Webpages tagged with «European public space»

Published Nov. 9, 2010 10:52 AM

On the assumption that integration from above must be accompanied by the creation of a European public sphere, the paper looks closer at debates of European issues in Germany. Analyses of political debates show that the media are quintessential actors in their own right – and especially so in their promotion of a European political space.

ARENA Working Paper 23/2003 (pdf)

Ruud Koopmans and Barbara Pfetsch

Published Nov. 9, 2010 10:52 AM

This paper discusses the usefulness of reflexive reason-giving as an approach to transnational and supranational systems of governance. It is argued that deliberation must be supplemented with law and trust as resources for collective action.

ARENA Working Paper 20/2004 (pdf)

Erik Oddvar Eriksen