Is Norway a ‘model’ for Brexit?

ARENA, together with CICERO, will host a joint EU3D and BENCHMARK conference on Brexit and the 'Norway model' on 19 and 20 September 2019. 

Image may contain: Green, Pattern, Blue, Text, Aqua.

Illustration: MFA

Norway is often seen as a model for how the UK might structure its relations with the European Union after Brexit. But can the Norway model be replicated?

Further, what does the debate about the application of the Norwegian model to the UK tell us about the normative principles, institutional design and policy practices of external differentiated integration; or, in other words, different ways of structuring some participation of non-member states in the affairs of the Union? Is Norway a rule-taker right now? Or do its many agreements and relationships with the EU produce both satisfactory rules and sufficient influence over the making of rules? How might all of that change if the UK were to be included in various of those relationships? 

These are some of the questions that will be discussed during the workshop on Brexit and the 'Norway model'.

Friday's sessions will be devoted to climate and energy policy, and are chaired by CICERO. What are climate and energy policy challenges related to Brexit, and what are possible lessons from Norway's existing relationship with the EU in these domains? 

Friday's event is open for participation upon registration.


Thursday 19 September


Registration and breakfast


Opening with brief presentations of the BENCHMARK and EU3D projects


Varieties of Brexit? Competing conceptions of the UK’s future relationship with the EU

Chair: Kalypso Nicolaidis, University of Oxford

UK and Europe post-Brexit: against the grain - Richard Whitman, University of Kent and Chatham House

Could Norway still be the UK’s future? - John Peet, The Economist

Brexit and the European political order - Christopher Lord, ARENA Centre for European Studies, University of Oslo


Coffee break


What is the Norwegian Model?

Chair: Asimina Michailidou, ARENA Centre for European Studies

Legal mechanics of the EEA Agreement and scope for flexible adaptability to the UK - Christian Franklin, University of Bergen

Does the Norwegian Model offer sufficient access to EU policy-making? - Christian Frommelt, Liechtenstein Institut

What is the difference between the Icelandic model and the Norwegian model? - Jóhanna Jónsdóttir, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Iceland

Why did the Norway model come about? - Lise Rye, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Is the Norway model sustainable? - Ulf Sverdrup, Norwegian Institute for International Affairs




Could the Norwegian model help deliver Brexit?

Chair: Christopher Lord, ARENA Centre for European Studies

Three Years on. What do we know about making Brexit work? - Andrew Glencross, University of Aston

Can the Norway/EEA model help Scotland and Northern Ireland? - Michael Keating, Centre on Constitutional Change, University of Aberdeen

Divisions on trade. Why it might be hard for UK to agree on what kind of trade relations it wants after any Brexit - Sofia Vasilopoulou, University of York


Coffee Break


Ins and outs

Chair: Erik Oddvar Eriksen, ARENA Centre for European Studies

One size does not fit all: European integration by differentiation - Guntram Wolff, Bruegel Institute Brussels

A demoicratic differentiated integration after Brexit - Kalypso Nicolaidis, University of Oxford

Towards Semi-Membership? The Extension of UK Membership in the EU and its Implications - Federico Fabbrini, Brexit Institute, Dublin City University

Brexit and Europe's future political order - John Erik Fossum, ARENA Centre for European Studies, University of Oslo




Exodus, Reckoning, Sacrifice: Three Meanings of Brexit

Reception and book presentation
Kalypso Nikolaidis, University of Oxford

Discussant: Christopher Lord, ARENA Centre for European Studies




Joint departure from Oslo Science Park by metro Forskningsparken

Dinner at Sentralen (Øvre Slottsgate 3) for panelists and project members

Friday 20 September

Chair: Elin Lerum Boasson, CICERO Center for International Climate Research


Registration and breakfast







Kristin Halvorsen, CICERO Center for International Climate Research

UK and Norwegian climate policy

The future of UK climate policy under a 'hard' and a 'soft' Brexit - Charlotte Burns, University of Sheffield

The past and future of UK carbon emissions trading - Brendan Moore, University of East Anglia

Why has Norway decided to cooperate more closely with the EU on climate policy? - Merethe Dotterud Leiren, CICERO Center for International Climate Research

The past and future of Norwegian carbon emissions trading - Jørgen Wettestad, Fridtjof Nansen Institute




Stakeholder perspectives

In what ways has the EU had a good influence on Norwegian climate policy, and which factors are more problematic? How can Brexit affect the EU's influence on Norwegian climate policy? Should Norwegian actors change how they approach the EU and the UK in climate policy issues in the future?

  • Ragnhild Waagaard, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
  • Per Anker Nilssen, The Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO)


Coffee break


Energy policy

The consequences of Brexit for UK-EU energy and possible future relationships in the energy sector between them - Joseph Dutton, E3G

After ‘Clean Energy for all Europeans’, is Norway’s energy strategy still a good approach? - Torbjørg Jevnaker, University of Oslo and Fridtjof Nansen Institute

The democratic challenge: Can lobbying strategies compensate for Norway´s lack of representation in EU institutions? - Anne Therese Gullberg, Kruse Larsen



Stakeholder perspectives

How do Norwegian stakeholders experience the ‘Norwegian model’? How can the ‘Norwegian model’ be improved? Are there any lessons for the UK? How does Brexit affect Norwegian energy policy? 

  • Birgitte Jourdan Andersen, Energy Norway
  • Tor-Eigil Hodne, Statnett
  • Julie Wedege, Statkraft
  • Kjetil Lund, The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate
  • Joseph Dutton, E3G



Register for Friday

Published May 15, 2019 9:23 AM - Last modified Oct. 29, 2020 9:12 AM