DEAL student grant

ARENA is looking for a student who is interested in writing an MA thesis on a theme related to European climate policies.  

Application deadline: 2 September

The European Commission building lit up in green showing the text "European Green Deal"

Illustration photo: Lukasz Kobus, European Union, 2021

Governing under turbulence: The European Green Deal and implications for Norway (DEAL) studies the European Green Deal as a governing challenge.

Comparing Norway and Denmark, DEAL is interested in understanding the consequence of the turbulence that the European Green Deal creates for governance and legitimacy of the climate transition in these countries and whether the extent of challenges is related to EU affiliation.

If you have questions about whether your topic might fit the project, please contact John Erik Fossum or Jarle Trondal

How to apply

The application should include:

  • Letter of motivation, indicating why and how you intend to address the project (1-2 pages)
  • CV, including information on current studies and references
  • Copies of transcripts from BA and MA A sample of your written work, such as a seminar paper or bachelor thesis

Submit the application by email to Ida Hjelmesæth.

Read more: MA student grants

Application deadline: 2 September 2024


  • Prior enrolment in an MA-programme and meet the academic progress requirements of that programme
  • Strong command of the Norwegian language
  • Write an MA thesis in English or Norwegian
  • ARENA supervisor from the DEAL project
  • Submit the thesis during the spring term 2025

Evaluation and selection criteria

We wish to attract students holding high academic standards. We will give preference to applicants with a combination of: good grades, a convincing letter of motivation, relevance of the suggested MA thesis topic, and proficiency in English and Norwegian writing and speaking.

Rights and duties

The following duties will apply to you as a student:

  • Finish your MA thesis within the outlined time frame
  • Contribute to relevant ARENA and DEAL activities during your time at ARENA, including ARENA’s regular Tuesday seminars
  • Have an ARENA researcher as supervisor

Your rights as a student at ARENA are:

  • Grant of NOK 20,000
  • Work place at ARENA
  • Publication of your MA thesis in the ARENA report series (subject to an assessment by the ARENA Director).


Application deadline: 2 September 2024

Published May 29, 2024 4:59 PM - Last modified May 29, 2024 5:03 PM