyr partiene for valg og regjeringsdannelse i dag – og hva er konsekvensene for det norske demokratiet?" Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift, 28 (2012), no 2: 173-195

Heidar, Knut , Karina Kosiara-Pedersen and Jo Saglie (2012), Party Change and Party Member Participationin Denmark and Norway . In Blom-Hansen, Jens, Christoffer Green-Pedersen and Svend-Erik  Skaanning (eds.), Democracy, Elections and Political Parties, Århus: Politica

Jupskås, Anders Ravik (2012) Ekstreme Europa. Ideologi, årsaker og konsekvenser. Oslo: Cappelen Damm. 254 pages.

Jupskås, Anders Ravik and Olga Gyrafásová (2012) “The appeal of populism” in Harald Baldersheim & Jozef Batora (eds.),  The governance of small states in turbulent times. The exemplary cases of Norway and Slovakia.  Verlag Barbara Budrich.

Karlsen, Rune & Stine Marie Waage (2012) Et usedvanlig sterkt medium? En eksperimentstudie av politiske TV- og radioreklamer. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning.

Narud, Hanne Marthe (2012) "The impact of the economy on governments’ electoral performance" in The governance of small states in turbulent times. The exemplary cases of Norway and Slovakia. Verlag Barbara Budrich . s. 94-122



Jupskås, Anders Ravik og Ann-Cathrine Jungar (2011) "Pohjolan populistinen puolueperhe" in Populismin nousu euroopassa. Tilgjengelig her.

Karlsen, Rune (2011) 'A Platform for Individualized Campaigning? Social Media and Parliamentary Candidates in the Party-Centered Norwegian Campaign’ Policy and Internet 3:article 4.

Karlsen, Rune (2011) "Still Broadcasting the Campaign. On the Internet and the Fragmentation of Political Communication with Evidence from Norwegian Electoral Politics" Journal of Information Technology & Politics 8:146-162.

Karlsen, Rune (2011) "Velgernes valgkamp" in B. Aardal (ed.), Det politiske landskap. En studie av stortingsvalget i 2009. Oslo: Cappelen-Damm (forthcoming medio August).

Karlsen, Rune & Bernt Aardal (2011) "Kamp om dagsorden og sakseierskap" in B. Aardal (ed.), Det politiske landskap. En studie av stortingsvalget i 2009. Oslo: Cappelen-Damm (forthcoming medio August).

Listhaug, Ola and Hanne Marthe Narud (2011) “The Changing Macro Context of Norwegian Voters: From Centre-Periphery Cleavages to Oil Wealth” in Martin Rosema, Bas Denters and Kees Aarts (Eds.) How Democracy Works: Political Representation and Policy Congruence in Modern Societies. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press/Pallas Publications: 239-256.

Narud, Hanne Marthe and Kaare Strøm (2011) “Coalition Bargaining in an Unforgiving Environment. The Case of Bondevik II in Norway.” in R. Andeweg, L. de Winter, and P. Dumont (eds.), Puzzles of Government Formation: Coalition Theory and Deviant Cases. London: Routeledge: 65-87.

Narud, Hanne Marthe and Kaare Strøm (2011) “Norway: From Hønsvaldian parliamentarism back to Madisonian roots.” In T. Bergmann and K. Strøm eds., The Madisonian Turn: Political Parties and Parliamentary Democracy in Nordic Europe. Ann Arbor: Michigan University Press: 200-250.

Narud, Hanne Marthe (2011) "Ascent of the Young, the Smart and the Professional: Norway's Parliamentary Elite in Comparative Perspective". Comparative Sociology vol. 10 no. 6: 840-872. 

Narud, Hanne Marthe (2011) “Politiske avstander og regjeringsalternativ ved valget i 2009” in B. Aardal (ed.), Det politiske landskap. En studie av stortingsvalget i 2009. Oslo: Cappelen-Damm:191-220.

Narud, Hanne Marthe (2011) “Et regjeringsvalg i skyggen av finanskrisen” in B. Aardal (ed.), Det politiske landskap. En studie av stortingsvalget i 2009. Oslo: Cappelen-Damm:221-256.



Allern, Elin H. (2010) Political Parties and Interest Groups in Norway. Colchester: ECPR Press.

Allern, Elin H. (2010) "The Survival of a Majority Coalition: The Norwegian 2009 Parliamentary Elections” West European Politics 33 (4) 904 - 912.

