

Time and place: , Johan P. Olsen room, ARENA

This workshop analyses the development of a European administrative order, including agencification. Its focus is on how that relates to and reprograms national administrative orders.


This workshop discusses the constitutional and democratic implications of developments within the domain of foreign and security policy. What, if any, is the constitutional identity of the EU in the domain of foreign and security policy? What are the democratic implications of a putative constitutionalisation of this domain?

Time and place: , Room 450, Eilert Sundts House B, 3rd floor (Faculty of Social Sciences, Blindern campus)

This workshop focuses on Europe's civil society and on the implications of the crisis. A key assumption is that the crisis politicizes through redistributive conflicts and a ‘new politics of identity’. An important question that is considered is how the Europe of rights and citizenship confronts a Europe of increasing inequalities.


This workshop takes stock of the present status of legal-democratic rule in the EU. What are the implications for democratic arrangements of increased executive dominance and technocracy, as well as more differentiation? Are there any prospects for representative-democratic institutions to ‘fight back’?

Time and place: , Aud. 1, University Library (Georg Sverdrups hus), Blindern Campus

What is the state of democratic constitutionalism in Europe today? This open conference will discuss the current status of democracy in Europe, the implications of the euro crisis, as well as implications for Norway as an associate EU non-member state.

Time and place: , Philanthropy House, Rue Royale 94, Brussels

The NORCONE project will stage an open half-day conference on affiliated non-members of the EU. The event will take place at the Philanthropy House in Brussels.

Time and place: , SV-fakultetet og Juridisk fakultet

ARENA er til stede på flere av arrangementene under Universitetet i Oslos grunnlovsuke, som arrangeres den første uken i mars. Her inviterer UiO til frokostseminarer, foredrag, debatter og bokopposisjoner.

Time and place: , Domus Media, Auditorium 13

The bicentennial celebration of the Norwegian Constitution in 2014 represents an important milestone and an opportunity to reflect on the role and status of the constitution and of democracy. ARENA and ASANOR will organise a seminar which is open for everyone, but which is particularly directed towards teachers within the social sciences and humanities.