Master thesis outline

Writing a thesis outline is a mandatory element in the writing of a master thesis. The outline is the exam for the course TIK4040.

Contents of the outline

  1. Working title
  2. Topic and research question

Note: The topic should be presented in a way that makes it "researchable". That means it should be possible to answer the research question with the help of your chosen methods and theoretical framework.

  1. Relevance and objective of the thesis

What is the academic and societal relevance of your thesis?

  1. Central literature and debates in the research field

Describe which literature is relevant for the thesis. What field are you writing in? Describe the debates that are relevant for the topic you will study and which discussions your thesis will contribute to.

  1. Methods and data material

Where can you find relevant data and how will you collect it? A review of methods to be used to obtain the data you need, and an overview of how they should be treated, for example in analysis, to be able to answer to or shed light on the phenomena you want to write about.

  1. Theoretical framework
  2. Research ethics

A discussion of possible ethical aspects of your project, including research ethics, protection of animals and protection of personal data

  1. Will you deal with personal data? Personverntjenester for forskning ( Notify Sikt.
  2. Are there any research ethics issues you need to take into special consideration? See NESH guidelines: Social Sciences and Humanities | Forskningsetikk 
  1. Timeline
    1. Make a plan for your work and how much time you will set aside for each part. Plan the structure of the master thesis.
  2. Reference list (Note: you should additionally deliver an individual reading list as part of your exam).

Deadline, language and formal requirements 

The outline is the exam for TIK4040, and you find all information about the exam at the course- and semester page for TIK4040. 


Publisert 16. mars 2016 12:46 - Sist endret 13. feb. 2023 14:53