Nettsider med emneord « law»

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

This paper interprets the introduction of a European Charter of Fundamental Rights as a further step towards rights as foundational to European law; in other words, making a qualitative leap away from regulations of commerce towards a prospective constitutional moment.

ARENA Working Paper 13/2001 (html)

Agustin José Menéndéz

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

I denne artikkelen vurderes Høyesteretts antatt ubestridte posisjon i et nasjonalt juridisk hierarki. I en kontekst med internasjonalisering av lovregimer, i hvilken grad er det fortsatt den nasjonale Høyesterett som sitter med siste instans av dømmende makt?

This paper discusses whether and to what extent the Norwegian Supreme Court remains the ultimate body of judicial power in a context of international law regimes. The paper is in Norwegian.

ARENA Working Paper 06/2002 (html)

Hans Petter Graver

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

This paper looks closer at the emerging European administrative policy, starting from the observation that albeit EU-driven harmonisation lacks a legal basis in Community law, it is nevertheless an unrefutable fact of national administrative policy.

ARENA Working Paper 17/2002 (html)

Hans Petter Graver

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

Drawing on broad historical insights, this paper accounts for the development of legal doctrine under Franco's regime in Spain; special emphasis is placed on the conformism of liberal intellectual scholars, which helped justify the formal legality of authoritarian rule.

ARENA Working Paper 20/2002 (html)

Agustín José Menéndez

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

From a habermasian perspective and based on developments of human rights enforcement, this paper makes the claim that a cosmopolitan law is in the making. The argument ties together normative political theory and insights about European and international integration.

ARENA Working Paper 25/2002 (html)

Erik Oddvar Eriksen

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

Evaluating the influx of Europe on Norwegian legal doctrine, this article maintains that import of European legal traditions has a long pedigree in Norway. While fluctuating through history, however, Europeanization has taken on a new dimension during the last decade, with the growth of supranational Community law and human rights principles.

ARENA Working Paper 18/2003 (pdf)

Hans Petter Graver

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

Institutions based upon the systematic separation of different decision functions may stimulate deliberative decision-making, if they hinder negotiators from introducing their bargaining power into the negotiation process. Such arrangements exist for the regulation of requirements for health and safety of products within the Single Market. The article explores the underlying causal mechanism and examines the cases of machines and toys.

ARENA Working Paper 06/2007 (pdf)

Thomas Gehring

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

In this paper the author explores how and to what extent it is possible to contribute to the Democratisation of the European political order by means of modifying the ways in which taxes are deliberated upon, decided and collected in the old continent.

ARENA Working Paper 23/2008 (pdf)

Agustín José Menéndez