Security and defence

This paper investigates the claim of a twofold change in European security and defence - regarding (i) the referent object and (ii)the best means to achieve security. To approach this issue area the concept of communicative rationality is suggested as a possible device.

ARENA Working Paper 10/2003 (pdf)

Helene Sjursen

The principal hypothesis in this paper is that a twofold change (in the referent object of security; and in the understanding and practice of the best means to achieve security) is taking place in European security and defence. In order to investigate the empirical relevance of this hypothesis, the potential utility of the concepts of communicative rationality and deliberation is highlighted. It may well be that the hypothesis turns out not to "fit" with empirical data. However, the theoretical possibility that it is relevant and important must at least be worked out in order for us to investigate this. To do so is particularly important at a time when numerous arguments suggest that there is something particular to European security policy. The main purpose of this paper is to suggest how the concept of communicative rationality can contribute to this endeavour.

Tags: ESDP, international relations, security/internal
Published Nov. 9, 2010 10:52 AM