Euroscepticism and Online News Media

Asimina Michailidou contributes to a special issue of the International Political Science Review on euroscepticism. She examines EU constestation in mainstream online news media over time and across several member states.

The special issue 'Euroscepticism, from the margins to the mainstream' is guest edited by Nathalie Brack and Nicholas Startin. The volume seeks to 'unravel the complexity and diversity of opposition towards ‘Europe’ and the extent to which Euroscepticism has become part of the mainstream with regard to European political debate'.


The participation of the public in framing and debating the news has added a new layer in the making of European Union contestation and the European public sphere, traditionally driven by journalists and political elites. Drawing on news coverage of the ongoing Eurocrisis (2010–2013) and the 2009 European Parliament elections, this article examines the structure and content of European Union contestation in mainstream online news media over time and across several European Union member states. The cross-national patterns that emerge from this analysis strongly suggest that, despite the differences between the observed online news spheres, the European Union is rather uniformly contested: national politics firmly remain the key defining ‘frame’; Eurosceptic claims are very much focused on the present rather than the future; and contributors often appeal to the public’s emotions rather than reason. Furthermore, the Eurocrisis appears to have consolidated European Union contestation on the more substantial issues of power, solidarity and accountability.

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Asimina Michailidou
The role of the public in shaping EU contestation: Euroscepticism and online news media

International Political Science Review, vol.36, no. 3, 2015, pp. 324-36
DOI: 10.1177/0192512115577230

Published June 22, 2015 10:32 AM - Last modified Jan. 26, 2022 1:13 PM