

Time and place: , Zoom

Ekspertkunnskapens økte betydning i norsk politikk

Time and place: , The Hague, Netherlands

EUREX will organize the workshop 'Expertise and policy-making – comparative perspectives' in The Hague on May 13-14, 2019. Deadline for paper proposal: February 1, 2019.

Time and place: , Johan P. Olsen Room

Holger Straßheim presented his paper 'Reframing regulation: behavioural expertise in EU policy-making' at the ARENA Tuesday Seminar on 28 August 2018.


EUREX project coordinators and participants are well represented at the ECPR General Conference in Hamburg 22-25 August 2018.


EUREX project coordinators and participants are well represented at the ECPR General Conference in Hamburg 22-25 August 2018.

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus, Aud. 2

Papers have now been selected for presentation at the EUREX workshop on the role of expertise in policy-making on 22 - 23 May 2018. 

Time and place: , Akersgt.64

I samarbeid med Partnerforum arrangerer ARENA seminaret "Økonomers innflytelse i offentlig politikkutforming".

Time and place: , Universitetet i Oslo, Georg Sverdrups hus

Høstkonferanse om forholdet mellom forskning og statsforvaltning.