Call for papers and workshop: Return and Readmission: A Normative Approach

The NORMS project is holding a workshop and invites applicants to submit papers by 4 November 2022. 

Boat on the ocean

This workshop aims to problematize and go beyond the rationalist bias of the literature on return and readmission to explore the ‘logic of appropriateness’ and how it operates in the field. This involves shifting focus away from hard power only, and formal policies, such as readmission agreements, to include more normative perspectives on return and readmission as an international practice.

The workshop is a joint effort by the Norwegian Institute for Social Research and the ARENA Centre for European Studies at the University of Oslo, through the research project Deporting Foreigners: Contested Norms in International Practice (NORMS), and is co-organized by Erlend Paasche and Nicole Ostrand.

Please see the Institute for Social Research website for more details about submission of papers and suggested topics. 

The deadline for submitting a draft paper or extended abstract is: 4 November 2022. 

Read more about the NORMS project here

Published Oct. 26, 2022 2:15 PM - Last modified Jan. 6, 2023 1:19 PM