This article discusses the status of EFTA and its member states in light of the EU enlargement. It argues that while enlargement has not fundamentally challenged the EEA agreement which regulate relations between EFTA and the EU, it has nevertheless induced adjustments which may question the legitimacy of this agreement in its present form.

ARENA Working Paper 02/2005 (pdf)

Ulf Sverdrup

Strengthening of European integration has also had administrative implications, such as the development of a networked-administrative system where national agencies serve simultaneously the Commission and national authorities. The paper discusses the development of such a structure of cross-cutting cleavages and loyalties, focusing on the case of the Danish IT and Telecom Agency.

ARENA Working Paper 03/2005 (pdf)

Gitte Hyttel Nørgård

The paper treats the classic question of EU legitimacy and debates whether the convention establishing a Constitutional Treaty for Europe has managed to overcome the EU legitimacy deficit. Deliberative theory is applied to evaluate the constitutional process, concluding that the convention by way of increasing reflexivity managed to redress some of the aspects of this deficit.

ARENA Working Paper 04/2005 (pdf)

John Erik Fossum

This paper reflects on the position of the Constitution for Europe in relation to liberal-democratic theory. While clearly not a Constitution in the strict sense of the term, the Treaty nevertheless provides a potential for future democratic consolidation at the EU level. This requires, however, that the scope of the Treaty is not over-constitutionalised.

ARENA Working Paper 08/2005 (pdf)

Agustín José Menéndez

This paper is on whether the parameters of power politics in Europe are changing and whether the EU can be described as a cosmopolitan polity in the making. In other words: Is it the case that the popular sovereignty principe must yield to fundamental human rights?

ARENA Working Paper 09/2005 (pdf)

Erik Oddvar Eriksen

What is the relevance of bureaucratic organization to the studies of democratic governance today? With Max Weber as point of departure, this paper discusses the fruitfulness of bureaucracy to political analysis. With regards to empirics, furthermore, the paper argues that bureaucracy as method of governance is far more viable than the market and network paradigms suggest.

ARENA Working Paper 10/2005 (pdf)

Johan P. Olsen

This article discusses whether deliberation and decision-making on the constitutional norms of the EU can contribute to render it more democratic. Observing the procedural changes to constitution-making introduced with Laeken (notably the Convention), it is argued in the paper that such changes have made some progress towards rectifying the Union's legitimacy deficit.

ARENA Working Paper 13/2005 (pdf)

John Erik Fossum & Agustín José Menéndez

This paper addresses the longer-term implications of contemporary developments in the EU. The processes of forging a constitution and establishing a closer political unity are put into perspective; it is found that European discourses - the way we talk and conceive of the EU - have taken a qualitative leap towards a more statist conception of the Union.

ARENA Working Paper 21/2005 (pdf)

Thomas Christiansen

How does the EU's organisational structure affect its impact on domestic governments? This paper investigates Council and Commission influence on national governance. By empirical data from Norway and Sweden it is shown that while the Council consolidates administrative hierarchies, the Commission disrupts such traditional structures by by-passing them.

ARENA Working Paper 22/2005 (pdf)

Torbjörn Larsson and Jarle Trondal