Nettsider med emneord «Radical right»

Publisert 19. apr. 2018 08:58

It is a country with an ageing and ever decreasing population, turned in on itself, scared of everything outside, and increasingly inside, its borders, writes Cas Mudde.

Publisert 10. apr. 2018 12:55

Fidesz’s adaptation of their ethno-nationalist playbook has proven to be a recipe for electoral success, says Cathrine Thorleifsson.

Publisert 2. feb. 2018 17:12

When he goes, it will remain.

Publisert 27. sep. 2017 10:05

The radical right party profited from the fact immigration was the number one election issue. But can its breakthrough last? C-REX researcher, Cas Mudde, explains the German election and the rise of AfD.

Publisert 9. juli 2018 15:07

Why do people leave far-right extremism?  Do they simply tire of the hateful messages?  Is it too difficult to stay attached to a politics that one’s friends and family reject?

Publisert 4. mai 2018 14:28

As mainstream parties brought immigration back to the political debate, the identitarians have been rather successful in seizing the opportunities made available to them, writes Caterina Froio.

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Publisert 23. mars 2020 09:42

Ireland’s general election on 8 February saw a proliferation of radical right-wing candidates but did not herald the expected breakthrough of these parties. As Shaun McDaid explains, the little support for the radical right in Ireland is mainly explained by the ability of the political left to more effectively mobilise the electorate on issues other than immigration. While not counting on imminent success, the radical right in Ireland might nevertheless have the stamina to play the long game. 

Image may contain: Photograph, White, Office supplies, Typewriter, Office equipment.
Publisert 2. juli 2021 09:26

Over the past few years, sexuality education has become a topic of focus within radical right advocacy in East and Southern Africa. Organisations such as Freedom of Religion South Africa (FOR SA), Family Policy Institute, and Cause for Justice have been campaigning against comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) within school curricula, and have attempted to erode and block LGBTIQ+ and reproductive rights.

Image may contain: Building, Daytime, Cloud, Sky, Infrastructure.
Publisert 17. mars 2021 13:08

French academia is currently under scrutiny after the Minister of Research and Higher Education validated the theory of a growing “Islamo-leftism” within social science research. Studies on race and gender have become contentious, and met in the public debate with accusations of fostering identity politics. Recently, a group of academics tried to delegitimize the work of Nonna Mayer, a respected scholar in the field of far right politics.

Image may contain: Daytime, Photograph, Plant, Facial expression, Smile.
Publisert 15. apr. 2021 13:25

The growing popularity of the Nye Borgerlige party (official English name: ‘New Right’, literal translation: ‘New Bourgeois’) and the decline of the Danish People’s Party (DF), indicate that Danish far right politics have taken a neoliberal turn. Anita Nissen and Birte Siim discuss this recent development, and explain how Nye Borgerlige has managed to rapidly gain the support of predominantly male, middle class voters.

Image may contain: Office supplies, Font, Writing implement, Writing instrument accessory, Line.
Publisert 22. mars 2021 08:56

The Dutch parliamentary elections took place last week, after a tumultuous period of anti-lockdown protests, and the fall of the Dutch government in January, over a welfare fraud scandal rife with ethnic profiling. RightNow! Editor Iris Beau Segers interviews Professor Cas Mudde about the most striking outcomes of the election, and what this might mean for the radical right and the state of liberal democracy in the Netherlands.

Image may contain: Sky, Building, Urban design, Sculpture, Window.
Publisert 22. feb. 2021 08:30

Over the last few weeks, the Dutch radical right has used curfew controversy to portray the government as a danger to the freedom of the average citizen. C-REX scholar Iris Beau Segers asks if the liberal-conservative VVD party might have themselves to blame, and argues that their ‘doctrine of normalcy’ has mainstreamed radical right ideas that now pose a challenge to the government’s covid-19 measures.

Image may contain: Footwear, Shoe, Umbrella, Flag, Fun.
Publisert 18. mai 2021 10:35

Jordan McSwiney examines the state of the far right in Australia today, tracing its evolution through three recent phases of organising. Beginning with a series of protest mobilisations and followed by a period of electoral growth, the Australian far right is today increasingly coalescing around more extreme and potentially terroristic neo-Nazi cells, raising significant concerns for Australian security.