Nettsider med emneord « international relations»

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

What is the rationale underpinning united Germany's relations to its neighbours, and how may German power be conceptualised? This paper reviews a contribution of Katzenstein on the subject, adding some intriguing institutional observations of Germany soft-power, multilateral approach.

ARENA Working Paper 27/1997 (html)

Bjørn Otto Sverdrup

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

What are the consequences of EU enlargement to the Union's Common Foreign and Security Policy? This paper gives an outline of what to expect; inevitably, redefining the EU's borders will introduce new tasks and issues to the foreign policy domain.

ARENA Working Paper 18/1998 (html)

Helene Sjursen

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

This paper accounts for changes of the late 1990s in the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy. Discussing whether changes towards supranationalism could be stable and consistent, it is argued that traditional foreign policy perspectives must be supplemented to account for new dynamics.

ARENA Working Paper 34/1999 (html)

Helene Sjursen

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

Discussing three alternative justifications for a common EU foreign policy, this paper finds the common values thesis to be the most persuasive in a case study of EU enlargement.

ARENA Working Paper 01/2001 (html)

Helene Sjursen and Karen E. Smith

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

This paper accounts for the influence held by EU institutions on the foreign policy of post-Franco Spain; it is argued that throughout this period, EU membership rather than regime change has been the driving force behind foreign policy change.

ARENA Working Paper 26/2001 (html)

José I. Torreblanca

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

This paper investigates the transition of German foreign policy towards active participation in military operations abroad. It is argued here that exaplanations of German policy change should focus on the processes of deliberation and justification in the national public sphere.

ARENA Working Paper 10/2002 (html)

Marianne Takle

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

This paper sheds some light on the peaceful and democratic transformation of the nation-state occurring in Europe. It offers a systematic comparison of the EU experience with that of Canada, a democracy variously referred to as a post-national entity, multinational federation, or confederation.

ARENA Working Paper 28/2002 (html)

John Erik Fossum

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

This paper investigates the claim of a twofold change in European security and defence - regarding (i) the referent object and (ii)the best means to achieve security. To approach this issue area the concept of communicative rationality is suggested as a possible device.

ARENA Working Paper 10/2003 (pdf)

Helene Sjursen

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

Based on insights from the Mediterranean case, this paper discusses under what requirements an issue grows to salience as a common European initiative in the foreign policy domain.

ARENA Working Paper 13/2003 (pdf)

Federica Bicchi

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

This article,written as a review of three contributions on social constructivism, is equally conceived as an evaluation of this approach with regards to its usefulness to IR theory. While admitting that social constructivism has added important insights, it is nevertheless argued that there are important lacunaes to be filled and unclarities to be clarified.

ARENA Working Paper 15/2003 (pdf)

Jeffrey T. Checkel

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

Based on a communicative perspective this article works out the theoretical possibility of a twofold change in European security; in the (i) referent object of security and in the (ii) understanding and practice of the best means to achieve security.

ARENA Working Paper 01/2004 (pdf)

Helene Sjursen

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

Process tracing, much in the ascendant as methodological approach, brings research closer to politics and strengthens the reliability of our findings. However, there are obvious risks entailed.

ARENA Working Paper 26/2005 (pdf)

Jeffrey T. Checkel

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

What is the relative weight of bargaining and arguing in the formation of EU foreign policy? Based on empirical data, this paper lends credence to the deliberative claim that there is more to negotiation than give and take; states may change their set of preferences by way of a learning process where even small actors may be pivotal.

ARENA Working Paper 31/2005 (pdf)

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