Nettsider med emneord «Brexit»

Two people at a stage.
Publisert 18. sep. 2018 14:50

Could the 'Norway model' work for the UK post-Brexit? Do EU agencies threaten the EEA agreement? These were topics of discussion when policy-makers and ARENA researchers met during Arendalsuka 2018.

Map of Europe with all project partners highlighted
Publisert 20. aug. 2018 14:41

A research group at ARENA Centre for European Studies headed by Prof. John Erik Fossum has succeeded in a highly competitive bid for international research funding. ARENA is celebrating the success.

Publisert 23. juli 2010 09:39
Publisert 18. okt. 2018 00:25

In this blog post, I draw on Norwegian experiences in arguing that there should be a second referendum on Brexit. 

UK Prime Minister Theresa May and EU Commission President Jean Claude Juncker meet.
Publisert 15. des. 2017 17:18

In this guest blog post, professor Christopher Lord of ARENA gives an alternative take on how to understand the struggle behind the Brexit negotiations. 

Publisert 20. nov. 2017 17:24

ARENA director Erik Oddvar Eriksen explains on the LSE Brexit blog that for the UK, the "Norway option" would amount to self-inflicted subservience to the EU.

Publisert 26. juli 2010 14:35
Publisert 4. aug. 2010 14:39
Animation photo of the word Brexit with big blue letters on top of a map of the United Kingdom
Publisert 6. juli 2018 15:09

The former Norwegian minister of EEA and EU Affairs, Marit Berger Røsland, will debate Brexit and 'the Norway model' with leading EU researchers from ARENA. 

The European Parliament building in Brussels
Publisert 31. jan. 2018 12:09

If the EU admits that it is a federation, the Union might be better able to strike the right balance between the supranational and national levels. Professor John Erik Fossum wants to revive the controversial concept.

An old man sitting at a meeting table with a lot of men around him
Publisert 5. des. 2018 15:44

European decision-makers point to flexible relationships with the EU as a way to maintain their countries’ independence and autonomy. New research from ARENA suggests that political differentiation might in fact lead to the opposite, which does not bode well for the UK after Brexit.

Photo of two soldiers preparing to give medical aid to a ship crew they rescued at the sea outside of Somalia.
Publisert 23. okt. 2018 15:33

How do we arrange relations between EU members and non-member democracies in ways that secure core standards of democratic legitimacy? Will Brexit aggravate this difficulty? 

Image may contain: Terrestrial plant, Font, Pattern, Circle.
Publisert 12. nov. 2021 11:30
Journal of European Integration
Publisert 1. juni 2017 09:15

By using concepts of historic responsibility, Christopher Lord discusses whether decisions member states take together can constrain how any one of them can justifiably leave the EU in the article published in the Journal of European Integration.

Publisert 13. mai 2019 16:44

Is Brexit a wicked problem? John Erik Fossum is published in European Policy Analysis with an article on how the wicked problem framework can be improved by incorporating the problem of political order.

Publisert 11. jan. 2019 15:24

Cathrine Holst has contributed with a chapter in the new volume Gender and Queer Perspectives on Brexit on how Norway as a non-member is affected by - and affects - EU gender equality policy.

Image may contain: Text, Blue, Font, Turquoise, Aqua.
Publisert 9. sep. 2020 14:48

Resul Umit and Katrin Auel (IHS, Vienna) have published a new article in Journal of Contemporary European Studies, analysing the vote on the 'European Union (Notice of Withdrawal) Bill' in the House of Commons.

Tidligere finansminister i Tyskland, en gammel mann i rullestol, sitter ved et møtebord.
Publisert 11. des. 2018 14:48

Differensiering og fleksible relasjoner med EU blir ofte oppfattet å være et uttrykk for landenes uavhengighet og autonomi. Ny forskning fra ARENA tyder på at det kan være stikk motsatt, noe som lover dårlig for britene etter Brexit.

Bygningen til Europaparlamentet i Brussel.
Publisert 31. jan. 2018 12:10

Hvis EU innrømmer at det er en føderasjon, kan det bli lettere å finne balansen mellom det overnasjonale og nasjonale nivået. Professor John Erik Fossum ønsker å gjenopplive det kontroversielle begrepet.

Bilde av Europa. ,ed prdetBrexit i store blå bokstaver over og dominobrikker som faller over Europa.
Publisert 24. okt. 2018 09:38

Hvordan kan vi organisere relasjonene mellom EUs medlemsland og ikke-medlemmer på en måte som sikrer demokratisk legitimitet? Vil Brexit gjøre dette enda vanskeligere? 

Publisert 31. juli 2018 11:09

ARENA er partner i PELEEA, et Jean Monnet-nettverk som studerer konsekvensene av Brexit for Det europeiske økonomiske samarbeidsområdet (EØS).

Utenriksministeren står på pdiet og snakker, med blå bakgrunn og stor blomst ved siden av.
Publisert 13. sep. 2018 11:37

Ine Eriksen Søreide talte om norsk europapolitikk og et europeisk verdifellesskap under sterkt press da hun gjestet Blindern i anledning ARENA-forelesningen 2018. 

Kart over Europa og alle prosjektpartnerne
Publisert 20. aug. 2018 14:41

En forskergruppe ved ARENA Senter for europaforskning under ledelse av professor John Erik Fossum har nådd helt til topps i tøff internasjonal konkurranse om midler. På ARENA feires det.