Winter School: Democracy, expertise and power

Who is an expert? What is knowledge? How can we reconcile expertise with various types of democracy? A Winter School on these topics for postgraduate students will be organised in Kraków in February 2015.

The historic royal Wawel castle in Kraków, where the 2015 Winter School will take place (photo:

The Winter School 'Democracy, expertise and power: the role of experts in modern European societies' takes as its point of departure the increasing role of experts and expertise in democracies.

Who is an expert? What is knowledge? How can we reconcile expertise with various types of democracy? What is the role of academia in contemporary society and what are the implications of public-private partnership? What is the role of mass/social media in developing social movements and democracy?

Students will be entitled to 5 ECTS credits upon successful completion of the programme.

The full programme will be available shortly.

ARENA contributors to the Winter School are Hans-Jörg Trenz, Åse Gornitzka and Cathrine Holst.


The Winter School is available for PhD and MA students from all countries, as well as alumni and other participants interested in the topic.

No participation fee. Accommodation, participation and teaching materials to be covered by the organisers.

Application deadline: 30 December 2014

For more information, please consult the website of the Centre for European Studies, Jagiellonian University.


The Winter School is organised by the Centre for European Studies at Jagiellonian University in cooperation with ARENA within the framwork of the project Research and Expertise in Society.

Published Dec. 1, 2014 10:20 AM - Last modified Aug. 21, 2015 9:42 AM