ARENA Tuesday seminar: Ole-Andreas Rognstad

Ole-Andreas Rognstad presents the Research Centre on the European dimension of Norwegian Law (EurNorLaw) at the Tuesday Seminar on 9 May 2023.


The Research Centre on the European dimension of Norwegian law (EurNorLaw), which is funded by the Norwegian Research Council as one of two research centres established in the aftermath of the NAV scandal, studies the challenges of implementing European legislation in Norwegian law. The Centre concentrates on three types of challenges: 1) Discovering the EEA dimension in law; 2) Interpreting and applying EEA law; 3) Addressing potential tensions between EEA law and domestic law. These main challenges will be analysed across various fields of law to develop general insights applicable to the legal system as a whole – notably social security law, labour and non-discrimination law, immigration law, environmental and natural resources law, and data and AI law. Moreover, general administrative law applies across most of these fields of law. Over time, EurNorLaw will include additional fields, ensuring that EEA law is integrated wherever relevant. We draw on social science theory and methodology to investigate underlying reasons for ignoring or misinterpreting EEA law. Legal and political theory will contribute to address the partially conflicting values of democratic accountability, transparency, loyalty to EEA law, and the rule of law. The insights gained from the research will be actively used in teaching of law students and further education for legal professionals. The Centre will be a powerhouse for legal research, legal training and life-long education, providing scientifically based knowledge to the legal professional and academic society in general and the public administration in Norway and other stakeholders in particular.

Download project description (restricted access).

Please note that this paper is work in progress and thus has limited distribution, please contact us if you would like access. Do not cite without permission from the author.

If you would like to attend digitally, contact Silva Hoffmann to get the zoom link. 

Published Jan. 30, 2023 11:35 AM - Last modified Apr. 24, 2023 10:21 AM