Allern, Elin H. (2010) "Parties as Vehicles of Democracy in Norway: Still Working after All These Years?" in Kay Lawson (ed.): Political Parties and Democracy: Europe, vol. 2. Westport, Conn.: Praeger.

Allern, Elin H., Nicholas Aylott and Flemming J. Christiansen (2010) Scenes from a Marriage: Social Democrats and Trade Unions in Scandinavia. CVPA Working Paper 2/2010. Copenhagen: University of Copenhagen.

Karlsen, Rune (2010) ‘Does New Media Technology Drive Election Campaign Change?’ Information Polity 15:215-225.

Karlsen, Rune (2010) "Fear of the Political Consultant. Campaign Professionals and New Technology in Norwegian Electoral Politics" Party Politics 16:193-214. fulltext

Karlsen, Rune (2010)  “Online & Undecided. Voters and the Internet in the Contemporary Norwegian Campaign” Scandinavian Political Studies 33:28-50. fulltext

Narud, Hanne Marthe, Helge Hveem and Bjørn Høyland (2010). "Gamle konflikter -- nye saker? Norske velgeres utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitiske holdninger". Internasjonal Politikk, 68 (3):335-363.



Allern, Elin H. (2009) “Partidemokrati på prøve” in Jupskås, Anders, Karl K. R. Kirchhoff and Andreas Snildal (eds), Demokratiet før og nå. Essay fra Oslostudentenes demokratiuke. Oslo: Unipub.

Allern, Elin H. and Nicholas Aylott (2009) “Overcoming the Fear of Commitment: Pre-electoral Coalitions in Norway and Sweden” Acta Politica 44: 259–85. Available at:

Allern, Elin H., Ann-Helén Bay and Jo Saglie (2009) "Velferdspolitisk konsensus og elitesamarbeid? Partiprogrammer og politikkutforming på 2000-tallet" in Bay, Ann-Helén, Axel West Pedersen and Jo Saglie (eds.), Når velferd blir politikk. Partier, organisasjoner og opinion. Oslo: Abstrakt forlag.

Allern, Elin H. and Jo Saglie (2009) "Velferdens valgkamp: Arena for interesseorganisasjoner?" in Bay, Ann-Helén, Axel West Pedersen and Jo Saglie (eds.): Når velferd blir politikk. Partier, organisasjoner og opinion. Oslo: Abstrakt forlag.

Jupskås, Anders Ravik (2009) "Høyrepopulisme på norsk. Historien om Anders Langes parti og Fremskrittspartiet" in Kjøstvedt et al. (ed.) Høyrepopulisme i Vest-Europa. Oslo: Unipub

Narud, Hanne Marthe and Anders R. Jupskås (2009) "Forteller landsmøtene noe om partienes sjel?" in Geir Helljesen (ed.) Geirs Helljesens valgskole. Oslo: NRK Aktivum.

Narud, Hanne Marthe (2009) "De små marginenes valg. Stortingsvalget i 2009" Norsk statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift 25:357-373.



Allern, Elin H. (2008) "Partidemokrati på prøve" Samtiden 2/2008. Reprinted in Bonde og småbruker 6/2008. Available at:

Allern, Elin H., Nicholas Aylott and Flemming Juul Christiansen (2008) "Scener fra et ægteskab: Socialdemokratiske partier og fagforeninger i Skandinavien" in Karina Kosiara-Pedersen and Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard (eds.), Partier og partisystemer i forandring: Festskrift til Lars Bille. Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag.

Allern, Elin H. and Jo Saglie (2008) "Between Electioneering and 'Politics as Usual': The Involvement of Interest Groups in Norwegian Electoral Politics" in David Farrell and Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck (eds.), Non-Party Actors in Electoral Politics: The Role of Interest Groups and Independent Citizens in Contemporary Election Campaigns. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag.

Narud, Hanne Marthe and Henry Valen (2008) "The Norwegian Storting: People's Parliament’ or Coop for ‘Political Broilers’?” World Political Science Review 4:1-33. Available at:

Narud, Hanne Marthe (2008) “Partienes nominasjoner. Hvem deltar? Og spiller det noen rolle?” (Party Nominations: Who Participates? And Does it Matter?)Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 49:543-573. Available at:




Allern, Elin Haugsgjerd, Knut Heidar & Rune Karlsen (2013) After the Mass Party. A Longitudinal Study of Social Congruence among Voters, Delegates, and MPs in Norway 1989-2009. Paper presented at 7th ECPR General Conference, Sciences Po Bordeaux, September, 2013.

