Nettsider med emneord « governance»

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

From a starting point of relatively clear-cut division of competence between national and supra-national administration, the governing of the EU has incrementally turned towards multi-level adminstraion, characterised by the blurring of previous administrative borders. This paper discusses this development in the form of emerging networks around EU agencies in different sectors.

ARENA Working Paper 31/2002 (html)

Edoardo Chiti

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

With the tension between government and governance as starting point, this paper discusses the nature of the EU. Focusing on institutional aspects, it attempts to answer the question: Could the Union move be a way of democratising transnational governance?

ARENA Working Paper 35/2002 (html)

Erik Oddvar Eriksen and John Erik Fossum

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

This paper seeks to analyse relations between Norway and the EU in the double framework of globalisation and liberalisation. As argued in the paper, the EU itself as well as Norway's participation through the EEA may be seen as a promotion of as well as a defence against liberalist, globalising forces. The paper attempts to account for Norwegian EU adaptation in the light of its general pattern of globalisation.

ARENA Working Paper 29/2002 (html)

Dag Harald Claes and John Erik Fossum

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

This paper presents the results of a unique empirical study on committe identity and allegiance. One of the observations is that while multiple allegiance is a universal feature of committe work, the relative weight of national, supranational and sectoral loyalties vary systematically between Council and Commission committees.

ARENA Working Paper 02/2003 (pdf)

Morten Egeberg, Guenther F. Schaefer and Jarle Trondal

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

What remains of the basis of law in societies of increasingly knowledge-based and internationalised systems of governance? This paper discusses such questions in the light of different theoretical positions.

ARENA Working Paper 14/2000 (html)

Inger Johanne Sand

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

From a distincly institutionalist perspective, this paper considers the prospects for pre-designed reform of the EU's institutions of governance.

ARENA Working Paper 07/2001 (html)

Johan P. Olsen

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

In this essay Johan P. Olsen questions the analytical value of ‘autonomy’ as detachment-from-politics and the apolitical dynamics of change assumed by NPM reformers; that is, reforms understood and justified solely in terms of their contribution to functional efficiency and economy and a good and sustainable government. He aims aims to make sense of the processes through which institutions, democratic government included, achieve and lose autonomy or primacy and why it is difficult to find a state of equilibrium between democratic government and institutional autonomy.

ARENA Working Paper 01/2009 (pdf)

Johan P. Olsen

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

In this paper, Ian Bache's main purpose is to establish whether EU cohesion policy has promoted multi-level governance in Britain and other member states and, therefore, to assess whether any identified governance change can be characterized as a process of Europeanization.

ARENA Working Paper 16/2008 (pdf)

Ian Bache

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

In this paper Johan P. Olsen asks how we can make sense of New Public Management (NPM) inspired autonomy reforms. He looks at the last three decades and how many public sector reforms have aimed at giving administrative agencies and non-majoritarian institutions more autonomy from majority-based institutions and common sets of rules.

ARENA Working Paper 20/2008 (pdf)

Johan P. Olsen

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

This paper specifies the scope conditions of the logics of appropriateness and consequentiality in the JHA Council.

ARENA Working Paper 15/2007 (pdf)

Jonathan P. Aus

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

Applying large-N questionnaire data this paper investigates which institutions are influencing national agencies when they are practising EU legislation.

ARENA Working Paper 17/2007 (pdf)

Morten Egeberg and Jarle Trondal

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

This paper sketches an organization theory-based approach to the study of public administrative behavior, institutions and developments in the context of democratic governance.

ARENA Working Paper 01/2007 (pdf)

Johan P. Olsen

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

This article addresses the study of public administration and how this is brought back into the study of European integration and European Union (EU) governance.

ARENA Working Paper 07/2007 (pdf)

Jarle Trondal

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

The EU is frequently understood as a special kind of governance system characterized by its strong degree of interpenetration of different levels of government and a plethora of interactions between EU institutions, administrations from national and subnational levels, as well as organized non-state interests. Nowhere is this kind of multi-level governance as evident as in the committees system of the EU. This article examines and explains a crucial property of this system, the committees and experts groups organised by the European Commission.

ARENA Working Paper 12/2007 (pdf)

Åse Gornitzka and Ulf Sverdrup

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

Changes in the University’s governance system, financial basis and organization signal that it is facing a transformative period. This paper proposes a perspective for understanding current changes in University governance as institutional collisions, where the University as a distinct institutional sphere is challenged by market and government.

ARENA Working Paper 02/2006 (pdf)

Åse Gornitzka & Johan P. Olsen

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

How does the EU's organisational structure affect its impact on domestic governments? This paper investigates Council and Commission influence on national governance. By empirical data from Norway and Sweden it is shown that while the Council consolidates administrative hierarchies, the Commission disrupts such traditional structures by by-passing them.

ARENA Working Paper 22/2005 (pdf)

Torbjörn Larsson and Jarle Trondal

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

This paper presents the emerging practices of the Open Method of Coordination (OMC) in research and education policy at the EU-level and discusses the implications for the EU's involvement in these sectors as well as indicative lessons about the OMC as a mode of governance.

ARENA Working Paper 16/2005 (pdf)

Åse Gornitzka

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

This article is an argument in the public debate on innovation and innovation policy; focus is directed towards institutional requirements and democratic concerns. A broader conception of innovation is applied than what is often the case in political/administrative argumentation. The paper is in Norwegian.

ARENA Working Paper 04/2004 (pdf)

Johan P. Olsen

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

What is the relevance of bureaucratic organization to the studies of democratic governance today? With Max Weber as point of departure, this paper discusses the fruitfulness of bureaucracy to political analysis. With regards to empirics, furthermore, the paper argues that bureaucracy as method of governance is far more viable than the market and network paradigms suggest.

ARENA Working Paper 10/2005 (pdf)

Johan P. Olsen

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

This paper discusses the potential of EMU in resolving economic stagnation in Europe; more directly, it questions whether tenets of Scandinavian social democracy may have something to offer to Europe in search of a sort of progressive consensus.

ARENA Working Paper 10/1997 (html)

Ton Notermans

Publisert 9. nov. 2010 10:52

This paper analyses the EMU debate in Sweden, drawing on a governmental report mandated to sketch out pros and cons of Swedish membership. Interestingly, the resulting report points towards a new equilibrium between Keynesian and monetarist approaches - an observation carrying wider implications for Europe as well.

ARENA Working Paper 11/1997 (html)

Ton Notermans