
Published Nov. 23, 2020 1:46 PM

Jarle Trondal, Thomas Kwasi Tieku (Uni. Western Ontario) and Stefan Gänzle (Uni. Agder) have published a new article in The Journal of Modern African Studies, examining the politics of staffing and recruitment of the African Union Commission.

Published Nov. 23, 2020 1:31 PM

Trym Nohr Fjørtoft has published an article in Regulation & Governance, examining the legitimizing role of expertise in Frontex after the 2015 refugee crisis.

Published Oct. 20, 2020 10:55 AM

Christopher Lord examines the 1954 Association Agreement between the UK and the European Coal and Steel Community in the first chapter of the book Outside the EU.

Published Oct. 5, 2020 11:39 AM

Erik Oddvar Eriksen, Andreas Eriksen og Trym Nohr Fjørtoft har publisert hver sin artikkel om spenningene mellom fag og politikk i nyeste utgave av Stat & Styring.

Published Oct. 5, 2020 10:31 AM

Tobias Bach, Jarle Trondal og Jacob Aars (UiB) har publisert en artikkel i Stat & Styring som skisserer hvordan etableringen av Norsk forvaltningspanel vil kunne gi bedre svar på sentrale forskningstemaer enn hittil mulig.

Published Oct. 1, 2020 10:56 AM

Det hevdes ofte at EU er på sammenbruddets rand. Men stemmer det? Jarle Trondal og Marianne Riddervold (Høgskolen i Innlandet/NUPI) har publisert en artikkel i Samtiden om hvorfor EU vil komme styrket ut av koronakrisen.

Published Sep. 14, 2020 11:55 AM

John Erik Fossum has contributed with a chapter on Norway’s relationship with the EU in the book Euroscepticism and the Future of Europe.

Published Sep. 9, 2020 2:48 PM

Resul Umit and Katrin Auel (IHS, Vienna) have published a new article in Journal of Contemporary European Studies, analysing the vote on the 'European Union (Notice of Withdrawal) Bill' in the House of Commons.

Published Aug. 24, 2020 2:46 PM

Jarle Trondal and Marianne Riddervold (Høgskolen i Innlandet/NUPI) have published a new article in Comparative European Politics. The paper examines how the European Commission exceeds limited legal Treaty provisions in foreign and security policy (CFSP).

Published Aug. 24, 2020 2:00 PM

Jarle Trondal, Guri Rosén og Espen D. H. Olsen har utgitt ny og oppdatert utgave av boken Hvordan virker EU? (Universitetsforlaget).