Allern, Elin Haugsgjerd, Knut Heidar & Rune Karlsen (2013) After the Mass Party: A Longitudinal Study of Issue Congruence among Party Voters, Members, Delegates, and MPs in Norway 1990-2009. Paper presented at the conference ‘Towards More Multifaceted Understandings of Party Membership’. Centre for Voting and Party, Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Allern, Elin Haugsgjerd & Rune Karlsen (2013) Kapittel 9: Kvinnenes inntog i parlamentet: Fra ‘backbencher’ til parlamentarisk elite? Paper presentet at the 4th International Conference on Democracy as Idea and Practice, Oslo, 10-11 January 2012.

Allern, Elin Haugsgjerd & Rune Karlsen (2013) Kapittel 8: Holdnings-representasjon og rolleoppfatninger. Paper presentet at the 4th International Conference on Democracy as Idea and Practice, Oslo, 10-11 January 2012.

Allern, Elin Haugsgjerd & Rune Karlsen (2013) Kapittel 7: Stortingets sosiale sammensetning. Paper presentet at the 4th International Conference on Democracy as Idea and Practice, Oslo, 10-11 January 2012.

Bengtsson, Åsa & Rune Karlsen (2013) Preferential voting and roles of representation: a comparison of Finnish and Norwegian parliamentary candidates. Paper presented at 7th ECPR General Conference, Sciences Po Bordeaux, September, 2013.

Gorres, Achim, Rune Karlsen & Staffan Kumlin (2013) Blame avoidance or reform legitimation? Analyzing discourse about pressures and opportunities for welfare state reforms in leader speeches at party conferences in three affluent welfare states between 2000 and 2010. Paper presented at 7th ECPR General Conference, Sciences Po Bordeaux, September, 2013.


Jupskås, Anders Ravik (2013) Not so Different After All? The Party Organization of the Norwegian Progress Party in a Comparative Perspective. Paper presented at the Council of Europe Studies Conference. University of Amsterdam, June 2013.

Jupskås, Anders Ravik (2013) The Norwegian Exception: The Non-Existent Economic Crisis and the Loss of a Populist Moment. Paper presented at the workshiop "The Impact of the Great Recession on Manifestos of Populism in Europe", Sofia, Bulgaria. September 2013.

Jupskås, Anders Ravik (2013) The Feminization of Radical Right Parties in Scandinavia. The Männerparteien Revisited. Paper presented at the NOS-HS Conference, Malmö, November 2013.



Allern, Elin Haugsgjerd, Carina Bischoff and Gunnar Helgi Kristinsson (2012) 'Bureaucratic Autonomy or Political Control? A Comparison of Public Appointments in Denmark, Iceland and Norway'. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Democracy as Idea and Practice, Oslo, 12-13 January 2012.

Allern, Elin Haugsgjerd, Carina Bischoff and Gunnar Helgi Kristinsson (2012) 'Bureaucratic Autonomy or Political Control? A Comparison of Public Appointments in Denmark, Iceland and Norway'. Paper presented at the Norwegian Political Science Conference, Trondheim, January 4-6 2012.

Heidar, Knut (2012) Party democracy revisited. Members and activists evaluate intra-party democracy in Norway 1991-2009. Paper presented at the 22. IPSA World Congress of Political Science in Madrid July 8-12 2012.  Panel: Party Activists and Intra-Party Democracy: Attitudes, Opinions and Behaviour

Jupskås, Anders Ravik (2012) A Strained Relationship: Media Reactions to the Populist Radical Right in Scandinavia. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Democracy as Idea and Practice, University of Oslo, 12-13 January 2012.

Karlsen, Rune (2012) On Social Networking Sites Followers are Opinion Leaders. Empirical Evidence for the Role of Social Networking Sites Empirical Evidence for the Role of Social Networking Sites in a Two-Step Flow of Political Communication. Paper presented at the 4th European Communication Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 24.-27. November 2012.

Karlsen, Rune & Bernt Aardal (2012) Ideological Predispositions, Party Set and Issue Ownership: How Stable and Dynamic Factors Affect Vote Choice. Paper presented at the 2nd EPSA Annual Conference, Berlin, June 2012.

Karlsen, Rune and Eli Skogerbø (2012) “You have to be visible” Candidate Communication in the 2009 Norwegian Election Campaign. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Democracy as Idea and Practice, Oslo, 12-13 January 2012.

