Europe at a Crossroads - Government or Transnational Governance?

With the tension between government and governance as starting point, this paper discusses the nature of the EU. Focusing on institutional aspects, it attempts to answer the question: Could the Union move be a way of democratising transnational governance?

ARENA Working Paper 35/2002 (html)

Erik Oddvar Eriksen and John Erik Fossum

Economic globalisation fosters transnational systems of governance that are seen to threaten nationally based systems of democracy. These developments raise several questions, both of a theoretical and of an empirical nature. First, what are the prospects for democratising transnational governance structures? In other words can democracy be disassociated from government? Second, what is the role of the EU – is it a transnational governance system or a fledgling system of government? Addressing these questions will help shed light on the third and final concern, namely, what is the democratic quality of the EU? The focus is on selected institutional aspects of the EU pertaining to Comitology, Courts, the European Parliament, and aspects of the process of constitution-making. Are these bodies representative of transnational governance, or of government? What are their contributions to democratizing the EU?

Tags: democratization, governance, supranationalism
Published Nov. 9, 2010 10:52 AM