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EU in the world: Equal partnerships for sustainable development?

ARENA and the GLOBUS project will host a debate on the EU and partnerships for sustainable development on 24 October 2019. 

Some issues, such as climate change and poverty, reach beyond state borders and require international cooperation. While the UN's Millennium Development Goals focused on aid to poor countries, the Sustainable Development Goals are universal and require efforts from both developed and developing countries. As the world's largest provider of aid, the EU plays an important role in the global effort to implement the Sustainable Development Goals, and to ensure reduction of poverty and inequality by 2030. In its 2019 Global Strategy, the EU has signaled a wish to move away from a donor-recipient relationship to developing countries, and towards a true and equal partnership for development. This partnership should be based on common interests, values, equality and trust. 

But is it possible to create true, fair and equal partnerships for sustainable development in a world where international institutions to a large degree favor Western actors? Can such partnerships exist when resources and power are not distributed equally? Further, how to ensure that these partnerships will lead to a reduction in global warming and poverty?

Panel participants

Elin Lerum Boasson, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Oslo & CICERO Centre for Climate Research

Kim Gabrielli, Executive Director, UN Global Compact Network Norway 

Marte Mørk (tbc), Deputy President, Norwegian Students' and Academics' International Assistance Fund (SAIH)

ModeratorJohanne Døhlie Saltnes, Postdoctoral Fellow, ARENA Centre for European Studies


8:00: Light breakfast

8:30: Welcome and introduction by Johanne Døhlie Saltnes

8:45: Panel debate and Q&A

10:00: End of programme

The event will be held in Norwegian

For more information, visit the GLOBUS website


The event is organised by ARENA Centre for European Studies as a part of the project Reconsidering European Contributions to Global Justice - GLOBUS in cooperation with the Humanities and Social Sciences Library (HumSam Biblioteket) at the University of Oslo.

Published Sep. 3, 2019 9:09 AM - Last modified June 18, 2024 3:47 PM