Europeanising the Public Sphere

Hans-Jörg Trenz has published the chapter 'Europeanising the Public Sphere – Meaning, Mechanisms, Effects' which takes a closer look at the shift in the research agenda from the European public sphere to the Europeanisation of public and media communication.

Interdisziplinäre Europastudien: Eine Einführung is a mainly German-language publication with 22 chapters. This Springer volume is edited by Ulrike Liebert and Janna Wolff and was published as an e-Book in November 2014, with the option of purchasing individual chapters online.

About the book

The book offers basic and in-depth knowledge about 'complex Europe' though a structured introduction to historical, cultural, legal, social and political science themes relevant to European Studies. Each contribution introduces the basic European issues and perspectives of its discipline, explains key concepts and definitions, refers to the current state of the art and concludes with an outlook on current research questions.

The new agenda of 'Europeanisation'

Hans-Jörg Trenz contributes the chapter 'Europeanising the Public Sphere – Meaning, Mechanisms, Effects'. The emergence of a pan-European public sphere as a correlate of democratic governance in the EU appears desirable to some, but impossible to others. As a consequence, the research agenda of European studies has shifted from the European public sphere to the Europeanisation of public and media communication. Different forms and degrees of a 'European public sphere light' can be identified by observing the Europeanisation of existing national media spheres. In empirical research, however, the notion of 'Europeanisation' remains often very fuzzy and contested.

The new agenda of 'Europeanisation' therefore frequently follows a pragmatic research strategy that lacks theoretical grounding and methodological coherence. The present chapter aims to clarify this question of standards by following Johan P. Olsen's distinction between the what, how, and why of Europeanisation. It examines, firstly, the standards for diagnosing what is changing; secondly, the methodological standards governing how to measure the Europeanisation of public and media communication, and thirdly, the standards for explaining why Europeanisation takes place. Finally, the chapter addresses the question of the impact of Europeanisation, examining whether it promotes a qualitatively new and emerging public sphere.

Full info

Hans-Jörg Trenz
'Europeanising the Public Sphere – Meaning, Mechanisms, Effects' (e-Book)

In: Interdisziplinäre Europastudien: Eine Einführung
Ulrike Liebert and Janna Wolff (eds)

Springer, 2015
ISBN: 978-3-658-03619-5

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-03620-1
ISBN: 978-3-658-03620-1 (e-Book)

Published Feb. 4, 2015 2:19 PM - Last modified Jan. 26, 2022 1:13 PM