Nettsider med emneord «European Union»

Publisert 30. okt. 2018 12:30

Agustín José Menéndez tests the reconstructive potential and the normative soundness of constitutional pluralism as a constitutional theory to make sense of European integration in the journal European Papers.

Publisert 11. jan. 2019 15:24

Cathrine Holst has contributed with a chapter in the new volume Gender and Queer Perspectives on Brexit on how Norway as a non-member is affected by - and affects - EU gender equality policy.

Publisert 18. juni 2018 09:39

ARENA Working Paper 5/2018 (pdf)

Asimina Michailidou and Hans-Jörg Trenz

The face of Mario Draghi. he is the President of the European Central Bank. Blue background.
Publisert 3. apr. 2018 20:16

During the euro crisis, the European Central Bank carved out a new and more significant role for itself. While many agree that this saved the euro in the short term, new research by Jørgen Bølstad at ARENA suggests that the ECB’s new role as a lender of last resort may also prevent future crises.

Publisert 2. mars 2020 15:28
The European Parliament building in Brussels
Publisert 31. jan. 2018 12:09

If the EU admits that it is a federation, the Union might be better able to strike the right balance between the supranational and national levels. Professor John Erik Fossum wants to revive the controversial concept.

painting of workers striking
Publisert 3. sep. 2019 13:33

What does it mean to be a European citizen? 25 years after the Treaty of Maastricht, ARENA researchers Espen D. H. Olsen and Agustín José Menéndez argue that provisions intended to create a European community may create more friction than harmony.

Publisert 14. okt. 2015 11:07

In this paper, Diego Praino identifies the essential structure of the EU system of government. He considers both the legal framework and actual practice of the executive-legislature relationship. 

ARENA Working Paper 5/2015

Diego Praino

Image may contain: Rectangle, Font, Electric blue, Parallel.
Publisert 30. nov. 2022 12:08

ARENA Working Paper 2/2022 (pdf)

Asimina Michailidou, Hans-Jörg Trenz and Resul Umit

Publisert 15. nov. 2021 11:33

ARENA Working Paper 12/2021 (pdf)

Martin Moland and Asimina Michailidou

Publisert 12. juni 2018 10:50

William E. Scheuerman will present his paper 'Constituent power and civil disobedience: beyond the nation state?' at the ARENA Tuesday Seminar on 23 October 2018.

Publisert 1. feb. 2018 09:29

Erik O. Eriksen analyses the problems that a differentiated European political order poses for self-rule in the article in the European Journal of Political Research.

EU Parliament members with anti-TTIP signs and T-shirts
Publisert 17. jan. 2019 14:39

Members of the European Parliament have gained great influence in trade policy, thereby challenging the national monopolies of power. Often, they are perceived as a disturbing element in international negotiations.  

A large group of people gathered outside a building.
Publisert 13. mai 2019 15:45

The European Union is engaged in a large-scale debate on its future nature and direction. The role and importance of theoretically informed and empirically grounded research in that process is essential, as was made very clear at EU3D's opening conference in Rome. 

Image may contain: Light, World, Azure, Font, Art.
Publisert 17. nov. 2017 14:50

The Research Council of Norway is organizing a conference about political changes in Europe, and how these affect Norway. Leading researchers, several from ARENA, will present first hand insight into the latest research on these areas.

Image may contain: Furniture, Chair, Interior design, Hall, Wood.
Publisert 28. feb. 2022 18:51

ARENA contributes to a multidisciplinary platform for research on judicial politics in the European Union.  

Publisert 1. mars 2022 20:24
Animation photo of the word Brexit with big blue letters on top of a map of the United Kingdom
Publisert 6. juli 2018 15:09

The former Norwegian minister of EEA and EU Affairs, Marit Berger Røsland, will debate Brexit and 'the Norway model' with leading EU researchers from ARENA. 

Publisert 18. okt. 2018 00:25

In this blog post, I draw on Norwegian experiences in arguing that there should be a second referendum on Brexit. 

Publisert 4. aug. 2010 12:56
European Parliament member in red dress holding placard that says MeToo.
Publisert 7. mars 2018 15:49

- Initiatives to push the gender equality agenda often meet resistance from member states and powerful interest organisations, says EU researcher Helena Seibicke in this interview on the International Women's Day.

Two people at a stage.
Publisert 18. sep. 2018 14:50

Could the 'Norway model' work for the UK post-Brexit? Do EU agencies threaten the EEA agreement? These were topics of discussion when policy-makers and ARENA researchers met during Arendalsuka 2018.

Publisert 28. nov. 2018 11:50

John Erik Fossum and Agustín José Menéndez have contributed with a book chapter each in a volume devoted to offer a new conceptual approach to the core ideas of European integration processes.