Nettsider med emneord «Finland»

Image may contain: Building, Sky, Wheel, Tire, Window.
Publisert 4. apr. 2023 14:47

Sunday's general elections in Finland have pushed out the Social Democrats, and put the National Coalition Party and the far-right Finns Party in first and second place respectively. But what is the overall trend, and what does it mean for the Finnish far right beyond the Finns Party?

Publisert 18. apr. 2011 10:01

Gårsdagens protestvalg i Finland antyder tre parallelle utviklingstrekk: protest mot EU og den politiske eliten, venstredreining i økonomiske spørsmål og mer fokus på verdikonservative holdninger. Mens alle andre partier gikk tilbake, ble det populistiske Sannfinländarnas mannskap i Eduskunta forsterket med 34 personer.

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

This paper tests the explanatory power of a deliberative and an intergovernmental approach with regards to small state influence within the EU's external policy. It provides a detailed analysis of the Swedish-Finnish initiative on including crisis management in the Amsterdam Treaty in 1997.

ARENA Working Paper 23/2004 (pdf)

Børge O. Romsloe