Karlsen, Rune (2012) Followers and Opinion Leaders. Empirical Evidence for the Role of Social Media in a Two-Step Flow of Political Communication. Paper presented at the Annual Norwegian Conference in Political Science, Trondheim, January 2012.



Allern, Elin Haugsgjerd, Carina Bischoff and Gunnar Helgi Kristinsson (2011)  'Political Control or Bureaucratic Autonomy? A Comparison of Public Appointments in Denmark, Iceland and Norway'. Paper presented at the 6th ECPR General Conference, 25-27 August 2011.

Jupskås, Anders Ravik (2011) To be or not be a populist radical right party: The case of the Norwegian Progress Party. Paper presented at CEREN Workshop: Closing off the Folkhem? Right-wing Xenophobia in the North. Thursday, 15 December 2011. University of Helsinki, Finland

Jupskås, Anders Ravik (2011) Professionalized Populists? The Case of the Norwegian Progress Party. Paper presented at the Party Members conference, Copenhagen, February 3-4, 2011, and at the Department of Political Science, Leiden University, 12.02.11.

Jupskås, Anders Ravik and Karl Magnus Johansson (2011) The Transnational Dimension of Populism. Paper presented at the PhD-seminar at the Department of Political Science, Leiden University, Feb. 2011.

Jupskås, Anders Ravik (2011) It's the organization, stupid! The decline of old populist parties and the persistence of new ones. Paper presented at the ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, St.Gallen, 12-17. April 2011, and at the Comparative Democratic Politics seminar at the Department of Political Science, University of Oslo, May 19th, 2011.

Karlsen, Rune (2011) Candidates and Online Social Media in Party Centered Campaigns. A Study of the Role, Importance and Consequences of Social Media for Candidate Campaigning in Norway. Paper presented at the Annual Norwegian Conference in Political Science, Bergen, January 2011.

Karlsen, Rune and Hanne Marthe Narud (2011) Nominations, Campaigning and Representation. How the Secret Garden of Politics Determine the Style of Campaigning and Roles of Representation. Paper presented at the ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, St. Gallen, 12-17 April 2011.

Narud, Hanne Marthe (2011), “Et regjeringsvalg i skyggen av finanskrisen”. Paper presentert på den nasjonale fagkonferansen i statsvitenskap, Bergen, 5-7 januar, 2011.

Narud, Hanne Marthe (2011). ”The impact of the economy on the electoral performance of governments”. Paper prepared for the Comparative Politics Speaker Series, Department of Political Science, UC San Diego, February 1, 2011.



Allern, Elin H. and Jo Saglie (2010) 'Political Parties as Multi-level organizations: Territorial links within Norwegian Political Parties’. Paper presented as a part of the panel ‘Democratic Governance in a Multilevel System – How Local Government Deals with National Policies’, Conference on ‘Democracy as Idea and Practice’, Oslo, 14–15 January 2010.

Allern, Elin H., Carina Bischoff, and Gunnar H. Kristinsson (2010) ‘Political appointments and bureaucratic autonomy in Denmark, Iceland and Norway’. Paper prepared for 60th Political Studies Association Annual Conference, Edinburgh, March 2010.

Heidar, Knut (2010) 'Party membership in Norway. Changing trends in intra-party participation' Paper presented at the XVII World Congress of Sociology, Gothenburg, Sweden, July

Karlsen, Rune (2010) Candidates and Social Media in Party Centred Campaigns. Empirical Evidence from the 2009 Norwegian Campaign. Paper presented at the workshop 'Elections, Campaigning and Citizens Online' Oxford Internet Institute, 15 -16 September, 2010.

Karlsen, Rune (2010) Adoption & Adaptation. The Influence of the Obama Campaign on the Norwegian Labor’s Use of Online Campaign Practices. Paper presented at the Annual Norwegian Conference in Political Science, Kristiansand, January, 2010

Allern, Elin H. (2009/2010): 'The Relationship of the New Left and Right with Interest Groups: Similar or Special? The Case of Norway’s Socialist Left Party and Progress Party'. Paper presented at the workshop ‘Political Parties and Pressure Groups: Qualifying the Cartel Party Thesis’, symposium on ‘Challenges to Political Institutions: Democracy in the 21st century’, Oslo, 26-27 November 2009 and at the Norwegian Political Science Association’s Annual Conference Kristiansand, January 6-8, 2010.

