Nettsider med emneord «Finland»

Publisert 18. apr. 2011 10:01

Gårsdagens protestvalg i Finland antyder tre parallelle utviklingstrekk: protest mot EU og den politiske eliten, venstredreining i økonomiske spørsmål og mer fokus på verdikonservative holdninger. Mens alle andre partier gikk tilbake, ble det populistiske Sannfinländarnas mannskap i Eduskunta forsterket med 34 personer.

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

This paper tests the explanatory power of a deliberative and an intergovernmental approach with regards to small state influence within the EU's external policy. It provides a detailed analysis of the Swedish-Finnish initiative on including crisis management in the Amsterdam Treaty in 1997.

ARENA Working Paper 23/2004 (pdf)

Børge O. Romsloe

Image may contain: Building, Sky, Wheel, Tire, Window.
Publisert 4. apr. 2023 14:47

Sunday's general elections in Finland have pushed out the Social Democrats, and put the National Coalition Party and the far-right Finns Party in first and second place respectively. But what is the overall trend, and what does it mean for the Finnish far right beyond the Finns Party?