The German government’s ‘consensus management’ strategy

This study by Eva Krick depicts the German government’s strategy of building societal consensus on its 'energy transition'.

Journal of European Integration


This study deals with the German Federal Government’s approach of ensuring public support for its ‘Energiewende’, the swift and complete transition to an energy system based on renewable sources. First, the government’s ‘consensus management’ strategy is described as consisting of four elements: the setup of stakeholder deliberation fora; the funding of organisations dedicated to the public promotion of the energy transition; public campaigns that appeal to people’s commitment and the support of research on energy technologies. The study then traces the need for a strong social mandate of the energy transition back to the scope of the regulatory challenge and the recently growing conflicts around implementation, to institutional constraints of a consensus democracy and to the narrative of ‘Energiewende’ as the ‘grand national task’.

Full info

Eva Krick
Ensuring social acceptance of the energy transition. The German government's 'consensus management' strategy

Journal of Environmental Policy&Planning, online 2017, Pages 1-17
DOI: 10.1080/1523908X.2017.1319264

Open Access (link)

Tags: Development aid, European Union, norms, Rwanda, sanctions
Published June 8, 2017 11:13 AM - Last modified Jan. 28, 2022 9:00 PM