Jupskås, Anders Ravik og Ann-Cathrine Jungar (2010). En populistisk partifamilie? En komparativ-historisk analyse av nordiske populistpartier. Paper til Statsvetenskapliga förbundets årsmöte, Göteborg den 30 september - 2 oktober 2010.

Jupskås, Anders Ravik (2010). A populist radical right party, or not a populist radical right party, that is the question. The case of the Norwegian Progress Party. Paper prepared for the course “Radical Right Politics in Western Democracies”, Oslo Summer School in Comparative Social Science Studies, 26 – 30 July 2010.

Jupskås, Anders Ravik (2010). Where is the Party? Bringing Agency Back into the Study of Success and Failure of New Party emergence. Paper prepared for the course “Case Study Research Methods”, Oslo Summer School in Comparative Social Science Studies, 2 – 6 August 2010.

Jupskås, Anders Ravik (2010) "The many faces of populism: the case of Norway" Paper presented at the ECPR Workshop in Münster, Mars 2010.

Jupskås, Anders Ravik (2010) "In the name of the people! Populist faces  in Norway 1940-2010". Paper to be presented at Comparative Democratic Politics Seminar, Department of Political Science, University of Oslo, 8.april, 2010.



Allern, Elin H. (2009): ‘Party Government and Party Patronage in Contemporary European Democracies: The Case of Norway’. Paper presented  to project workshop at Leiden University, November 5-6 2009. A revised version will be presented at the ‘Comparative Democratic Politics’ seminar at the Univerity of Oslo Spring 2010.

Narud, Hanne Marthe and Helge Hveem (2009) “Gamle konflikter nye stridsspørsmål? Norske velgeres utenrikspolitiske holdninger”. Paper presented at the 17th national political science conference, Klækken, January 7-9, 2009.

Jupskås, Anders Ravik (2009). "Kjerringer mot strømmen eller de stygge andungene? En studie av protestpartibevegelser og populisme i norsk politikk i perioden 1960-2010." Paper presented at the 17th national political science conference, Klækken, January 7-9, 2009.

Allern, Elin H. (2009) "Political Parties and Democracy: Norway". Paper presented at the Norwegian Political Science Association’s Annual Conference, Klækken, January 7-9, 2009.

Narud, Hanne Marthe (2009) “The Ascendency of the Young, the Smart and the Professionals. Patterns of Elite Recruitment and Circualtion in the Norwegian Storting”. Paper presented at the 21st IPSA World Congress of Political Science, Santiago de Chile, July 12 - 16, 2009.

Narud, Hanne Marthe, (2009) “Good Economy – Poor Results? Economic Voting in Small Economies ”. Paper presented at the 21st IPSA World Congress of Political Science, Santiago de Chile, July 12-16, 2009

Allern, Elin H., (2009) “The Nature of Party Relationships with Interest Groups: A Framework of Analysis”. Paper presented to the workshop  “Political Parties and Civil Society’ at the ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Lisbon, 14-19 April 2009.

Allern, Elin H. and Jo Saglie, (2009) “Informal Web of Links in the Shadow of Hierarchy? Day-to-day Politics within Norwegian Party Organizations”. Paper prepared for the panel “Hierarchy and Stratarchy in Contemporary Party Organizations”, ECPR General Conference, Potsdam, 10–12 September 2009.

Allern, Elin H., Nicholas Aylott and Flemming J. Christiansen, (2009) ‘Scenes from a Marriage: Social Democrats and Trade Unions in Scandinavia’. Paper in progress.

Allern, Elin H., Knut Heidar and Hanne Marthe Narud (2008) “Party Members and Membership Parties in the Age of Professional Politics: A Study of Norwegian Political Parties 1980-2010”. Paper presented at the PARTIREP International Conference Party Membership in Europe: Exploration into the Anthills of Party Politics, Centre d’étude de la vie politique of the ULB (Cevipol), the Université libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, 30-31 October 2008.

Bengtsson, Åsa, Kasper Møller-Hansen, Hanne Marthe Narud and Henrik Oscarsson (2008) ”Withered Ties, New Relations? A Study of the Relation between Citizens and Parties in Nordic Welfare Democracies”. Paper for NOPSA, Tromsø, August 6-9, 2008.

Jupskås, Anders Ravik (2009) "Populisme: Skjellsord eller analytisk begrep?". Paper presentert på tirsdagsseminar (6/10) ved Institutt for statsvitenskap, Universitetet i Oslo.


Published Jan. 4, 2011 1:13 PM - Last modified Dec. 19, 2016 10:43 AM