New publication: Europeanization – mechanisms, dimensions, effects

ARENA's guest researcher Rafal Riedel has co-edited the book Europeanization – mechanisms, dimensions, effects (Europeizacja: Mechanizmy, wymiary, efekty), published by the Adam Marszalek publishing house.


The volume Europeanization – mechanisms, dimensions, effects, edited by Anna Paczsniak and Rafal Riedel, presents a critical review of the state of the art in the Europeanization research, with special emphasis on Polish academia. The collection embraces both theoretically oriented texts dealing with the definitions, concepts, dimensions of the Europeanisation phenomenon as well as its empirical side – illustrations and exemplifications in the largest new member state. It groups scholars from main Polish academic centres, including Warsaw, Cracow, Opole, Wroclaw and Lublin.

The volume positions the study of Europeanization among other neighboring disciplines as well as maps the Europeanization research agenda. It tracks its dynamic development (first and second generation of studies) and justifies how Europeanization offers different perspective in researching both the European Union polity as such and its member states’ political systems. It delivers the review of definitions, concepts and ways the Europeanization as a phenomenon is understood and operationalised – both in Polish literature and beyond. The objective is also to identify, describe and explain the main mechanisms of the phenomenon of Europeanization.

Published Oct. 19, 2010 2:54 PM - Last modified Jan. 26, 2022 1:10 PM