Summer School: Democracy, expertise and power

How can democracy be built and sustained in Europe? How do we exert power in a global context? What is the role of Europe in new power relations? A Summer School on these topics will be organised in Kraków in June 2015.

Student at the 2015 Winter School in Krakow (photo: Robert Nartowski/Jagiellonian University)

The Summer School 'Democracy, expertise and power: making a new Europe in the era of globalisation' will be held for postgraduate students in Kraków in June 2015 as part of the project Research and Expertise in Society.

Across Europe, the economic, political, social and cultural spheres are undergoing unrestrained globalisation, and within each of these spheres it leads to varied consequences. Developing economies, circulation of goods, services, information and knowledge, diversity, transnational political networks, global social movements, and global civil society – these are only a few examples of the positive effects of globalisation brought by its supporters. On the other hand, globalisation presents a number of challenges such as fiscal austerity, liberalizing capital markets, increasing social inequalities both between the global North and global South and within countries, loss of cultural uniqueness, and human rights violations.

The composite reality of a globalised economy, politics, and culture also has effects on the democracy and the concept of power although there is little consensus what these effects are. This complex relation between globalisation, democracy and power will be discussed during the summer school. These key concepts will be analysed through the prism of politics, economy and culture:

  • How can "democracy" be built and sustained in Europe?
  • Are we witnessing the rise of newly emerging powers?
  • How do we join the global power structures?
  • How do we exert power in a global context?
  • What is the role of Europe in new power relations?

Students will be entitled to 5 ECTS credits upon successful completion of the programme.

The full programme will be available shortly.


The Summer School is available for PhD and MA students from all countries, as well as alumni and other participants interested in the topic.

No participation fee. Accommodation, participation and teaching materials to be covered by the organisers.

Application deadline: 4 May 2015

For more information, please consult the website of the Centre for European Studies, Jagiellonian University.


The Summer School is organised by the Centre for European Studies at Jagiellonian University in cooperation with ARENA within the framwork of the project Research and Expertise in Society.

Published Apr. 10, 2015 2:03 PM - Last modified Aug. 21, 2015 9:40 AM