ARENA Tuesday Seminar: Pietro Intropi

Pietro Intropi presents the paper Towards a Just Europe? EU Justice beyond Sufficiency at the Tuesday Seminar on 28 May 2024.


Which principles should make up a theory of EU justice? What should be the role of the EU, vis à vis that of the member states, in realising justice? In the paper I discuss Labareda’s sufficientarian theory of EU justice, which revolves around two duties: economic reciprocity and the democratic duty. Reciprocity especially entails pre-distributive measures (e.g. setting common standards of labour rights across the Union); though it also supports redistributive measures, which are mainly defended on democratic grounds: for instance, a threshold of basic goods that entitles EU citizens to sufficient means for democratic participation and to resist arbitrary power. Compared to Labareda’s approach, I defend a view of EU justice that is less cautious about re-distribution: I criticize Labareda’s distributive sufficientarianism and I argue that there is no conceptual reason in favour of pre-distribution (over re-distribution). I also challenge Labareda’s appeal to welfare conditionality on democratic grounds, arguing that EU citizens should be entitled to the means of subsistence unconditionally. More positively, I contrast Labareda’s sufficientarianism with a quasi egalitarian perspective centred on a duty that member states have to support each other in maintaining and promoting egalitarian welfare regimes. Finally, the paper responds to a feasibility worry that can be raised against demanding re-distirbutivist views of EU justice.

Download paper (restricted access). 

Please note that this paper is work in progress and thus has limited distribution, please contact us if you would like access. Do not cite without permission from the author. 

If you would like to attend digitally, contact Milla Elisabeth Blegen or Tyra Kristiansen Stave to get the zoom link. 

Published May 21, 2024 11:28 AM - Last modified June 24, 2024 3:19 PM