Lecture: The evolving academic profession in Europe

Tatiana Fumasoli will hold a public lecture on the evolving academic profession in Europe at the University of Rjieka in Croatia on 28 April 2015.

Tatiana Fumasoli will hold the lecture Between career structures and personnel policies: the evolving academic profession in Europe as part of the Scientific Colloquium at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rjieka.

The presentation will discuss the challenges ahead for the academic profession in Europe from two main perspectives: a career- based approach and a managerial approach. While the first focuses on the professional ethos and self-organization, the second highlights the organizational dimension and efficiency. Drawing from the literatures on professions, on human resource management and on public policy, the findings from a European comparative project will be discussed. It is argued that, while pressurized by global demands, academics display ability to respond (at least partly) according to the institutional and organized settings in which they are embedded. The implications for the change dynamics of higher education and for national policy will be elaborated

Published Apr. 15, 2015 10:31 AM - Last modified Apr. 16, 2015 10:56 AM