Conjunctural Causation in Comparative Case-Oriented Research: Exploring the Scope Conditions of Rationalist and Institutionalist Causal Mechanisms

This paper discusses qualitative comparative methodology as applied within a “small-N” research design, with its potential use for specifying the scope conditions of causal mechanisms.

ARENA Working Paper 28/2005 (pdf)

Jonathan P. Aus

This paper highlights one of the major benefits of qualitative comparative methodology as applied within a “small-N” research design, namely its potential use for specifying the scope conditions of (theoretically competing) causal mechanisms. It is argued that the identification of set-theoretic relationships, multiple paths, and analytic efforts in typological mapping can make valuable contributions to the elaboration and further development of middle-range theory.

Tags: political science, institutionalism, methodological issues
Published Nov. 9, 2010 10:52 AM