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Events - Page 10


Jan Zielonka will make a presentation entitled 'The remaking of the EU’s borders and the images of European architecture' at the ARENA Tuesday Seminar on 18 September 2018.


Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ine Eriksen Søreide gave the annual ARENA Lecture 2018 at Blindern on 11 September 2018. 


Holger Straßheim presented his paper 'Reframing regulation: behavioural expertise in EU policy-making' at the ARENA Tuesday Seminar on 28 August 2018.


EUREX project coordinators and participants are well represented at the ECPR General Conference in Hamburg 22-25 August 2018.


EUREX project coordinators and participants are well represented at the ECPR General Conference in Hamburg 22-25 August 2018.


The former Norwegian minister of EEA and EU Affairs, Marit Berger Røsland, will debate Brexit and 'the Norway model' with leading EU researchers from ARENA. 


At the ARENA Tuesday Seminar on 12 June 2018, Paul Blokker will discuss his paper 'Transnational European movements and constitutional claims'.


The education and research network on EU foreign policy, NORTIA, will hold its first network conference in Barcelona on 6-8 June.


Papers have now been selected for presentation at the EUREX workshop on the role of expertise in policy-making on 22 - 23 May 2018. 


Professor Cristina Lafont from GLOBUS will present the paper 'Neoliberal globalization and the international protection of human rights' on 15 May 2018.


The conference 'The European Union - between Scylla and Charybdis?' gathered European academics to discuss the challenges the European Union has been facing lately. 


Professor Michael Zürn from the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB) will present the main findings from his newly published book on the current crisis of global governance. 


On invitation from GLOBUS, Professor Michael Zürn will present the paper 'The social origins of silent majorities' on 24 April 2018.


Graham Finlay will present the paper 'The European Union as a tolerant actor for global justice' at the ARENA Tuesday Seminar on 20 March 2018.


At the ARENA Tuesday Seminar on 13 March 2018, Raffaele Marchetti discussed his paper 'What is a democratic foreign policy? Procedures, goals and actions for states and the EU'.


PLATO's second PhD school will be staged in Vienna on 12-16 March 2018. Three days will be dedicated to research design, and two days to academic writing.


Dr. Christian Kreuder-Sonnen presented the paper 'International authority and the emergency problematique' on 13 February 2018.


Professor Jens Blom-Hansen presented the paper 'Reputation and organizational politics: Inside the EU Commission' on 6 February 2018 at ARENA.


Marco Dani will gave a lecture based on the paper 'The rise of the supranational executive and the post-political drift of European public law' on 30 January 2018. 


We have invited UK experts to discuss the situation and the status of the negotiations. In addition we have brought together experts from the three EEA countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway to discuss the likely effects on the EEA countries.


We have invited UK experts to discuss the situation and the status of the negotiations. In addition we have brought together experts from the three EEA countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway to discuss the likely effects on the EEA countries.


The first PhD school within the ARENA-coordinated PhD network PLATO is organised in Berlin. The event includes a three-day PhD course in legitimacy theory while two days are dedicated to Vitae's Effective Researcher programme.


The Research Council of Norway is organizing a conference about political changes in Europe, and how these affect Norway. Leading researchers, several from ARENA, will present first hand insight into the latest research on these areas.


At the Tuesday Seminar on 28 November, Pieter de Wilde will present his paper 'Responding to the public in the European Union: a process model of organizational mediatization'.


Åse Gornitzka and Eva Krick, both from ARENA, will present their paper 'Expertisation of policy advice. Dynamics of the EU Commission’s high level groups' on 21 November 2017.