Nettsider med emneord «deliberative democracy»

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

Questioning the alleged democratic deficit of the EU, this paper makes the case for discourse theory as alternative to the traditional liberal and republican conceptions of democracy.

ARENA Working Paper 04/1999 (html)

Erik O. Eriksen

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

This paper addresses the European Union in a deliberative perspective, portraying deliberation as the only viable procedure of non-coercive integration beyond the nation-state.

ARENA Working Paper 09/1999 (html)

Erik Oddvar Eriksen and John Erik Fossum

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

This paper considers subsidiarity as introduced by the Amsterdam Treaty in the light of democratic deliberation and alternative notions of legitimacy.

ARENA Working Paper 21/1999 (html)

Andreas Føllesdal

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

This paper denounces the perception of pre-political community attachment as a requisite for political integration; instead it delineates a post-national model of European democracy, built upon individual rights and citizenship and shared legitimacy between the national and EU levels.

ARENA Working Paper 26/2000 (html)

Erik Oddvar Eriksen and John Erik Fossum

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

Looking closer at deliberative approaches to Europan integration, this paper attempts to take deliberation down to an operational level by focusing on empirical, methodological and theoretical aspects.

ARENA Working Paper 14/2001 (html)

Jeffrey T. Checkel

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

This paper discusses the emergence of a European public sphere from the vantage point of deliberative democracy; focus in on strong publics as a building stone of future EU-level democracy.

ARENA Working Paper 16/2001 (html)

Erik Oddvar Eriksen and John Erik Fossum

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

This paper discusses different strategies for mending the legitimacy deficit of the EU; it is argued here that legitimacy could be attained by way of three different paths, each pertaining to a a special vision of what the EU is and should be.

ARENA Working Paper 38/2002 (pdf)

Erik Oddvar Eriksen and John Erik Fossum

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

The purpose of this article is to heighten our understanding of the nature of the EU's social constituency. This article develops a conceptual-methodological framework that will help us to identify the EU's social constituency and spell out its specific traits.

ARENA Working Paper 16/2004 (pdf)

John Erik Fossum

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

This paper discusses the usefulness of reflexive reason-giving as an approach to transnational and supranational systems of governance. It is argued that deliberation must be supplemented with law and trust as resources for collective action.

ARENA Working Paper 20/2004 (pdf)

Erik Oddvar Eriksen

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

The paper treats the classic question of EU legitimacy and debates whether the convention establishing a Constitutional Treaty for Europe has managed to overcome the EU legitimacy deficit. Deliberative theory is applied to evaluate the constitutional process, concluding that the convention by way of increasing reflexivity managed to redress some of the aspects of this deficit.

ARENA Working Paper 04/2005 (pdf)

John Erik Fossum

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

This article discusses whether deliberation and decision-making on the constitutional norms of the EU can contribute to render it more democratic. Observing the procedural changes to constitution-making introduced with Laeken (notably the Convention), it is argued in the paper that such changes have made some progress towards rectifying the Union's legitimacy deficit.

ARENA Working Paper 13/2005 (pdf)

John Erik Fossum & Agustín José Menéndez

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

Does the process towards an EU constitution amount to Europe's constitutional moment? This paper discusses the Convention and ensuing debates in the light of normative political theory.

ARENA Working Paper 18/2005 (pdf)

John Erik Fossum and Agustín José Menéndez

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

What is the relative weight of bargaining and arguing in the formation of EU foreign policy? Based on empirical data, this paper lends credence to the deliberative claim that there is more to negotiation than give and take; states may change their set of preferences by way of a learning process where even small actors may be pivotal.

ARENA Working Paper 31/2005 (pdf)

Børge Romsloe

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

What kind of democracy is required to mend the EU's legitimacy deficit? This paper discusses the merits of different models of deliberative democracy, looking in particular on the criteria for legitimate constitutional discourse.

ARENA Working Paper 08/2006 (pdf)

Erik Oddvar Eriksen

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

In this paper, the author adopts a pragmatist approach to the European transformation from an order of largely independent nation-states to an integrated order with some capacity to rule in the name of all.

ARENA Working Paper 07/2010 (pdf)

Erik Oddvar Eriksen

Publisert 8. feb. 2011 11:46

In this paper, Espen D. H. Olsen and Hans-Jörg Trenz confront some commonly held assumptions and objections with regard to the feasibility of deliberation in a transnational and pluri-lingual setting, relying on a solid set of both quantitative and qualitative data from EuroPolis.

ARENA Working Paper 13/2010 (pdf)

Espen D. H. Olsen and Hans-Jörg Trenz

Publisert 21. juni 2011 14:44

This paper shows that the main pattern of European democratisation has unfolded along the lines of an EU organised as a multilevel system of representative parliamentary government and not as a system of deliberative governance as the transnationalists propound.

ARENA Working Paper 5/2011 (pdf)

Erik Oddvar Eriksen and John Erik Fossum

Publisert 18. sep. 2018 12:09

Eva Krick explores the room for reconciliation between democratic and epistemic claims to modern policy-making in her article in the special issue of European Politics and Society.