Nettsider med emneord «youth»

Publisert 13. sep. 2016 12:42

Eivind Grip Fjær and Sébastien Tutenges

Publisert 22. sep. 2010 14:01

Coordinator Katrine Fangen presented EUMARGINS at joint meeting for projects financed by the EU's 7th framework program; after the UP2YOUTH project's policy Seminar "Youth - actor  of social change. Findings of European Youth Research" in Brussels.

Publisert 22. sep. 2010 14:01

The University of Oslo is cooperating with the Chinese Academy of Social Science (CASS). In November 2009 a Chinese delegation from CASS visited UiO, and the Institute of Sociology and Human Geography organized a CASS-UiO workshop entitled Youth, Identity, Migration and Social Problems. The workshop dealt amongst others with issues such as migration trends, inclusion in receiving countries and identity and subcultural approaches. Under the latter theme, project coordinator Katrine Fangen talked about Youth and the Ethnic Challenge, based upon findings from the EUMARGINS research project.

Publisert 12. juli 2010 00:00

EUMARGINS' researcher Professor Les Back was keynote speaker at the Conference 'YOUTH 2010: Identities, Transitions and Cultures' which took place at the University of Surrey from Tuesday 6 July to 8 July 2010. In his talk, Les Back shared some findings from EUMARGINS. 

Publisert 22. sep. 2010 14:01

The UP2YOUTH project was financed by the EU’s 6th framework program. At the final conference of this project, both main findings of UP2YOUTH were presented, but also findings from other EU-funded projects which focus on young people and exclusion.

Publisert 22. sep. 2010 14:01

In the aftermath of the 2-days EUMARGINS Project Meeting in Nancy (France), the symposium: Youths with ‘immigrant’ background and professional insertion will take place on April 30th, 2009. 

Publisert 22. sep. 2010 14:01

On May 22-23, 2009, the final dissemination conference of the European Collaborative Research Project (FP6) TRESEGY will take place in Lleida in Barcelona. The full title of the project is "Toward a social construction of an European youth: the experience of inclusion and exclusion in the public sphere among second generation migrated teenagers". It is a project that has many parallells to EUMARGINS, both in terms of subject, methodology and localities. EUMARGINS' participants from France, Italy and Spain have been involved with TRESEGY and will participate in the conference. Findings from the project will be presented and discussed. EUMARGINS' Project Coordinator Katrine Fangen will also take part as keynote speaker.  

Publisert 22. sep. 2010 14:01

The article 'Social Exclusion and Inclusion of Young Immigrants – Presentation of an Analytical Framework' by Katrine Fangen was published in May 2010 in the SAGE-journal YOUNG: Nordic Journal of Youth Research, no. 2. This article presents many of the analytical ideas the serve as a frame for EUMARGINS. Read the article here.