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Democracy and expertise: How are experts held accountable?

Partnerforum hosts a seminar on democracy and expertise on 19 January where ARENA researchers will present findings from the book The Accountability of Expertise.

Modern democracies depend on knowledge-based decision-making, giving expert bodies a vital role. However, they seek neither re-election nor popularity - so how can they be held accountable and legitimate? This seminar will explore the questions of accountability of experts through presentations and comments. The seminar is held in Norwegian.

The event will take place both physically (in accordance with Covid-regulations) as well as online. Registration is required for both.

 More information and registration


13:00 Registration 

13:30 Welcome by Partnerforum secretariat 

  • Why is it difficult to hold experts accountable?
    Erik O. Eriksen, professor at ARENA, UiO
  • The European Central Bank between knowledge and power
    Christopher Lord, professor at ARENA, UiO
  • How do independent supervisory bodies react to public criticism?
    Tobias Bach, professor in political science and senior researcher at ARENA, UiO
  • How does accountability create legitimacy?
    Andreas Eriksen, postdoctoral fellow at OsloMet and researcher at ARENA, UiO
  • Comment from Åse Gornitzka
    Pro-Rector at UiO
  • Comment from Maria Berg Reinertsen
    Journalist at Morgenbladet
  • Open questions and discussions led by Arild Aspøy, editor-in-chief at Stat og styring

15:30 End


Published Jan. 11, 2022 10:38 AM - Last modified June 25, 2024 1:35 PM