
Time and place: , Rome, Italy

Tatiana Fumasoli, Åse Gornitzka, Peter Maassen and Bjørn Stensaker will present three papers during the 27th CHER Annual Conference Universities in transition: shifting institutional and organizational boundaries. Moreover Tatiana will be a panel commentator during the conference.

Time and place: , Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Tatiana Fumasoli will present her paper Organizational routines, multiple logics. The case of academic recruitment during the 30th EGOS Colloquium with the general theme Reimagining, Rethinking, Reshaping: Organizational Scholarship in Unsettled Times.

Time and place: , Robinson College Cambridge,UK

Tatiana Fumasoli will hold a presentation on Emerging scientific élites: how European research funding instruments trigger integration and fragmentation of the Europe of Knowledge at the ERA-CRN workshop about The governance of the Europe of Knowledge.

Time and place: , Oslo

Tatiana Fumasoli, Åse Gornitzka and Peter Maassen will hold a presentation on System integration and institutional autonomy Resilience and change in reforming the European governance of the university sector at the Annual Conference for ECSA Norway