Bureaucratic Structure and Administrative Behaviour

Jarle Trondal has published the article 'Bureaucratic Structure and Administrative Behaviour: Lessons from International Bureaucracies' in West European Politics 34(4).


This article contributes to a growing literature on international bureaucracy by exploring the relationship between bureaucratic structure and administrative behaviour.

The ambition of this study is twofold: first, it explores the extent to which international bureaucracies combine two inherent behavioural logics: a logic of hierarchy and a logic of portfolio.

Second, two key empirical lessons are used to modify four conventional claims in existing research. Drawing on a rich body of data from three international bureaucracies (the European Commission, the OECD Secretariat, and the WTO Secretariat), this study suggests that administrative behaviour among international civil servants is profoundly shaped by the bureaucratic structures of international bureaucracies.

Variation in the abovementioned behavioural logics is conditioned by two aspects of bureaucratic structure: First, the accumulation of relevant organisational capacities at the executive centre of international bureaucracies, and second, the vertical and horizontal specialisation of international bureaucracies.

Published June 30, 2011 10:59 AM - Last modified Jan. 26, 2022 1:10 PM