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Reconstituting Democracy in Europe (RECON) (completed)

The nation state has been the institutional mainstay of modern democracy. Today, this particular political form is challenged and may be transcended by something new. Can the state form as such be reconstituted in Europe, and if so, at what level? Are alternative forms more viable?

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(Photo: European Commission)


Reconstituting Democracy in Europe (RECON) is a large-scale European research project which focuses on the conditions for democracy in the multilevel constellation that makes up the European Union. RECON is initiated and coordinated by ARENA. The project includes 21 partners in 13 European countries as well as New Zealand.


RECON seeks to clarify whether democracy is possible under conditions of pluralism, diversity and complex multilevel governance. Three different models for reconstituting democracy in Europe are delineated and assessed with the overall aim of developing a theory of democratic deliberative supranationalism. Read more on RECON's research.


See RECON snapshot of selected findings from all RECON's research fields. Ongoing research from the project is published in the RECON Online Working Paper Series and the RECON Report Series. See also RECON’s Newsletter. 

Project summary

Executive summary – first period (2007) (pdf)

Executive summary – second period (2008) (pdf)

Executive summary – third period (2009) (pdf)


RECON runs from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2011. The project involves more than 100 researchers from 21 universities and research institutions. They cover a wide range of academic fields, from political science (political theory, international relations, constitutional politics, European politics, gender studies), sociology (including specialist competence in media research), linguistics, anthropology, law and legal theory (constitutional law, human rights law, international and European economic law, transnational law, public law, tax law), to economics, with a particular emphasis on fiscal policy and European public policy.


RECON is an Integrated Project funded by the European Commission’s Sixth Framework Programme.


RECON partner institutions:
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic – Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna – Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest – European University Institute, Florence – Freie Universität, Berlin – Jagiellonian University, Krakow – Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt – London School of Economics and Political Science – Peace Research Institute, Frankfurt – Queen’s University, Belfast – Riga Graduate School of Law – Sabanci University, Istanbul – Spanish National Research Council, Madrid – Université libre de Bruxelles – University of Auckland – University of Bremen – University of León – University of Reading – Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam – University of Hamburg –  University of Mannheim (affiliated partner)

Published Oct. 1, 2010 3:01 PM - Last modified July 2, 2024 10:55 AM


Scientific Coordinator
Erik O. Eriksen

ARENA Centre for European Studies
University of Oslo



  • Erik Oddvar Eriksen University of Oslo
  • John Erik Fossum University of Oslo
  • Christopher Lord University of Oslo
  • Helene Sjursen University of Oslo
  • Hans-Jørg Trenz University of Oslo
  • Cathrine Holst University of Oslo
  • Daniel Gaus University of Oslo
  • Asimina Michailidou University of Oslo
  • Espen Daniel Hagen Olsen University of Oslo
  • Marianne Riddervold University of Oslo
  • Guri Rosen University of Oslo
  • Pieter de Wilde University of Oslo
  • Agustin Jose Menendez University of Oslo
  • Marit Eldholm University of Oslo
  • Geir Ove Kværk
Detailed list of participants