Nettsider med emneord «federalism»

The European Parliament building in Brussels
Publisert 31. jan. 2018 12:09

If the EU admits that it is a federation, the Union might be better able to strike the right balance between the supranational and national levels. Professor John Erik Fossum wants to revive the controversial concept.

Painting of a boat sailing dangerously close between a whirlpool and a mountain
Publisert 18. juni 2018 19:23

Since 2008, the European Union faces a range of existential threats between populism, technocracy, and mediatisation. How can the EU address the rise of populist parties, the expanding role of the EU’s depoliticized bodies, and the world of social media?

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

Which way ahead for the EU? This article addresses some pivotal questions concerning the future of the European Union, with Joschka Fischer's Humboldt speech as point of departure.

ARENA Working Paper 19/2000 (html)

Agustín José Menéndez

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

This paper addresses Joschka Fischer's vision for Europe by way of institutionalist theory; how and by what instruments can a transition of the EU in line with Fischer's vision be conducted and controlled?

ARENA Working Paper 22/2000 (html)

Johan P. Olsen

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

While a federal order often involves a conflict between (individual) equality and (regional) autonomy, it is argued in this paper that the additional advantages of autonomy point towards federal arrangements - insofar as no fundamental rights are under threat.

ARENA Working Paper 08/2001 (html)

Andreas Føllesdal

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

This paper sheds some light on the peaceful and democratic transformation of the nation-state occurring in Europe. It offers a systematic comparison of the EU experience with that of Canada, a democracy variously referred to as a post-national entity, multinational federation, or confederation.

ARENA Working Paper 28/2002 (html)

John Erik Fossum

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

This paper gives an assessment of the EFTA Court at the tenth anniversary of its existence. It is argued here that from the point of view of national courts, ther is no discernible difference in jurisdiction between the EFTA Court and the European Court of Justice. Other factores, such as institutional and cultural legacies in the member states more significantly affect the supply of referrals from national courts.

ARENA Working Paper 18/2004 (pdf)

Hans Petter Graver

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

In a time where Europeans reflect on how to reflect human rights and solidarity in the Constitutional Treaty, this paper develops a theory of federal justice to respond to some key issues. Aspiring to supplement Rawls’ Law of the Peoples, particular emphasis is put on the justification of differentiated human rights and distributive inequality in a federal order.

ARENA Working Paper 22/2004 (pdf)

Andreas Føllesdal

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

What lessons can be drawn from European integration when it comes to balancing unity and diversity?

ARENA Working Paper 24/2005 (pdf)

Johan P. Olsen

Publisert 8. feb. 2011 10:20

The paper critically examines the democratic theory that informs the German Federal Constitutional Court’s Lisbon Treaty ruling, and argues that the ruling and the justification speak to several – distinctly different – models of democracy.

ARENA Working Paper 09/2010 (pdf)

Erik Oddvar Eriksen and John Erik Fossum

Publisert 4. apr. 2011 11:36

European citizenship poses a theoretical challenge to the paradigmatic understanding of citizenship as congruence between nation, state, and membership rights. This challenge is addressed in this paper by focusing on ideal typical models of the EU polity. Is EU citizenship more nation-based, federal, or cosmopolitan?

ARENA Working Paper 4/2011 (No full text version available)

Espen D. H. Olsen