Towards a networked-administrative system in the EU? The case of the Danish IT and Telecom Agency

Strengthening of European integration has also had administrative implications, such as the development of a networked-administrative system where national agencies serve simultaneously the Commission and national authorities. The paper discusses the development of such a structure of cross-cutting cleavages and loyalties, focusing on the case of the Danish IT and Telecom Agency.

ARENA Working Paper 03/2005 (pdf)

Gitte Hyttel Nørgård

With the continuous expansion of the European project in both depth and width the administrative dimension of integration has gained increased attention. An example is the networked-administrative system, where patterns of conflict and cooperation might cut across national borders and thus partly replace territorial lines of division with functional and sectoral lines. This paper analyses how the Danish IT and Telecom Agency has acted in preparation and implementation of the New Regulatory Framework for Telecommunication in the EU. The purpose is to explore the possible establishment of a networked- administrative system in which national regulatory authorities serve both the national government and the EU Commission in a ‘double-hatted’ manner. Does this also happen in a country that is known for having a strong hierarchical state tradition, one of the best developed coordination structures for handling EU affairs and in addition being reluctant to profound European integration?

This paper was published in 2006 as a book chapter in M. Egeberg (ed.) The Multilevel Union Administration, Houndmills: Palgrave MacMillan.

Tags: network approach, multilevel governance, regulatory politics, public administration, implementation, telecommunication policy
Published Nov. 9, 2010 10:52 AM - Last modified May 10, 2016 11:39 AM