China, Russia, and EU-US Relations

Guri Rosén and Marianne Riddervold explore EU-US positions and responses to Chinese advances in the South China Sea and Russia's actions in the Ukraine in the Special Issue on Crises and EU-US Relations in the Journal of European Integration.


How do the EU and the US respond to rising powers making territorial claims? Are they unified in their approaches, and if not, where do their policies diverge? Transatlantic unity or dissent in response to main geopolitical issues has implications for our understanding of transatlantic security relations and for the future of global power-relations more broadly. We explore EU-US positions and responses to Chinese advances in the South China Sea and Russia’s actions in the Ukraine. Two hypotheses guide our analysis: First, that they cooperate to balance against these powers, hence strengthening transatlantic relations. Secondly, that the EU is developing policies independently of the US, thus weakening EU-US relations. Our findings suggest that despite a general coherence of American and European stance in both cases, the level of coordination varies. Instead, we find signs of weakening EU-US security relations as the EU develops a more autonomous policy vis-à-vis the US.

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Marianne Riddervold and Guri Rosén
Unified in Response to Rising Powers? China, Russia and EU-US Relations

Journal of European Integration, Vol. 40, No. 5, pp. 555-570, 2018
DOI: 10.1080/07036337.2018.1488838

Open Access (link)


Tags: Transatlantic relations, security policy, emerging powers, European Union
Published Oct. 12, 2018 2:06 PM - Last modified Jan. 30, 2022 2:08 AM