RECON findings in

An article in relates research within the RECON project to the current situation in Europe. After a period of increased democratization, the EU has become less democratic under the present crisis, RECON's coordinator Erik O. Eriksen claims. As part of an integrated law community, Greece would have to break its own law as well as EU law if the country were to exit the EU. This would lead to increased destabilization.

An article in relates research within the RECON project to the current situation in Europe. After a period of increased democratization, the EU has become less democratic under the present crisis, RECON's coordinator Erik O. Eriksen claims. As part of an integrated law community, Greece would have to break its own law as well as EU law if the country were to exit the EU. This would lead to increased destabilization. is an online newspaper devoted to Norwegian and international research

EU-landene står eller faller sammen 
[The EU member states will fall or survive together], Nina Kraft, 20 November 2011

Read the full version of Nina Kraft’s article 

In Norwegian


Published Nov. 22, 2022 4:20 PM - Last modified Nov. 22, 2022 4:20 PM