Erik O. Eriksen comments on the Euro crisis in Norwegian media

Prof. Erik O. Eriksen, RECON's scientific coordinator, has commented on the Euro crisis in several Norwegian media in the latest months.

Eriksen is interviewed by leftist daily Klassekampen on the possible exit from the Eurozone of weaker economies such as Greece and Italy. Strong forces work to get rid of the ‘rotten economies’, Eriksen says, underlining however that this would have negative political repercussions.

Euro-exit på ryktebørsen [Rumoured Euro exit] (download pdf), Klassekampen, 11 November 2011

Eriksen reflects on the Euro crisis, which testifies to the difficulties with unifying democracy and capitalism when political institutions are lacking.

Demokrati på billigsalg [Bargain price for democracy], Erik O. Eriksen’s blog, 7 November 2011 

The EU is not a democracy, Eriksen states in an interview with leftist daily Klassekampen. The member states have transferred sovereignty to the EU through their constitutions, and the EU is in reality a community of force. He agrees with the Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs that the Union needs more power.

- Må ha mindre sjølvstyre [Needs less self-rule] (download pdf), Klassekampen, 5 November 2011

Commentary by Eriksen in Norway’s largest business paper Dagens Næringsliv, where he calls for sacrifices and solidarity in order to overcome the current crisis.

Sannhetens øyeblikk for Europa [The moment of truth for Europe], Dagens Næringsliv, 5 November 2011

According to Eriksen, in an interview with tabloid paper VG, the Germans should realize that supporting Greece will benefit themselves and that few have earned more through the Eurozone project than the Germans.

Europa lei av gresk vingling [Europe tired of Greek discontent] (download pdf)VG, 3 November 2011 

Eriksen in an interview with tabloid newspaper Dagbladet warns that the EU needs to find internal solutions as the alternative could be a return to the 1930s, with nation states fighting each other and reappearance of fascism.

Satt under administrasjon [Greece under administration] (download pdf), Dagbladet, 28 October 2011

In an interview with online economic journal Eriksen claims that the crisis could force through the ‘United States of Europe’. The EU does not possess the tools to solve the debt crisis, thus the EU will be forced to take a long leap towards further integration, Eriksen argues.

Krisen kan tvinge frem 'Europas forente stater' (download pdf),, 25 October 2011

Eriksen participated at a breakfast meeting (‘Frokost med Bernt’) at the University of Oslo on 29 September 2011. The debate on the anatomy of the Euro crisis was broadcasted by the University of Oslo student radio, Radio Nova, and commented upon in Nationen.

EU-ekspert: - Eurokrisa fører til eit tettare EU [EU expert: - The Euro crisis will lead to a more integrated EU] (download pdf)Nationen, 29 September 2011

Eurokrisens anatomi, Radio Nova, 4 October 2011

For each crisis the EU experiences, many Norwegians believe that it will dissolve, Eriksen comments in Nationen, however research testifies to the opposite; crises lead to deeper European integration.

Ny vår for føderalismen [A new spring for federalism] (download pdf), Nationen, 13 September 2011


Published Nov. 22, 2022 3:42 PM - Last modified Mar. 16, 2023 5:08 PM