Judicial Application of European Union Law in Post-Communist Countries: The Cases of Estonia and Latvia

Tatjana Evas has published a new book with Ashgate assessing and comparing transformations of national judicial systems in the context of EU membership. Her analysis of judgements of national courts in Latvia and Estonia feeds into RECON's research within WP 2 - The Constitutionalisation of the EU, the Europeanisation of National Constitutions, and Constitutionalism Compared. 

This book discusses how the plurality of legal norms operating in the European Union can be balanced to produce a functioning, sustainable and legitimate legal system. Presenting a conceptual framework for assessing and comparing transformations of national judicial systems in the context of EU membership, the book contributes to the EU legal theoretical debate on the relationship between 'authority' and 'coherence'.

The author develops an original analytical framework of coherence to assess the application of EU law by national courts and uses interdisciplinary scientific methods and research design that combine legal doctrinal and social science methodology to the study of 'classical' legal questions.

Providing an extensive database of 2004-2009 national judgments of national courts in Latvia and Estonia, the book offers an extensive comparative review of the jurisprudence of constitutional and supreme courts, as well as providing insight into the jurisprudence of ordinary national courts. It will appeal to legal scholars and political scientists studying courts and jurisprudence.


"Thisis an interesting and thorough analysis of the reception of EU law inEstonia and Latvia. The author examines the adjudication of EU rightsbefore national courts within a sound theoretical framework, casts lighton the concept of coherence of EU law, and provides an original casestudy on the effect of EU law norms to post-communist legal systems.This book is a very valuable addition to the EU law bibliography."

Takis Tridimas, Queen Mary University of London, UK


"Thisbook is unique not only because of the sophisticated and in depthanalysis of adjudication of EU law by Latvian and Estonian courts butalso because of the original manner in which this analysis is embeddedin a much broader conceptual framework. The book itself is a breath offresh air."

Deirdre Curtin, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Full info:
Judicial Application of European Union Law in post-Communist Countries: The Cases of Estonia and Latvia
Tatjana Evas, Ashgate, 2013

Published Dec. 15, 2022 2:39 PM - Last modified Dec. 15, 2022 2:39 PM