Anarchie der kommunikative Freiheit: Jürgen Habermas und die Theorie der internationalen Politik

A new edited volume with contributions from several RECON partners and with extensive comments by Jürgen Habermas was recently published with Suhrkamp (in German). The book is edited by Peter Niesen and Benjamin Herborth (Johann Wolfgang Goethe University).

Image may contain: Purple, Violet, Font, Magenta, Event.Under conditions of globalisation it is no longer possible to conceive of international politics as only a power game between nation states. New coordination mechanisms develop in various transnational policy areas, favouring communicative forms of problem-solving. This basic motive of Jürgen Habermas' discourse theory informs the central questions of this volume: How can the anarchic moment of communicative freedom be researched in international politics? Under which conditions can argumentation hold the upper hand in decision-making? And finally: How to prevent that new forms of governance undermine the establised forms of democratic coordination?

Contributors to the volume, who are all key researchers in RECON, are:


  • Nicole Deitelhoff: 'Was vom Tage übrig blieb. Inseln der Überzeugung im vermachteten Alltagsgeschäft internationalen Regierens'
  • Thomas Risse: 'Global Governance und kommunikatives Handeln'
  • Antje Wiener: 'Demokratischer Konstitutionalismus jenseits des Staates? Perspektiven auf die Umstrittenheit von Normen’
  • Rainer Forst: 'Dialektik der Moral. Grundlagen einer Diskurstheorie transnationaler Gerechtigkeit'
  • Rainer Schmalz-Bruns: 'An den Grenzen der Entstaatlichung. Bemerkungen zu Jürgen Habermas’ Modell einer “Weltinnenpolitik ohne Weltregierung“'
  • Erik Oddvar Eriksen: 'Deliberation und demokratische Legitimität in der EU – Zwischen Konsens und Kompromiss'

See more at the publisher's website.


Full info:
Anarchie der kommunikative Freiheit: Jürgen Habermas und die Theorie der internationalen Politik [The Anarchy of Communicative Freedom: Jürgen Habermas and the Theory of International Politics]

P. Niesen and B. Herborth (eds), Suhrkamp 2007


Published Nov. 3, 2022 3:33 PM - Last modified Nov. 8, 2022 11:13 AM