The Practice of Diplomacy and EU Security Policy

Mai'a K. Davis Cross has published a chapter on the practice of diplomacy in EU security policy in the book New Approaches to EU Foreign Policy, which appeared with Routledge in May.  

The book New Approaches to EU Foreign Policy is edited by Maciej Wilga and Ireneusz Pawel Karolewski.

About the book

EU foreign policy once existed in the form of the European Political Cooperation with only a limited political leverage and symbolic institutional underpinnings. In recent years rapid changes have occurred, including an expanding institutional apparatus, increased responsibility and growing demand for action.

This book examines new approaches to the EU’s foreign policy that address its rapidly changing character, presenting the newest theoretical perspectives and dealing with novel empirical developments. Rather than simply considering structural variations and changes in the agency of the EU, it explores the new complexity in EU foreign policy. The authors offer new theoretical perspectives and new empirical studies dealing, among others, with issues such as: power delegation to the Commission; EU diplomacy; parliamentarisation and constitutionalisation; and committees’ involvement in foreign policy process.

The practice of diplomacy and EU security policy

Will the EU become a significant security actor with the ability to protect its common borders and make important contributions to global security? In her chapter, Cross argues that networks of high-level diplomats based in Brussels play a key role in bringing together disparate interests across member-states to make security integration possible. Two key groups – the Committee of Permanent Representatives and the Political and Security Committee – are at the pinnacle of this diplomatic activity. Drawing upon dozens of interviews, this chapter uses a constructivist approach and epistemic community framework to examine how the internal processes within these groups impact their ability to shape the trajectory of security integration.

Full info

Mai'a K. Davis Cross
‘The Practice of Diplomacy and EU Security Policy'

In: New Approaches to EU Foreign Policy
Maciej Wilga and Ireneusz Pawel Karolewski (eds)

Routledge, 2014
ISBN 978-0-415-81366-2

Published Sep. 1, 2014 11:18 AM - Last modified Jan. 26, 2022 1:12 PM